
Hey MsPiggy, Welcome! I too am a newbie to this forum with a boat load of weight to shift!

I look forward to seeing u around and see ur journey!

Too true Zafi we will do it this time, im just loving this forum, and will get even better when i have the slightest idea of what im doing:) still finding my way around, there is just so much really helpful stuff and everyone is so nice.:)
"speaking as a smurf, clothes do look so much better on tall folk"

Lol, isn't it funny how the grass is always greener on the other side? I'm tall, big-boned, with poker straight blonde hair, and I always look at petite, curly brunettes with envy, feeling large, boorish and inadequate! But then shorter / brunette women always say: "Oooh i wish I was as tall / blonde!".

Grass, greener, etc!

I think we all have to learn to love ourselves just the way we are - I am sure that confidence looks good on all folks, small or big, short or tall, blonde or brunette. Right? (Sooo much easier said than done, though!)

Welcome to Minismins...wishing you lots of losses :)
Good Luck!!! I'm just starting today - can't wait to see my first weight loss! Sick of seeing the scales rising! So depressing!
I'm turning 34 soon and i'd love to be at my goal weight by my 35th birthday. Gives me a bit over a year to lose 75lb. I'm gonna try my butt off!
I'm stalking you mspiggy! hehe no am just needing to communicate with like minded ppl for the support at the mo as it's such early days for me am on day 2 and counting ! speak soon good day today for all of us I hope!