Muffy's battle with her self! 16 weeks 100% ....

I've just thought about it and I think im now 1 stone 7 ish down this year! I can't be bothered to go back and check but I think I was 17.6.8 in January? So, I'm now 15.13ish so a stone and a half isn't too terrible. It's better than being 17stone, 18stone or even 16 stone! X
Just jotting this down. im rubbish at math! i have worked out the days i have left wrong. i thought i had 116 days til my holiday but iv just worked it out again and i still have 114 but im on day 5 of the diet so its 5/118. thats means i have 16 weeks -1day until i go away. I want to Lose another 60lb or to be 11st 9 by my holiday. I need to average -3.75 lb a week over next 16 weeks to get into overweight and not be obese. I know it's just a label and bmi isn't the point but I'm just sick of being obese :( x

I had my favourite (Chocolate shake) at 12 not hungry at all but Im having a terrible fibro day plus had a tiff with hubby so thought about toast and custard creams for a split second, decided to clean the kitchen instead! I have stopped to rest after washing up but ill get the rest done even if it takes me all day :) x
Well done on resisting the emotional eating Muffy. :)
Mere x
I'm well pleased with myself mere. I finished the kitchen and got the lounge done too.

My toddler and 2nd eldest (the monster and the prince ;) ) have gone to sleep at my parents. I thought ooh peaceful without monster so night in ... take away... wine.... But made myself a pack instead :) yay. Day 5 almost over and 1 pack to go before bed xx
Good choice Muffy.:D
Mere x
Had my last pack at half 6 and then chilled on the Sofa all evening. In bed now. Roll on day 6 its mad that only 2 more days and ill have done a week already.

Off out with kids and hubby tomorrow to soft play which is always full of other parents eating the best smelling/looking jacket potatoes and panini's while their kids play. Iv never tasted the food there as always only ever been there while on exante for some reason and last time I drove myself crazy and promised myself ill never go there again unless I can have a jacket potato with tuna and side salad. The kids have only had 1 day out all holidays so I have to take them as I promised to let them chose where to go but its going to be hard.... ill survive... I HAVE TO!!
You may have never tasted the food there Muffy, but you do know what a jacket spud and tuna tastes like;)
You dont need it.
You need to have the feeling of being thin on holiday, MORE than you need any jacket spud with whatever in it :)
Have a great day out :)
You may have never tasted the food there Muffy, but you do know what a jacket spud and tuna tastes like;)
You dont need it.
You need to have the feeling of being thin on holiday, MORE than you need any jacket spud with whatever in it :)
Have a great day out :)

Very true marge! Thinking of taking a bar and a zero with me and see if I can resist them the whole time I'm there. Then ill be well happy to stay strong enough to resist the food and the bar. I know that's t**s up but I know there's a method in my madness haha x
Laying in bed awake this early even though monsters not here and I could get a lie in :( in so much pain I need to get up and move about. My belly is making lots of noise too. I do like to feel my empty belly it's all squishy! :)

Must stock up on mint tea today while I'm out .....
WOW!! Not only are you back but your're back with a vengeance!! 15s already well done hun! Your more positive I can already see that, the lbs are falling away :D xx
At soft play. Been here a little while, apart from a couple eating ham baguette and chips its been pretty food free so far. The kids have drank half my coke zero and I'm not even tempted by the bar in my bag so looking good :)
Popped to Tesco for mint tea for me and sandwiches, crisps and chocolates for kids. Stopped at my parents for a cuppa and had my bar. Looking forward to getting home now as its pouring with rain. Cook the family dinner and then watch Saturday night tv. Perfect!!