My 99-Day Countdown - hopefully!

Thanks Rebekah - I have them now, so I will try them!

Just had half a Chocolate Truffa Bar - pleasant enough and I think I can safely say that they should assist me on the way - assuming my daughter doesn't keep trying to tempt me with Pick n Mix!
Thanx for stopping by,
loving your countdown, will make it easier to get through each day as its not giving you the same pressure. Really looking forward to seeing your first weeks loses.
the truffa bar reminded me of mars bars but I think they are great for the snack monster that lurks round corners in the evening. Whoop to a near finished 4th day :)
Hi well done for day 4 :) I seem to have the same evening snack monster! x
WooHoo - Day 5!

Been a bit of a hectic morning, so been up for 5 hours, but not yet 'eaten'! Had a couple of bottles of water, but I'm starving!

Got a bit of a busy day ahead baking and decorating cakes - uh oh! Need to make sure that I'm fed and watered before I start to alleviate any temptation!

Scale addiction continues - still going South, yippee - sadly, just like a few of my body parts - yuck!

I'm kinda getting to that stage in the diet where the bloated feeling has disappeared and realised what an asset it was to my now water-bed texture belly! I know I'm doing my body the world of good by being on this diet, but I've got up this morning and I'm feeling like everywhere is wobbling!

Still - I'll keep telling myself that the fat is loosening up, as it gets ready to be burned off and annihilated - hopefully forever :D
You're doing really well, just keep it up :)
I don't quite feel that way yet about the wobbliness but there is a definite curve in of the belly that I have spotted! All good, hope the cakes and snack monster behave today
Thanks Ladies - Finally a chance to sit down!

Cake Pops, cake - and temptation - safely out of the way! I spend my life surrounded by cake, but I must say, the spell of freshly baked sponge is almost irresistible! Fortunately, I erred on the side of almost!

My daughter is tucking into BBq Ribs and Chicken, which I must say are even more tempting than cake! Nevertheless, I've consoled myself in a Chocolate Shake- very nice, I must say!

I can't believe that I've been on this diet for nearly a week. DD - hope you too have had a fantastic Day 5.

94 more days to go..................
after your post I went and checked, my belly is certainly more squidgable!!! roll on Monday

Glad you avoided cake and ribs :)
Looking forward to seeing what you've lost in your first week.
After sitting reading about the chicken and ribs my mouth is watering,think I should go and eat something now.
Have a great 100% weekend.
Right - Day 6 (did I really say that?) - begins with a vengeance!

Not really..............

Slow start and off to look at schools with my daughter - water and shake before I left. Not doing great on water today, so will have to really up the anti on that!

Physically, feel slimmer and absolutely fine, albeit a bit tired. Can't really believe 1st week is nearly over!
So how did it all go today? I had every intention of going out today, but just never happened, ended up in my room watching movies and putting things on ebay to raise some cash to keep doing this diet,lol.
Youve only got tomorrow to get out of the way to see your first weeks results.
hope you had a good day, I was opposite found I got the water in fine but then had to force the packs down, so much so only just finished todays batch. One more day and we see what we have worked towards!!
Not a particularly great day yesterday! I eventually managed to drink about 3 litres of water, but only managed to consume some chicken, prawns and one shake! Still, I guess it's better than over-eating and shouldn't have affected ketosis!

(Note to Self - Must do better!)

Today's another day. Actually got my photo-happy daughter to take a picture of me yesterday. She actually looked at me and said you have lost weight - I can actually see your waist! I did think 'How dare you!', however, I had to remind myself that I've brought her up to always tell the truth.......

A bit of body analysis this morning has confirmed that fact, although overall, my soon-to-be-six-pack currently resembles a plaited brioche loaf, with all its grooves and ins and outs! The consumption of water is helping the lymph-oedema overall, and I can honestly say that my cankles are remotely resembling ankles - Hurray!

I can actually see veins in my feet, as opposed to being able to create a Leerdammer cheese effect on them, which again is lovely! However, I must say that the beginning of this body transformation concerns me slightly with regard to the effect on my shoe collection, which is probably worth thousands. I keep telling myself it's a small price to pay.............

So onto today, which will be another testing one. The early part of the day will be spent in church, so no temptation there and I can happily feed on the Word!

Unfortunately, that will be followed by a birthday dinner at Mum's with the whole family - all 20 of us - which usually constitutes a feast more than reminiscent of the Last Supper! The poor dining table usually creaks under the weight of the food - and without me eating, it should be creaking a bit longer! Fortunately, my SisinLaw is also on a carb-free diet, so my meat and protein plate shouldn't stand out in the crowd. Perhaps I'll just stick to washing up duty!

DD - wishing you a wonderful Day 7 - can't wait to see tomorrow's results!

Well done, staying in ketosis always preferable to falling off. I was the same yesterday, no time, so just stayed in k land :)

Woohoo unveiling abs always nice :) hehe

Xxx keep up the good work
that post made me giggle but also mad me think of my body! got some more dents in the belly, feet don't seem much different but I... actually yes, they have veins! Hope you have a good day, same to you about tomorrow :D
It's been a long old day - and not a great one!

Managed a shake and a bottle of water before church - managed another bottle after. Didn't do too badly at Mum's - sadly, there was no chicken on the table, so had some sliced roast lamb, broccoli and cauliflower, accompanied by water. No idea on the weights of the food - and wasn't going to draw attention to myself by asking for the scales - but don't think I exceeded the limits, in fact, probably stayed well under. Not done too well on the water front though, which is a bit irritating, as that makes 2 days in a row. Managed to guzzle down a 1 litre of water since I've come home, as well needed, but haven't had a shake, just in case I went over at mum's. Don't feel too hungry either.

Well, way in day tomorrow - so over and out until then!
tomorrow we will get our rewards! hope you get a good result :) thoughts with you and will be looking forward to comparing
Good Morning, Scale-Day!

Sorry - what did you say - I've lost a tenner? Never!

Not too good to be true - 10lbs gone - Woo Hoo! (Sorry - My new word of the moment!) If that's not inspiration enough, then what is? And that's with 2 not so great days! Needless to say, things are getting easier, and even if circumstances don't allow to stay to plan completely, wisdom (and resistance!) should persevere.

I don't have any engagements at present in my diary this week, so sticking to plan should be much easier. Going to really try and get in between 3 and 4 litres of water a day, and probably stick more to shakes than anything else - also helps on the water intake!

Day 92 - Really nice to meet you!
whoop! well done you!! :D