My Diary - JCH's slimdown to 40!

I think everyone suffers when they change what they eat. Atkins recommends pysillium husks - i used for first month and then discovered half a mim a day did the trick. What an excuse to eat mims all week:D.

Interestingly after 3-4 months my body adjusted and i no longer need extra fibre - body seems happy on protein and veg:)
Morning Jayne... hope things are moving now? :)
Thanks for the tip about psylium husk Katie, I'll pop along to H&B today and get some. Still no movement, although stomach was groaning like billyo last night and it woke up my hubby lol. :eek: The good news is official WI today and 2lb off, so hopefully if the husk kicks in this weekend, I could be on for a better loss next week :)
Hi Jayne and welcome to Atkins :D (I am one of the perennial ones who never "go" regularly but have been like that all my life so can't blame it on atkins - just a rubbish digestive system) hope the psyllium works for you x
Great news on the weight loss Jayne!! :)
Thanks Bren. I've never been a once a day girl either, but I know I am worse than before. I have now purchased the psyllium husk from my local health food store and also got some epsom salts, as the lady in the shop advised 5ml teaspoon of that and 5ml teaspoon of bicarb of soda in water before bed and she guarantees, there will be 'movement' tomorrow. Here's hoping. Just another question. Would I be ok having 1 or 2 vodka and coke zero's this evening? Not touched alchohol yet and don't really want to risk coming out of ketosis, but I read somewhere that 1 or 2 shouldn't hurt if its spirits and diet mixer? I am anticipating a stall if I do have a couple. Just wondered how everyone else fairs with a very occasional glass or two of spirits?

Let me know how you get on with the Epsom salts Jayne - never tried that! Lol ... Will for others to advise on voddie lol :)
Morning all. Decided against the vodka and had Dr Pepper Zero on its own instead. Didn't want to risk making myself ill. Oh and I'm pleased to report Di, that the Epsom Salts worked a treat!!
Well done on the vodka Jayne and good to know the salts work! :)
Yes good tip about the salts, I'm pleased to say I'm back to normal today and feeling much better. :D I also think going to the gym for an hour today and yesterday helped a lot too. Don't feel as sluggish now.
Morning Jayne :)
Morning jayne, I haven't had epsom salts in years and years, but I can still remember that strange taste. LOL
Hi Jayne, good to hear all going well:D
Morning Jayne :)
Afternoon everyone, not been on all week, have been working away, but have to say I've been a good girl and stuck to the plan to the letter. I even brought the salts with me just incase I needed them, but so far so good :) WI tomorrow, so will update again, hopefully with good news! Have a good weekend. Jayne
Congrats on sticking to the plan Jayne :) That's ace news! Can't wait to hear the result of your WI, bet it's gonna be a goodie! x
Well done sticking to plan working away:D. Looking forward to your wi results!