My Diary

It certainly is Lexie . I can feel it in my bones :) literally :)
It's going to be a fantastic year for us all

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OK back again, I can see I'm going to be spending more time around here to keep me on the straight and narrow. A good day today, I'm pleased, almost relieved! to be back on track. I did some EA Sports Active this afternoon, 31 minutes step, 300 calories followed by an "arm" workout for toning, another 66 calories. (I'm being bridesmaid in May, halter neck dress, need to tone the arms/shoulders, upper back!) I had a WW ready meal with a slice of bread for dinner (odd, but very nice!) and will do some shopping tomorrow. Time to shake things up a bit on the food front, I'm getting a bit bored and have been reading a few diaries (Lexie!) for inspiration so I'll get a few different things. I'm going to get a load of salad to stuff in to pitta and to munch on. Weigh in in the morning, not looking forward to recording the Christmas gain but it has to be done. I'll let you know!

KB x
Ah Kitty thanks for saying that but I don't see that I am an inspiration, you have lost nearly as much as me! I am just completely focussed this time which hasn't happened since I was 21 & got to goal weight..... Onwards & downwards honey xx
Ah Kitty thanks for saying that but I don't see that I am an inspiration, you have lost nearly as much as me! I am just completely focussed this time which hasn't happened since I was 21 & got to goal weight..... Onwards & downwards honey xx

Well it's true what they say. Weight loss has nothing to do with what you put in your mouth and all to do with what goes on inside your head. Get your head in the right place and the rest will follow along after...
OK on the scales this morning and I have gained 3 pounds and I'm delighted! Could have been SO much worse. So I'm taking 206 as my start for the Easter challenge. I've been shopping and bought some goodies for my meals so looking forward to tucking in to those. here we go!

KB x
Ok so 14 stone 10 pounds is the officially the heaviest I am going to be in 2012. Mind you, it will be a challenge as days/nights out are all of a sudden coming out of the woodwork. I am off to my Mums tomorrow for my dinner, no low fat option and no control over what I get to eat unfortunately. I'll just have to do my best. Then I'm off to England for a weekend at the end of January, luckily to my health freak friends so should be ok, although alcohol calories could mount up. I'm not going to worry too much about about the odd day here and there, this is a long term plan and these things will come along regardless so I'll just do the best I can. I have a bridesmaids dress to fit in to in May, it is already ordered and will be fitted sometime after March so I'm hoping to have a good bit off me by then, then I'll be afraid to lose too much more in case it doesn't fit! I'm sure it will be fine. Anyway, I'm rambling again but I am really looking forward to 2012. the past couple of years haven't been great with one thing and another so 2012 has got to be better.

KB x
I am SO proud of myself tonight. We always have pizza on a Saturday night, not take out, just Tescos but up to now I have been allowing myself a couple of slices (or actually, if I'm honest, half a pizza) Tonight I got them out of the freezer, looked at them and then said to myself "I can have this pizza if I want it but I choose not to" so I decide not to eat it rather than feeling deprived. I made pizza for the starving masses and then I made myself a HUGE salad of chicken, ham and then loads of tomato,cucumber, celery, lettuce, carrot, onion and a small amount of Low Low grated cheese. It was lovely and now I am feeling very virtuous! Long may it continue. I have also done 31 mins of step (300 cals) and a mile or so of a walk, half of it up a steep hill. All good!

KB x
Well Done KB I think the feeling you get of being in control is much better than the taste of the pizza would've been. My hubby & son had a pizza takeaway & I had a slice of ham & a load of veg with it x
Oh well done us, I might even look forward to weighing in on Friday, although I'm terrified of a residual Christmas weight gain for some reason. Feeling good!

Still feeling good today, all is well food wise and attitude wise too! Off to my Mum's shortly, I had thought we were having a sit down meal but turns out too many of my siblings are turning up so it will be a buffet which will make my choices much easier. There won't be too much low fat stuff I imagine but I can pass on dessert and make the best possible choices. Wish me luck!

KB x
Enjoy the time with your family and well done on being strong minded last night.
Well I tried, I really did but I fear the Tango man may be a-coming to visit anyway. No low fat option as predicted, I didn't have any dessert and I did do my best with cold meats and salad but also ended up with cocktail sausages and mozzarella and cream cheese bites :eek::eek: Anyway, I'm proud of myself for not having dessert or cheese and biscuits and only a couple of glasses of wine but COULD DO BETTER! And I will.

KB x
It looks like you did your best. We can't control everything in life and have to make choices that are reasonable sometimes rather than perfect. So I think you did great. Just need to convert your mum to low fat cooking in 2012 :)

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Thank you, ladies. I am back in full control, Tesco shop is done so no excuses and I have managed to get rid of all biscuits/cakes/chocolates from the cupboards. Just in time for my husband to tell me his parents are calling this afternoon (they live about 60 miles away) after they leave his sister to the airport. There is not a single decent bite for them to eat :eek: I bought some scones for my husband to take to work with him tomorrow, they may have to be sacrificed and he'll have to do without. I'm sure he'll manage.
Teaching my Mother low fat cooking for 2012 is complete non starter I'm afraid. She is 77, prides herself on her cooking (which is fab) but has no concept of low fat. This may be why all her children struggle (some more successfully than others!) with their weight.
Anyway, that's all for now, I'm back in the zone and planning some exercise this afternoon to keep me going. More later perhaps,

KB x
For the store cupboard next time you shop Tesco do Light Choices raisin or cranberry biscuits like garibaldis. They're near the cereal bars.

The raisin ones are 55 cal/.6g fat each so well under the 5g/100g rule they're packed in 3's within the packet and taste good. We use them if we've got friends around-put out some biscuits pass them around & I can take something without appearing to eat differently and it doesn't matter if other people eat them.

I'm fine as long as things aren't open so hopefully you wouldn't find them tooooo tempting.
Must have a look at those, thank you. Well they made do with scones and jam after all and since I'm not a fan I didn't have anything at all. I then managed 31 minutes of step (303 cals) before having a huge salad again for dinner which I really enjoyed. We had left over apple crumble from Mum's yesterday which I'm not keen on either so the rest of them had that while I had Light Choices caramello ice cream. It was gorgeous! Feeling good now, perhaps a small glass of vino later, perhaps not!

KB x