My Diary

Lexie2005 said:
OMG I read that as let's eat the dolphins!!!

Eating is on the brain.. My sense of humour got the better of me lol
hey hun! hope you are ok...

weekends are shocking sometimes, but im sure you will sort it out this week!
lol, its just nice to be able to sit on the laptop and not be sitting at a desk! :)
I've had a good few days and am feeling great today, thinking of all the weight loss possibilities and how I could look for my holidays in the summer etc. A wedding in May too although \i'll be measured for my dress properly at the end of March and can't go too mad losing more after that! Looking forward to weigh in tomorrow despite the dodgy weekend.

KB x
Can't believe I didn't put it here, I put it everywhere else! 2 off this week which I'm really pleased with. Weekends are an issue for me but probably always will be, I definitely eat more/too much so I have decided to off set that with exercise. So far today I have done my arm exercises (bridesmaid dress will expose arms and shoulders although with halter neck so have started daily arm exercise regime) and then I walked the dog in the cold/wind/rain/mud/sand/sleet for about an hour. I have just changed out of the soggy clothes, thawed out and had my lunch. This afternoon I plan to do my "active" step workout and more arms this evening. Same again tomorrow hopefully. I'm hoping that will address any over indulgence with alcohol and food although I'll try to keep that under control too. Have a great weekend!

KB x
Can't believe I didn't put it here, I put it everywhere else! 2 off this week which I'm really pleased with. Weekends are an issue for me but probably always will be, I definitely eat more/too much so I have decided to off set that with exercise. So far today I have done my arm exercises (bridesmaid dress will expose arms and shoulders although with halter neck so have started daily arm exercise regime) and then I walked the dog in the cold/wind/rain/mud/sand/sleet for about an hour. I have just changed out of the soggy clothes, thawed out and had my lunch. This afternoon I plan to do my "active" step workout and more arms this evening. Same again tomorrow hopefully. I'm hoping that will address any over indulgence with alcohol and food although I'll try to keep that under control too. Have a great weekend!

Well done on the 2lbs KB! And on the exercise too :D
I don't see a problem with the strategy you've come up with to offset the extra food/alcohol with fact, it sounds like a sustainable, rational plan to me.
I have a friend who I see as my healthy lifestyle role model. She's a size 8/10, eats healthily during the week, goes to the gym, walks to work (do you hate her yet? ;)) She can even open a bag of minstrels, and just take 3-4 out, leaving the rest of the bag for another day....:eek:
Anyway, she does all that healthy stuff, but she always has a pizza or a curry at the weekend, and she always drinks wine on Saturdays and Sundays (and plenty of vodka if we go out together)....but she never gains weight because she's got it under control.
Sounds like you're doing the same kind of thing, except that you're losing weight too.
It's all about making whatever plan we're doing fit into our lifestyle isn't it? Otherwise it's never going to work - or if it does, we'll just gain it all back when we go back to our normal ways!

Well that's my ramble over with!
Have a great week! :D
You're right, Alex, this is a for life regime so I've got to make it fit.
Anyway, I was at the doctor this morning for the first time in over a year to get Xenical. I had been on it, came off it, put on weight and started losing again with the help of 1 months supply I had left. Anyway, went in today to ask nicely for more, got weighed etc and she was very positive. Things have changed a little since I had them before, I used to get 3 months supply at a time. Today she gave me a months supply and told me to make an appointment with the nurse for a months time. If I had lost weight I would get more, if not then I wouldn't. She didn't stipulate how much weight which is good. Anyway I have more so that's good.
I had my usual wobbly weekend but tried to exercise plenty to offset it. I will do my best this week but am off to England on Friday for the weekend and have no doubt there will certainly be alcohol calories if not worse. It is only every 6 months and is a special treat for me so I'm not going to deprive myself but have no plans to go mad either, the people I am visiting are health freaks so shouldn't be too hard. In theory.
Shopping is all done this morning too so plenty of good healthy food in the house, no excuses!

KB x
Good to see you back, Rach and good luck with the restart.
Still feeling good here. I've been out for an extended walk this morning, normally walk No2 son to school, taking the dog with us, then high speed home again to jump in the car to take No1 son to school (he has special needs so can't get on the school bus). Anyway, my husband took him this morning, leaving me with no car so Granny will pick him up and bring him home at 4. This meant I could extend my walk this morning because I was in no rush so came back the longer way via the shore and gave the dog a run on the beach.
This afternoon I will walk round to get No2 son again, with dog, and then high speed march to his piano teacher's house, then I'll walk the dog for the half hour he is in there and then we'll walk home. Arm exercises too will be done so all good!
Food is under control too so hoping for a good loss this week. Onwards and downwards!

KB x
Man if that wAlking doesn't do it I don't know what will! You go girl!