My Diary

thanks dusty I am same avoiding anything that made me out of breath and that was everything for to be honest, im in a first floor flat and going down stairs to put out the buckets was put off till I was going out as I could not handle the huffing and puffing.
The wee honey in my picture is Iam soomalder who plays Damon Salvetor in Vampire diaries very cute and would break my plan to BITE him :p
Mmmmm, there's a few people I might break my diet to bite too! George Clooney would be top of my list, closely followed by Russell Brand (see I'm a walking cliche, but honest it's his mind that attracts me :p). But I don't know who Damon Salvetor is, off to google him now.
Hope it doesn't throw up any rude words or i'll have the ICT technician in dithering about trying to tell me I've set the security clearing alerts off :D
:eek: how can you not know him he plays the bad boy vampire and he plays it well :p too well (im borderline stalker) heh,
taking deep breaths to calm myself down I cant believe because I ask about drinking a diet juice I have to watch myself for a slippery slope :rolleyes::rolleyes: I dont want to say something I regret but what I will say is I have enough with family and friends telling me how bad this plan is without ppl on here telling me im on a slippery slope because I wanted to know why drinking cola zero is not allowed not be told a drink or a bit pepper will lead me down the slippery slope!!!!!!!! Iv commited myself to this plan and do not need anyone telling me I could end up doing something to ruin my diet I would like to say I dont need that kind of support. RANT OVER
WOW! you've lost 30lb in 3 weeks?? what a huge motivation for you. Its also a huge motivation for me! Having only started LT on tuesday, first couple days been fine cos at work but off today and think weekend may be a struggle without even a glass of wine to cheer me up.

Well done. I am SOOOOO impressed. Thats over 2 stone!!!A mazing
thanks siany
this is what makes it worthwhile you will have hard days lovie but the losses make it so worth while and my tip for your missing glass of wine is have your water in a wine glass :D just pretend its wine,
Wait till your first weigh in you will be amazed and that keeps you going for the next week x
Good tip;) gotta get used to it! Think will miss alcohol more than food... especially as I only re-started my social life in may after being shut away for 3 years. The only thing with this is you cant reward yourself with something you love after each weeks loss. Saying that, wearing smaller clothes and feeling less slobish will compensate I hope!:)

Thanks for your words of wisdom. I am hoping these forums are going to be what I need to get me thru... I have started my own diary on here but it hasnt been posted yet, not sure why!
siany you will get great encouragement on here ignore my ranty one I think im cranky :eek: there has been days when i have struggled its only normal I think cause its such a hard plan but the members on here always pull me through it and they will for you as well.

I too dont go out too ashamed but I cant wait to start going out just think the money you save not drinking will let you buy more clothes to go out .
welcome aboard lovie will be looking out for your weight loss posts xx
Re ~rewards.... pampering!!! if you can afford too that is. Find a good cheapish salon with good deals and treat yourself once a month, manicure, pedicure, facial, hair etc etc Or DIY at home?? XX
taking deep breaths to calm myself down I cant believe because I ask about drinking a diet juice I have to watch myself for a slippery slope :rolleyes::rolleyes: I dont want to say something I regret but what I will say is I have enough with family and friends telling me how bad this plan is without ppl on here telling me im on a slippery slope because I wanted to know why drinking cola zero is not allowed not be told a drink or a bit pepper will lead me down the slippery slope!!!!!!!! Iv commited myself to this plan and do not need anyone telling me I could end up doing something to ruin my diet I would like to say I dont need that kind of support. RANT OVER

I saw that message too and was hoping it had been said tongue in cheek but hadn't come across well in the written word! Otherwise, what a bloody cheek!!!

You can tell I'm home now, swearing online without fear of the security filter picking me up!:p
Re ~rewards.... pampering!!! if you can afford too that is. Find a good cheapish salon with good deals and treat yourself once a month, manicure, pedicure, facial, hair etc etc Or DIY at home?? XX

I couldn't agree more. Off to get my nails done right now! My new fortnightly treat since starting LT. Well....I am worth it.

See, told you I was a walking cliche!;)
thanks Dusty it takes a lot to rile me but I dont need to be told where my questions or decisions are leading me on a slippery slope I struggle every day not to binge or stuff myself till I cant move and when Im doing well on what is a hard plan I dont need a wagging finger :D if I wanted that I could just call my mother or for a right bashing call my lovely X Husband :rolleyes:
Not the first time iv not liked a certain comment but first time iv reacted but hell a glass of zero cola or even shock horror a shake of pepper wont have me running to the chinese, a more realistic perception of what will cause you to lose sight of why we are doing this is needed. AND BREATHE :D
Oh dear chuck.... don`t let who evers comment upset you hun... cheer up.. i`m sure it was well mean`t just worded badly. ( cant actually see the original ) And Dusty I did that and had my nails Calgelled.... but having a break from them now, But they were a great treat though :D L xxx
Oh dear chuck.... don`t let who evers comment upset you hun... cheer up.. i`m sure it was well mean`t just worded badly. ( cant actually see the original ) And Dusty I did that and had my nails Calgelled.... but having a break from them now, But they were a great treat though :D L xxx
It probably was loulou It probably was meant well I think I was over reacting and probably too sensitive as iv been on end of so many ppl telling me im setting myself up for failure and a bigger weight gain when I "fail" at this as they so kindly tell me I always give up and get fatter
I guess the proof will be when I shake my new body at them with a well gestured finger :D
Can't wait for that moment of finger shaking!!!

At the moment if I do any shaking it looks more like this :banana dancer: Rather insane:D

We're here to support you all the way till the finger shaking time!
Ooohhh you shake that finger girl lol and Dusty ha ha love it....:D XX
Can't wait for that moment of finger shaking!!!

At the moment if I do any shaking it looks more like this :banana dancer: Rather insane:D

We're here to support you all the way till the finger shaking time!
HAHAHAHAAHAHAAHA that has got to be the funniest thing iv ever seen and we could be twins cause it likes looking in the mirror
What a fantastic weight loss. You'll be shaking that finger in no time.x