My Final Chance

I think this is the appropriate forum for the following... Today is Friday 8 June 2012. I weighed myself this morning and I came in at 118kg. I received my exante pack yesterday. An exciting mix of soups, shakes and the all important bars. I am currently sat tapping away at my laptop with a mug of black coffee beside me. I am in a rut. Seriously, my life sucks beyond belief right now. Skipping through all of the unnecesary bits, we get to my weight. My weight goes up and down like a yo yo. Although, honestly, for the last two years it has been creeping up and up and up. In two years I have put on nearly 40kg I would estimate.

So again lets skip out alot of unnecesary babbling. I had myself an epiphany on Wednesday as I was quite quietly sat minding my own business. I hate myself. I actually really hate myself. Not because I am overweight. No I don't like to see myself in the mirror one little bit. I hate myself for becoming someone who actually sits and feels sorry for myself. I have all this stuff going on in my life and I just sit there and feel sorry for myself. That thing has clicked into my head and said pretty much "you are 24 years old and your acting as if your life is over" which to be fair that is exactly what I do. I have got so used to feeling down and letting these things happen...

My conclusion is Rome was not built in a day it took time. I can not fix all my problems today but I can start to work on them one at a time. Even if no one reads my diary, even if I have nothing of worth to offer over the forums I can get what it is I am thinking and feeling out there. So day one it is. I am prepared for a degree of mental torture and headaches within the first several days. One step at a time.


You should already be proud of yourself for taking this massive step forward in taking control of not only your weight but your life. Take each day at a time on your exante journey and as you tick of the days, your smile will grow bigger as you take more and more control.

The first few days can be rough but it is doable and there are loads of people on here that are proof of that.

I wish you lots of success and hope to see you posting with details of how well you are doing.

The support on this forum is invaluable.

Good luck!
Hi Rachel,

I want to say I completely understand how you feel. Today I weighed myself 8th June and was shocked to discover I am 85kg (the heaviest I have ever been in my life). I had a baby a year ago and keep using the "pregnancy weight" as an excuse as I watch all the other slender yummy mummies. When I got married 5 five years ago I was 55kg. I am an emotional eater - and eat when I am stressed and feel depressed. i realised that I eat when I am happy also! I love food and have minimal/non-existent exercise. My husband bought me a treadmill a month ago and said to me "just walk for 30 mins every day."

I have attempted to start Exante several times over the last few months but always fail at day 3. the longest has been 10 days and I'll feel encouraged by the weightloss and "reward" myself with a little treat - which then spirals out of control. Its frustrating because I know VLCDs work - having seen friends and family success and having done it previously myself before prior to getting married (although didnt have as much weight to lose as I do now). I just dont understand why I dont have the will power or complete commitment to stick to it - eventhough I deperately want to lose the weight - which is why I guess I came on here...

I'm sorry to ramble - but its to reassure you that Exante will work if you stick to it - it would be good to have a little support group if anyone is planning to start. So tomorrow or today 9th June I plan to start total solution for the umpteenth time. I keep telling myself that there are so many things I cant control in my life - but I can control this - I do have the choice not to gorge and carb overload and to make a conscious effort to lose weight!

Any words of support and success stories much appreciated!
Aw Rachel you don't need to feel sorry for yourself anymore, it's damn hard making the decision to do something about your life when you feel like that but you have done it! You're here & you're ready to start losing weight which you have identified that is one of the things making you feel so low. I suffered from depression & anxiety & have to say that even though I felt "better" when I started Exante, I can't begin to describe how good I feel now! It's worth the effort I promise & when you feel like you're struggling or stuck for ideas, just pop on here-there's always someone around to answer a question or give you a virtual kick up the bum if you need it! Best of luck with your journey :0)
Hi Rachel and a big:welcome:,I am so glad you have joined this forum you have made a massive decision to take control and we all understand that that is not easy, as the other have said before me you will get all the support you want on hear just remember, one day at a time and if you hav a bad day just start again fresh the next!
good luck and keep up with the water xx
Wow. What an amazing diary. Hello and welcome. Take each day at a time, get from morning to night. And get those lbs/ inches off x
Good afternoon Rachel, welcome and good luck on your Exante journey.

Get the first 3-4 days done and it gets much easier! Onwards and downwards, well done for taking the first step :hug99: xx
Thanks everyone. I logged on last night meaning to leave an entry but didn't actually end up having time to... So today was my fifth day. I have to say I have had a couple of little cheats. I know in terms of the diet I will not get the full benefit if I don't stick to it. So have been making the effort to stay strong. I have had a sneaky weigh in already and I am not far off of a 5 kg loss. Which I have to say I am stunned at. It is great incentive to push that bit harder.

I received my leaflet a day or two after I got my pack and after going through that and the website have come to the conclusion that I will try for four litres of water a day. Sparkling water 17p for two litres from asdas. I find it so much more drinkable than still.... I tend to find I need flavourings for still. I intend to incorporate an exercise regime within the next couple of weeks as well as I know that this will help. So far with the products. I think I am liking the tomato soup the best, I have to admit the chicken soup didn't really appeal so much to me. One thing I am finding is that the exante shakes do feel alot thicker and creamier than competitor brand such as the cambridge diet which I have to say I am rather much enjoying at the moment.

Tomorrow I am heading up to the mall with my mum as I am in desperate need of some clothes now. I must admit I do resent going shopping for clothes when the intention is that they should last no more than a month at a push but needs must. I have been feeling so much more positive within myself knowing that I am taking charge and that even if I don't see it yet or feel it that things are changing.

It is getting kind of late now I will give a proper update a bit more regular and will make sure that I put as much detail of what I am doing in.
Enjoy your shopping trip, always lovely to treat yourself even if they do only fit for a little while :)
Draw a line and start again x
Good afternoon Rachel.

Like time2go says, draw a line and start again. You were doing so well. Don't throw in the towel. :hug99: xx
Thanks. A line has well and truely been drawn under it. Although I wasn't 100% yesterday either I cracked around 6pm. So continuing onto this morning my weight loss for the first week 5kg. I am disappointed with myself because I know I could have done better. I have had two days where I wasnt 100% and two additional different days where I didnt hit my 2 litres of water. Saying that I am chuffed as anything that I am so close to a stone down in a week!!!

Funnily enough though my first week has fully reaffirmed what I love about total meal replacement diets. They are pretty all or nothing and not so forgiving when you do go through the action of cheating. Which means that when it the thought comes up most of the time you give it some real thought before you do it. I just get so impatient for the results I have so many clothes that just dont fit me anymore that I want to wear now!! I cant wait to order a smaller work shirt. Ordering a size 24 shirt because I was told "they are very fitted and not very forgiving" I dared not order any bigger than that. Although I cant wait for the weight to noticably start dropping off and have it be noticably to big for me.

I am going away on Sunday and will be away for a week until the next Monday and wont be taking my scales with me so I am really excited about sticking with it 100% and seeing the loss when I get back. To be honest I think that taking things day at a time is going to be the only way forward for me so looking a week ahead is a pretty big thing.... and oh look in the time it has taken me to do this I am a pint of water down. To be honest I was still in bed gone 10am. Bright side is I have one day at work. Tomorrow off two days on then my week away gets started :)
Right well, I am back. Due to unforeseen circumstances that I had no idea were going to happen I did not do one day 100% last week. It was my birthday on the 22 and should have been my wedding on the 23. I did not go over the top at all. I did drink though which I think would have been a killer. Although I am burying my head in the sand as to the "damage" I did last week. I am back 100% today and have got my enthusiasm back. Not even 11am and I am really enjoying it so far