My Final Chance

Glad to see you back on line, tom might affect weight, good luck
Well 1lb loss is great esp if totm sure scales will show different once that is out the way x
Well, it will be my 5th weekly weigh-in tomorrow, and i've just had a sneak peak and i havent lost a single pound. I thought that might be down to TOTM, but it's day 3 today, so surely any water retention/bloating would have gone by now :(

Feeling so fed up this morning - 5 weeks now and not one single 'cheat', have not strayed at all. I know there will be weeks when i sts, but its just so miserable, especially after joining the gym and working my butt off :(
I know it's so frustrating and disappointing ....hang in there ....I had the same prob last month I didn't weigh myself for a whole month ...and by the end of the month I had only lost 5lbs ....I went of the rails due to the disappointment and gained a whole stone in 3 weeks. Looking at your overall loss u have done so say you have been working your gut off at the experience and only mine is that if I do that I tend to stay the same or even put on weight ....they say that building muscle weighing heavier than fat and that muscle retains more fluid etc.

also what you need to think about is the fact that Atkins recommended losses are 1-2 lb a week so u are way over on that average....don't know if u use myfitnesspal I find it so helpful to get my ratios right, fat protein and carbs.

Keep positive that's all I can say but do understand how frustrating it feels

Hi orchid, like Angie says, it's disappointing and frustrating to stay the same, but as far as I can tell it happens to everyone sooner or later, no matter what diet you're on. I dip in and out of lots of forums on here and people even have sts weeks on VLCDs, so it's more or less a given at some point.

And starting an exercise programme can definitely appear to hold things up. It's the tear-and-repair process that causes it: your muscles need to repair themselves after exercise, and that requires water, which will naturally show up on the scales making you think you haven't lost anything.

Just stay focused and give it time. I'm sure you'll be on the move again soon! :)
Something I read on another forum: weeks where you sts are weeks where your body is stabilizing your weight. Getting it used to a new lower level. I know it's very hard to see a sts though. If you've been exercising more than usual do also remember that your muscles need to hang on to a bit of extra water for repair.
Agree with ML, sometimes the body has to catch up, there is a post somewhere about the body holding on to water after a weight loss while it figures out what to do, just keep going and the losses will start again. Good luck
Hi guys

Thankyou all so much for your positive comments - they helped keep me going big time!! :)

Well i got on the scales this morning.........and i've dropped a pound!! woooooooooooooooooooooo :) My weight has finally started moving again

Im so glad I listened to you all & stuck with it!!!!!

a 1lb has never been so welcome!!! Lol. Im over the moon

Aiming for 13st 7lb now!!!! That's my next target xxx
Well done and hang in there - it does work:D
Well I have been low-carbing since August & I havent strayed once - I actually feel like I am achieving something!!

Im now officially 13st 8lb!! I havent seen that weight for years & years!!

I havent even been as strict as what I could be - for instance I have strawberries and cream A LOT!! lol - but it doesn't seem to be affecting my weightloss one little bit. In fact, in part, i suppose it keeps me going because everyone has to have a treat once in a while

Im just waiting for some pork, cauli & broccoli to cook and my mouth is watering lol

Im not missing carbs one bit
Wow, that's brilliant. Brilliant losses and fantastic to be at your lowest weight. Well done and keep going!
Hi guys, I need some inspiration from you lovely people. I have been stuck at 13st 8lb for over 3 weeks now & i'm so so frustrated. Im even more peed off as I have not messed up once since I started this diet in August. I've been so strict. I've even been working real hard at the gym. The scales just arent moving - and neither are my measurements!! Im eating exactly the same as i've eaten all the way through (and i've lost 25lbs so must be doing something right) why am i having such a long plateau?? Grrrrr
Hi orchid, sorry to hear your weight is sticking - been there, and it's so frustrating.

Three weeks is technically not a stall yet: a stall is four weeks of no movement on the scales and no change in measurements, but I can understand if you're getting anxious and looking for ways to move it along.

Are you still on Induction levels of carbs (approx 20g per day) and eating only Induction foods? Because if you are, maybe it's time you moved into OWL so that you can ring the changes a bit. It could be that your body has now become so accustomed to what you're eating that it has adapted to it and become more efficient, thereby not needing to tap into its energy reserves so much. A small increase in carbs (5g a day) and a few new foods could give your system a bit of a nudge.

So maybe give it one more week to see if anything happens (there may be a whoosh waiting in the wings!) then try moving up the carb ladder a little?

Hope things start moving for you soon! :)
Oh that is tough, scrumbles advice sounds good to me....I am sticking at around the same weight for the last month, but that is my fault, I have lost focus at the moment. I hope the scales begins to move for you soon.
Weight still hasnt budged :(

Yesterday's meals.......

breakfast - 2 lo-carb sausages, bacon & eggs
lunch - burgers with cheese
dinner - chicken & cauli/broccoli

Also completed day 1 of 30 day shred
Just finished breakfast of bacon, eggs & lo carb sausage

Getting the water down me too

I need my weight to start moving, im so frustrated x
Just completed a 3.5 mile walk through the countryside, across fields. Chuffed with that :)

Just about to have a couple of burgers with cheese :)
Well done on the walk, I hope the cakes are kind to you soon.