My food diet... Coleywoley27

Lol I did it was yummy. Day is nearly done hun tea bath and bed for you lol how often do u say that to your kids!! Does sound good tho x
Found it! Subscribing.
It was lovely though I was still up at midnight :/
Tea was nice. I ended up with Chargrilled Chicken, Salad, Cheese and Broc pasta and SW Chips. Forgot how much I love adding Pasta in sauce to my meals. Didnt do the fruit though started watching a film and just got into it.

Had my HexB of Toast with a syn for Marg.
HexA is milk as always as I love my cuppa's
Lots of housework today as I didn't do it yesterday plus my darling other half locked the cats in last night thinking it was going to be a thunder storm and forgot that cats actually do need to use the toilet so our cats used the dogs cage as a toilet. Yuck!
We have a german shepherd long haired and boy do we know it. He is forever moulting. House is a fur ball!
Will probably throw a salad together for lunch and a stir fry for dinner.
2.5 syns yesterday hoping for around the same today.
Lol It's not easy! I always feel like snacking on something naughty but I am holding it together. Just!
I keep messing about... Oh this sandwich won't harm me or oh this bowl of cereal can't be that bad. Need to rethink that and remind myself that the reason you get 5-15 syns a day is because eating them things are NOT good and will harm my weight loss.
Always helps if I am kept busy. Like today I will be busy doing washing and cleaning up after the kids and animals that snacking will be the last thing on my mind.
Just hope it pays off.
Once again I am poorly planned for the week but have more in to help me. So if peckish I can have a banana instead of a peanut butter sarnie.

Your Food Diary always seems so well thought out and planned. Wish I could just get my brain to engage.
I do Ok until am home alone in the afternoon is especially bad. So gonna try again to clean wen I finish work.
Mine looks planned as I take it to work with me am not as organised wen at home
You are still looking good tho and on track keep it up xx
Yep all done :D just washing to do but my left shoulder has decided I can move it out but not back again without a nasty pain :(

Just started on dinner.
Fish Chips & Mushy peas with Cabbage and Leek side. Tried the fruit platter finally. Pineapple is nice and blueberries too. Not keen on Kiwi though. Got all my fruit in freezer ready for a big bowl of fruit to watch the TV with. Will have a nice bath first and just pig out on fruits. Oranges, Bananas, Grapes, Pineapple, Blueberries, Melon & Mango Oo and some strawberries.
Dinner is I think 2 syns.

And I am planned for tomorrow ha!
Making a veggie curry. Synfree and will shove in a ton of superfree to boot :p May add a bit of chicken and make it a chicken curry instead. Will have with SW chips. So all freeeeeeeeeee
Lol I so love free xx kiwi I think is better in a fruit salad as it can be a bit hard and tart if not quite ripe.
Have made cous. Cous not sure what I think of it. Lol it didn't help that instructions were all foreign thank god for pics
I buy the flavoured Cous Cous nice with some fish I go for the Lemon and herb with Garlic and Herb Fish.
Will shove the Kiwi in with with my fruit bowl later :)
Am not too sure what I thought of it. I put a stock cube in I had a box in my cupboard so thought should use it. Might have to try find some different things to do with it... Any ideas?
The kiwi cuts through the sweetness of the other fruits
Try putting some veggies through it maybe. I think I would find it very dull without flavor.
I ate my fruit in bed as I promised Blueberries were yack frozen! I actually almost vomited! Eurgh!

Didnt get my bath I was sooo pooped. I am on some course today to help perfect my Interview Techniques as apprantly that must be my area that lets me down as I get lots of interviews but still no work. Little do they realise that its all well and good getting a job but if I cannot do the work then I will not last. Would rather they concentrated on my health than on if I work or not. I would much rather work than be sat here watching Cbeebies all flaming day!
Other half may have a job with my dad though. I'd prefer me going to work but end of the day one of us need to get back to work. Nobody seems to give a monkies about my health and I cannot live like this forever!

Anyways enough of my rants about health and work!

Todays food diary.
HexA Milk
HexB Multi Grain Oats

Honey Oats for breakfast
On this course at lunch time so will grab some fruit on my way out the door.
Curry for dinner (Syn Free) with SW chips (The chip rub thingy is 0.5 syns)
Have fruit in freezer ready for tonight again.

Will try that then. And Frozen fruit does not really appeal to me. Good luck on.your course and your tea sounds good... Very organised of you lol :p
Apple and Banana lunch on the go. Lots of walking again. I turned down the offer of a lift and made my own way into town :)
Feet killing me but that extra dose of body magic always helps.

So hungry right now so going to have some fruit then make my curry. Sad how excited I am by food ha!
Damn munchies. Was peckish so made a peanut buuter n jelly arnie and ate 1 of kids choc bars. Feared it was like 10000 syns. Just worked it out ive had 9 syns today not ideal but it wasnt such a big slip up
Dinner was YUCK dogs even turned their noses up.
Watching film in bed atm. Once son settles properly off to eat my melon and grapes. Xx
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Really watery and not much flavor. Like soup.
I bought a veggie curry mix from Asda. It was free and worth a try.
Did not enjoy!
Won't try that again lol

Out of washing powder and have nothing to wear for the gym this afternoon :( Argh!
Time to go search my other halfs belongings haha!
Ah the Course session went well but I am feeling the burn lol.
They weighed me.
Their scales say I have maintained so pretty cheesed off as I have really tried this week.
Ah well almost weigh in time.