My Food + My Life + My Journey... Here goes!

Ally its probably fresh! Warning - They make you go to the toilet (A LOT!) LOL and its seriously stinky.. but man is it good for you and its so scrummy! That cooked with tomatoes and potatoes in a curry is delicious!

Tracey - glad i brought a smile on your face! smily faces are a joy! Defo keep in touch and let me know how you get on aswell ;) you have done a great job on losing 1st already! keep it up
period pains are kicking in full effect now! Ergh couldnt it have waited till i got home and was in my cosy bed! Not while im at work running around after customers! Blergh!
Done my observation! Really hoping for a better grade this time! I made all the suggestions my manager made, so i cant see how i cant get at least 1 grade better! Fingers crossed!
Ally its probably fresh! Warning - They make you go to the toilet (A LOT!) LOL and its seriously stinky.. but man is it good for you and its so scrummy! That cooked with tomatoes and potatoes in a curry is delicious!

We'll find out, if i can get my hands on some
I really want chocolate. But my lazyness won and i havent left my desk to get any xD
haha least its only 3.5 syns :p
Cannot believe how close i am from fitting into my target dress - a body con dress. Never in a million years did i think id get myself in a bodycon!!


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It's soooooo close, soon be there :)
Morning all!

Official WI today shows a 1.5lb weight loss! Was hoping for more, but a loss is a loss!

Went to a party on saturday which was AMAAAAAZING! IT was at Aston Villa Football Club! Proper s****!! Sunday was a bit boring, but as always the weekends let me down and i was off plan for most of the weekend! Didnt even try to stick to it.. not good!! Need to try harder!! Now my sister is home from uni its going to make it harder! But I didnt work out at all last week, and im planning on putting that back in, even going to try do the shred again! only 3 times in the week though, my non fast days! And some light boxing on fast days! Plus the squat challenge! (if anyone wants to know what the squat challenge is and would like to join in let me kno i can post it!)



B: All bran + almond milk + Sugar (hea heb 2 syns)
S: 2 Plums
L: Chicken tikka salad with light mayo (2 syns) and cheese (3 syns)
S: Banana
D: Syn Free Lamb Curry with rice and salad
T: Quavers (5 syns)

Total syns: 12

Hope everyone else had a good weekend!

Im really hoping i see my 1.5stone award and club 10 soon! SO close yet so far! Ergh!!
right so just read somewhere you cant change your weigh in days online, but you have up 2 7 days to log your weight. So im planning on changing my WI day to Wednesday as its right after a fast day rather then right after a bingy weekend! This weds i will update my WI on here but not on slimming world, and I will skip the monday WI on slimming world and WI on wednesday instead.. if that makes sense!
If you ring them up they can change it.