Starting again...
I'm jelous!
My Goal was that when my friend mandy came down to see me in dec that I would shock her and be slim ( I have not told her about my diet she lives 200 miles away)
I was going to make that night my night !
She is tall and slim and really pretty so always got the attension when we were younger, anyway she phoned me to see how I was coping after the break up, and we got on the sudject of weight loss, she said .... " Have you heard of a diet call the cambridge diet " I replied yes I have heard about it ... she then says " I have been on it and lost 3 stone Im now a size 8 "
She didnt need to lose weight now i feel really down, as shes almost stolen my goal, well thats how I feel, Im struggling and a size 18 and would have loved to be the size 12 she was... shes now skinnyyy and I wont even get noticed that ive lost anything then.,
I know Im totally jelous I will continue the diet but it still made me feel crap!
My Goal was that when my friend mandy came down to see me in dec that I would shock her and be slim ( I have not told her about my diet she lives 200 miles away)
I was going to make that night my night !
She is tall and slim and really pretty so always got the attension when we were younger, anyway she phoned me to see how I was coping after the break up, and we got on the sudject of weight loss, she said .... " Have you heard of a diet call the cambridge diet " I replied yes I have heard about it ... she then says " I have been on it and lost 3 stone Im now a size 8 "
I know Im totally jelous I will continue the diet but it still made me feel crap!