My friend is just about to start Cambridge..


Silver Member
One of my friends has recently had a baby, and has asked me for the number of my consultant because she wants to start!
I didn't give her the number of my actual lady, but i found a few others for her and gave them to her for her to contact. I didn't really like the idea of her having the same consultant as me, but i'm SO excited for her to start. I personally think Cambridge is the best diet out there (and i've tried every single one!)

Also my bestest friend is pregnant with her second bubba, due in november (when i reach my goal hahaha)
she's currently 17 stone, so im loving the fact im getting smaller & shes getting bigger.. but i'm also excited because in the new year she said she'll be starting Cambridge too! Maybe i'll even be her consultant as thats my plan once i get to goal :)
its great to have friends in the same position, as you can support each other. and good luck on your goal of becoming a consultant xx