My Goals ...Do you think these are acheivable


Going From Flab to FAB!
Ok! .. Im 18.5lbs down ...
My first goal is to be 24lbs down by my birthday 15th of May ...
Second goal is to be 31lbs down by 6th june
third goal is to be 38lbs down by the wedding 26th june

does this sound doable! .. I dont normally have huge losses usually 1.5 to 2lbs is a max each week but somtimes its only a 1lb ....
I dont want to set myself up for a fall so thought id ask see what others think!? ..

also ! ...... Id like to start doing some form of excersize to start toning my tummy arms and legs! I hate running about or jumping all over the place not keen on the gym! ...... sooooooooo any ideas for what works the best ?? and i could only do it max of twice a week ..

Thanks girls! xx
Try using Dyna bands you can get a dvd which you do 10 mins 5 times a week and they are really good(once you have the hang if it you can do it whilst watching tv & its great for home exercise)! you can get it off ebay it cost about £10 theres one Item number: 310040084710. My sister swears by it she looks great!!!
Hope you achieve your goals
Nic xx
I go on holiday on the 24th June so we both have something to aim for. I would be happy with 11 lb (1lb a week) then I will be really pleased if I get more but not upset if I dont.
Theyre totally doable :) Nice sensible targets too. Im sure youll have no problem in achieving them :)