Total Solution My Humble Diary

Hey BB Well done on another day TS!
Back on track today Did 2 packs and some protein! Gluggin water as I type
I'm SO lucky- no one into soccer here so am spared from Watchin d European Cup!

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Glad your back on track, pics of the hot and sexy oasis dress please!!
Thanks Missy, how was your day 1?

Day 1 nearly over and done with and a complete success!! yay!

I had to squeeze into my work trousers this morning so I am hoping they feel a little more comfortable tomorrow :)

Still trying hard with the water (never my strong point) and just had my last shake.

Bedtime soon :D
How has today been for you Busy? xxx
Hey girl This is it What do u think?


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shoebedoo said:
Hey girl This is it What do u think?

<img src=""/>

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Ooooh very nice - love the colour babes xx
Hi 006, thanks for your lovely comments on my Fb page xxxxxxx

Hope it's all going swimmingly at busy heights today xxx
Good afternoon pretty catkins, hope you're having an amazing fabulous day :hug99: xx
Hope you are having a great day BB xxx
Hey girl Hope u managing ok
I've finally managed a TS day Hurray Listened 2 hypnosis cd You Can Be Slim 4 d last 2 mornings for 25 mins Goin 2 keep it up in d hope it keeps me on track!! Sendin u lots of gud karma as u continue on Ur weight loss journey
Fed up of yo yoin
Here's 2 gettin down and stayin down

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Hi busy, hope you're ok?! Love that you plan what times you are going to have your packs-I'm so disorganised sometimes & I think that's how I end up at the end of the day having just had 1 or 1.5 & then have to force them down! Will give the "planning" a go :)
Hi everyone,

Thank you all for looing out for me. Sorry Ive been off forum and off plan, wont bore you with details but mainly due to being tired and stressed: Work, Dissertation and Men!!, all the responsibilty of the kids and home is all on me, he does little but get dressed and go to work :mad:. Had a bit of a meltdown. Hoping to get back on plan today. Hope your all well. xx

Shoobs the dress is gorgeous and TINY! Bet you really did look hot . Me so sick of yo yo-ing toooooo. Let me know how the dress looked.
Morning b/b sorry to hear you are having a rough time, but glad you have decided to get back on plan , hope things aren't too stressful for you at the moment look forward to catching up with your results xx
Hi everyone,

Thank you all for looing out for me. Sorry Ive been off forum and off plan, wont bore you with details but mainly due to being tired and stressed: Work, Dissertation and Men!!, all the responsibilty of the kids and home is all on me, he does little but get dressed and go to work :mad:. Had a bit of a meltdown. Hoping to get back on plan today. Hope your all well. xx

Shoobs the dress is gorgeous and TINY! Bet you really did look hot . Me so sick of yo yo-ing toooooo. Let me know how the dress looked.

Sorry I meant how the hypno cd goes...mind is all over the place
Ah poor u Totally understand Men can't multitask and need 2 b told exactly what 2 do as they can't c further than der own bellies!!!
Cd super Listened again this mornin My sub conscience mind is tellin me dat my stomach is d size of my fist and I am satisfied!!! So have had strawberry shake with sweetener 4 bfast, porridge at lunch at work as Headin 2 town with son straight after work
Part of me wud luv 2 buy a cooked chicken but I find WS days slow down weight loss so might just get sparkling water 2 keep me goin
TOTM arrived 2 day Don't ya just h8 it!
Hope u have got OH 2 pull his weight more!!! Shoebedoos orders!!!

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Ah poor u Totally understand Men can't multitask and need 2 b told exactly what 2 do as they can't c further than der own bellies!!!
Cd super Listened again this mornin My sub conscience mind is tellin me dat my stomach is d size of my fist and I am satisfied!!! So have had strawberry shake with sweetener 4 bfast, porridge at lunch at work as Headin 2 town with son straight after work
Part of me wud luv 2 buy a cooked chicken but I find WS days slow down weight loss so might just get sparkling water 2 keep me goin
TOTM arrived 2 day Don't ya just h8 it!
Hope u have got OH 2 pull his weight more!!! Shoebedoos orders!!!

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You are so right, they sit there with knife and fork at the ready and dint realise we have to do to keep the house running!! Wow what is it? and where from?

Just stick to TS hun its easier and as you say more effective than WS. Have a great day x.
You are so right, they sit there with knife and fork at the ready and dint realise we have to do to keep the house running!! Wow what is it? and where from?

Just stick to TS hun its easier and as you say more effective than WS. Have a great day x.

Hi Busy,

nice to see you back!

Sorry you had a meltdown, men can be so inconsiderate at times hey!

Hope you get back on track soon and get to goal, you are so close!! xxx
Hi Busy,

nice to see you back!

Sorry you had a meltdown, men can be so inconsiderate at times hey!

Hope you get back on track soon and get to goal, you are so close!! xxx[/QUOT

Thanks MM. Gonna catch up with diaries prop in a bit x
Hi Busy, hope you are feeling better now after your meltdown. We all deserve a total meltdown sometimes when you get so fed up. Good on you for getting back to it though. x