My journey. Onwards and upwards CD > SW

Hi Gemma

Well look at it this way. If you were on a WW type diet then all you could hope for is 1lb loss or 2 lbs if you bust your ass. Also I think that your measurements have probably changed even if the scales didnt change that much. Well done for getting through that hunger pang during the week and sorry to hear about the missed flight but its good you looked on the positive side.

Your doing great!
Thanks happygal :D love it when people leave comments.

Well day 30 - hated the oriental soup so cdc coming today to swap them, hehe. Had a good day last night. Cooked OH a roast and sat there watching him eat it as I forced down the chilli soup. It wasn't so bad. I did experience really, really wanting food yesterday though and I can't beleive I managed not to eat. I just wanted something, anything. What I did do was have a bite of todays bar just to take the edge off the food craving and it seemed to work.

Well anyways, back at work and trying to keep my head down. Off to a big meeting tomorrow where our director is taking us all out for lunch. Not really looking forward to it, but I've gone and not eaten before so I can and will do it again.

Have a great day everyone.
Gemma x
Hope the meeting goes well.
Well done on the loss even in AAM/TOTM week- bet you have an even better one this week as the water retention and whatnot goes.

Re tea- I missed it so much at first. I've found that very weak (brewed about 30 seconds) green tea can taste quite like normal tea with milk if eaten with a bar.
Thanks for the tip Kate, I'll try that.

Day 31 and feeling very possitive this morning. Last night I was feeling quite down and another time where I was asking myself why the hell I'm putting myself through this. Then I looked in the mirror and saw how different my body looks already. 20lbs is a lot of weight and it has made a huge difference. I realised then why it is I'm doing this diet. I want to have a baby in the next few years and I want to be as healthy as I can be so my baby will be too. I also hope wedding bells will come (may have to give OH a few more hints first!) and wouldn't like to feel proud of my shape. I also just want to be able to shop in stores and buy trendy clothes and feel more confident in them. Ah it's been good to write that down and remember why it is I started this.

Onwards and upwards! Be seeing you all tomorrow. Have a great day fellow dieters.
Gemma x
Day 33 - feeling really good and really possitive today. yesterday had a knock at the door and a bunch of roses and lillies handed to me. I was very shocked as I wasn't expecting anything. Well I took them in and read and it said 'to my Darling. I love you more than ever, Dave.' I melted, it was so sweet. I rang him straight away at work to thank him, he told me he was so proud of how I was doing and having lost 20lbs and wanted to let me know how much he loved me! awwwwwwwwww sometimes he surprizes me and I felt so good all day yesterday and do today looknig at them. We also went to bed naked last night and he kept feeling my body and telling me how you could really tell the difference already and I felt great. Aw well I feel on top of the world today!

Anyway, found the diet really really easy yesterday. No desire to eat at all which is great! Hope you all have a fab day!
Hugs, Gemma x
Day 35- Well I have had a really goodweek this week and wanted to share with you all what I have been doing. I have been really missing tea since being on the diet and after reading about 790 I saw that you could have skimmed milk (1/2 pint) nd stay in ketosis. So I thought maybe I'd like to do that all the time while SSing to give me something extra to drink. Having read a lot of threads lately where people are strugling and using other means to lose their weight I wanted to find what worked for me. The whole time I've been on this diet I've drank 1-2 can of coke zero or dr pepper Z and that's worked fine. I discussed tihs with CDC and she said she would not advise it but it was up to me. Well I didn't want to do it last week as I was on aam so I have done it this week. I have had less tan 1/2 pint of skimmed milk every day in my tea, I've had 2-3 cups a day. It's been such a pleasure that I have really enoyed ssing this week. I have not felt like I was missing out at all. It's WI tomorrow but I had a sneakly look on the scales and i've lost 3lbs which I'm happy with, so we will see tomorrow.

I have also found my love for cooking has gone through the roof. Since being on this diet, although not eating myself my partner has had more good meals cooked for him than ever before, I'm just loving cooking! I even spent the day yesterday baking cakes! My CDC finds this very weird and says it's something a lot of people struggle with, but not me. I'm feeling very possitive and I hope tomorrows WI brings the good news I want it to an then I will stick to my 1-2 diet drinks a day and 2-3 cups of tea. Anyways hope you have all had a good weekend.
Gemma x
Hi Gemma,

What a lovely partner you have there that can surprise you with flowers:)

Congrats' on losing 20lbs. and I am so glad you are getting on so well with your diet it does make a difference when your feeling happy about it.

I love cooking and for the first six months I was very creative in the kitchen cooking for husband while I had my packs.

Now I hardly ever cook as it does get to me and my husband has more or less taken over the role after 25 years of being together I am discovering a whole new side of him mainly due to this diet and I like it:D

Love Mini xxx
Hehe mini - if I have a bad day OH will cook, but right now I am enjoying it. Glad to know I'm not the only one out there.
Anyway CDC will be here in an hour and can't wait to find out how I've done.
Wishing you all happy, possitive thoughts, Gemma
Well day 36 and WI day - and today I lost 3lbs. Very happy with that, I told CDC that I have had up to 1/2 pint of skimmed milk every day in tea and she was fine with that. Said it's about me finding out what suits me so I can continue to lose weight without feeling hungry.

I have been thinking a lot about food though. I really enjoyed AAM and was thinking about having the odd meal a night to keep me ticking over. I know it's a dangerous road to take but I do miss the chiken brest and salad I had. Guess I'll keep trying what I'm doing for now and see how I get on.

Well 5 weeks on this diet and 23lbs lost. I'm very happy with that indeed. Still got quite a way to go, but determind to do it this time.

Happy thoughts sending to you all! Gemma x
Day 33 - feeling really good and really possitive today. yesterday had a knock at the door and a bunch of roses and lillies handed to me. I was very shocked as I wasn't expecting anything. Well I took them in and read and it said 'to my Darling. I love you more than ever, Dave.' I melted, it was so sweet. I rang him straight away at work to thank him, he told me he was so proud of how I was doing and having lost 20lbs and wanted to let me know how much he loved me! awwwwwwwwww sometimes he surprizes me and I felt so good all day yesterday and do today looknig at them. We also went to bed naked last night and he kept feeling my body and telling me how you could really tell the difference already and I felt great. Aw well I feel on top of the world today!

Anyway, found the diet really really easy yesterday. No desire to eat at all which is great! Hope you all have a fab day!
Hugs, Gemma x

Hes fab and your lucky to such a great guy,I think its great how hes supporting you and I think you will fly past the next 2 1/2 stone with such wonerful support.Well done you hun with your fantastic weigh loss xxc:)
Thanks I'lldoit - yep he's great and I'm lucky.

Day 38 - feeling really good still. Have been having real bad toilet issues with number 2s and have ordered some of the psy husk people talk about, can't wait for them to arrive!
Lately I've found I have really lose my appitite and it's quite a struggle to have 3 packs a day. I'm managing to have them but it is tuff. I'm out today, I normally don't have any packs until about 10.30am but am sat here with half a hot chocolate tetra just so I make sure I have had something.

Still loving cook and made OH steamed chicken last night, I've never made steamed chicken and it looked gorgeous... well tasted gorgeous too, I have to admit I had a few mouthfuls but not beating myself up over it, I chose to eat it and knew it would not affect my ketosis. Made me think about cooking when I'm eating again and how before this diet I would just chuck stuff in the oven and now I like cooking, using fresh foods and favours. I added onions and peppers to the chicken and mixed it with rice and black bean sauce and together it all looked devine (I didn't have any of the mixture just the plain chicken hehe). Dave really enjoyed it too and so that's good.
My birthday is coming up soon, December and I will see most of my family for the first time. That makes me so excited as I hope to have lost another stone by then and the difference should be really noticeable. Really spurs me on knowing how by Christmas my shape will be so different. I've not deicded what to do about Christmas yet, I'm pretty sure I won't be at goal by then but will have to wait and see. I'm lucky that on Christmas day my partner and I have made a choice to always spend it just us 2 in our home and so I won't have to offend anyone else. However last year we went to my Mum's on Christmas eve and his Mum's on boxing day and beleive me that involved lots of eating! hehe. Well it's not something I'm going to worry about or make any decsions about now. December is a way off yet and plenty of SSing to do before then.
Hope you are all doing well. Have a wonderful, silm filled day!
Gemma x
day 39 - quick hello. Life still good and diet going well. Off to meet a friend for lunch today and aiming to have just some water hehe. She know's I'm on a diet and I have pre warned her that I won't be eating so hopefully it will go ok.

Hope you all doing well and are in a happy place and frame of mind.
Hugs and kisses to all, Gemma <3
day 41 - trying to remain possitive but it is hard at times. Was a bit fed up last night and really wanted to eat but didn't. I have also been having serious problems with the numbers 2s in the toilet and ordered husks as recomended on this forum and now I have a belly ache. The pain I feel is horrid and I hope this will pass soon as I'm not sure I could take this pain forever.
Well off to do some pampering today, legs and eyebrow waxed so hardly pampering, but you know what I mean. My self esteem has really been improving and I feel much better in my skin. Noticing big changes now in my clothes and loving this feeling. Each time I'm feeling down I jump on the scales to remind myself why I'm doing this and the moment seems to pass quickly.

Have a great day all.
Gemma x
hehe he's not bad at all :D I have a feeling he's planning on porposing soon too (although might be me just getting my hopes up). Leg waxing was painful! I had it last done about 4 years ago and I don't remember it hurting like that, shaving for me from now on! hehe

Feeling good and possitive still. I've just been in the kitchen and made Dave's favorite desert, fruit flan. Also got him some expensive stake for dinner.. he says we're having quiet time tonight and he wants to give me a massage all over... should be fun! especially now I feel a bit more confiedent when he touches me.
Hope you all have as wonderful an evening as I'm planning.
Gemma x
wohoooooooooooooooo CDC just been and this week I lost 5lb!!!!!!!! that's 2 stone total. I'm so happy it's unreal. My clothes are really starting to notice. I'm starting to experiment more and have food as and when I fancy it. For example I had chicken twice this week with salad and onion. I am still having my 3-4 cups of tea a day with skimmed milk and also 1 or 2 ckoe zeros. I said to my councilor this is a very personal journey, and we all have to find what works for us. I've found what works for me and I'm happy with that. She does want me to eat more, so with her blessing I will have a few chicken salads. It's very much about knowing the boundaries and knowing what you can and can't have with this diet. I know I can't have potatoes or pasta, but I know I can have chicken and some veg/salad. I'm very happy with how things have progressed, hope you are all this happy.

Seriously.. nothing tastes as good as slim feels!
Hi Gemma-

You're doing brilliantly and sounding so happy about it. Good on you!
Sounds like you're doing a kind of cross between ss'ing and 790 and that it's working for you.
I'm now on 790 before going up to 1000, as I've hit 25.1 BMI and am reflecting on how much easier 790 would be for loads of people.
Your relationship sounds lovely too-fingers crossed for a proposal- and at this rate, you won't even have to think about dieting for a wedding-you'll already be there!