My journey to a 32" waist and a girlfriend...

Sam, absolutely up for the race!! Your goal weight is 160, mine is 171, so i reckon lets see who is first to get to 200.....

No dates yet though.....

ok your on, i've entered race for life so need to get back to the gym and start training. how are you finding the gym???

wahts you do work wise just outta noseyness
I am a Director of a charity. We provide Accomodation and Support to people with Mental Health problems.

Its all good fun.... You?

ohh that sounds good, i'm the other end. i do home help, quite a bit in sheltered housing. so i look after the little old dears and other people who need help, such as disabled.

i love my job
There's a lot to be said for loving your job - we are both very lucky in that regard.

I have been to the gym this morning, and when i got off the treadmill, i felt like somebody had ripped out my lungs. But, at least i am managing to improve each time.

just watch you dont push yourself too hard. i've not been to the gym in a week. feeling better so will try tomorrow
I am going for 15-20 minutes at a time, no more. Just running and thats it - working on the assumption that at least it gets the heart rate going a bit and i can feel the benefit quite quickly - this morning though, it was bloody murder.

some days its like that lol...... your body needs time to recover
well, it will get a lot more chance tomorrow - its not going to be "gymming" tomorrow at all -thank Goad

SingleDad - Well done on the loss

SingleDad/Sam - your race always makes me smile - i want to hear some 'fighting talk' from each corner soon :)) laughing...

Also impressed with both your jobs - nice to be able to work in a place that focuses on helping others :)
Its good fun - thank you.

I am going to introduce a new challenge for singletons (like me) though... I need a way of measuring weight loss against dates attended. So far, sadly, it is 20.5 pounds lost, but no dates at all...

lol, one stone loss. No dates but one hell of an insult when this bloke called me a player!!!! apparently having two blokes of the same name on my phone makes me a slut
I have three "Sams" on my phone.... what does that make me then??!!!

I have three "Sams" on my phone.... what does that make me then??!!!


Depends how many are Samuels and how many are Samanthas :p If they are Samuels perhaps you should edit the title of this thread? :D
well i'm a whore, so three makes you a pimp i am almost certain
Well, from one Pimp to another, another 3.5pounds this week, thats 24 pounds and no dates.....

Terrible form, surely there must be one around the corner...

Smiles to two certain people and whistles the theme of the love boat.... cough cough cough... hehehehe
Oh yeah and well done on the loss! good job.


thank you very much indeed.
