My Journey to a Healthier Me

glad you are feeling alot better love x x x x
Another weekend over... On Saturday we went on a day trip to the Cotswolds with a stop in Cheltenham. As I couldn't take my soup with me we went to Subway for lunch and I had a six inch sub with chicken breast and salad and didn't exceed my calories for the day. :)

This week I am on my own - my husband is in Germany for work and will only be back on no diet for him this week.

So far I've only had my breakfast - Cocoa Nip Porridge.
For lunch I will have Lentil and vegetable soup and a wholemeal roll.
For Dinner I have't decided yet. Maybe Chicken Curry... :)


AAAAND - the tablets I got from the gynecologist period finally stopped after a year of nearly non-stop bleeding...If that isn't a reason to celebrate I don't know what is.

I've seen though, that one of the common side effects of the tablets is weight gain...not I hope I will still be able to lose weight.
thats great news love at last no more monthly's that is great news and im sure with the diet you are on u will not gain weight love hope you had a great day hun
Oh Sonja that IS good news, you must be so much more comfortable now!!!!

And you're doing so well on your eating plan, I bet you don't gain anything - onwards and downwards! x
Thank you both for your kind comments. I really hope I don't gain, because I know I get easily frustrated and might end up giving up on the diet...

Today I've had

Banana and vanilla porridge for breakfast
Spicy tomato and beef soup and a Tesco wholemeal sandwich thin for lunch

Not sure yet, what I will have for dinner, but I still need to try and drink a bit more today...
Glad to hear it's finished :) Hopefully there won't be another repeat :( Hope you're okay lovely xx
For dinner I had Thai red Chicken Curry with rice and Salad yesterday. Was really nice. As a snack I've had 2 mandarins and salted pretzel sticks.

I've had my weigh in this morning and gained 2lbs... :confused: Then I took measurements and I've lost 4cm... not sure why I gained weight, I've been really good last week. Ah well, another loss for next week...

I will have
Chocolate Granola for breakfast today
Carrott and Butter bean soup and 1 pitta bread for lunch
and Taka Daal and the remaining rice and salad for dinner
"You never see the bad days in the photo album but its them that get you from one happy snap to the next!"
Tomorrow is a fresh day!!!
Sometimes I like to go for a walk once I've had moments like this, sometimes just around the block, so I can get some fresh air and perspective. Also makes me feel a little less guilty and stops me from diving back in for a second round!
Stacey :)
Awh Hun! I've been there. Totally not alone!
It works for me, hope you find something that works for you! Least your binge was in the middle of the day.
The amount of times ive got out of bed and binged, going back to sleep and woke up feeling so urgh, I'd binge all that day too!
Hope you feel better this evening ready for a fresh day tomorrow :)
Oh sweetie what happened to set you off? And you know what, I bet it wasn't as bad as you think.

No matter what, like Crazycat says, draw a line under it. get some water down you and get back on plan tomorrow xxxx
Hey Mrs. S,
How did your evening go! Are you having a better day today!
:) xx
Yesterday evening I felt dreadful, disgusting, ashames... I cried a bit more and watched some TV, went to bed early to leave that day behind me. Feeling better now...

Today I've had my breakfast (Pink Apple and Cinnamon Granola). Will soon have my lunch (Carrot and Butter Bean Soup and a Pitta Bread). I left my wallet at home, so I am not tempted to buy something else to eat. It's fine as long as I know I can't have it.

I think it was because of something my mother said/expects from me... Need to find a better way to deal with that...
Carrot and Butterbean sounds lovely, might have to give that a try!
Glad your feeling better today hun!
My mum has knock on effects with me, I just recently worked with a counsellor to help me manage these stresses. Keep your mind strong! We are us, not what everybody wants or expects us to be!!
Awh let down with the soup then! Sounded like it would be nice!

What ever you have I hope you enjoy! Have a nice evening Hun!
Keep your mind strong! We are us, not what everybody wants or expects us to be!! xxx

It is easy to be railroaded by people or situations, and emotional eating is just one walk to the fridge away - that's me too. All I can say is just try to take a deep breath, relax and say to yourself "I am a fabulous person, I am losing weight and feeling great" - worth a try, eh? xxx
I'm feeling a bit more positive today. Had chili con carne and some rice and salad yesterday evening. That was nice :)

Today for breakfast I will have Cocoa Nib Porridge and for lunch Chicken Mulligatawny soup and a Pitta Bread.

Crazeyace - I did have a nice evening. I watched some Gilmore Girls, although I've already seen it countless times. And I had a cuddle with my cats.

Suesie - Yes, I should definitely try that...I am always quick to blame myself for everything and feel horrible about myself...