My journey to slim and happy...

Well done you! :D I'm the same - when I'm in the 'zone' nothing will tip me over. :D

Made me giggle though: "Eastern European" ... I grew up there, so now living in the UK I totally miss all the yeast-based inventiveness of 'home'! At least English supermarket bread tastes like plastic and usually not worth wasting calories over. :) So that's a good thing if anything!!
Well done you! :D I'm the same - when I'm in the 'zone' nothing will tip me over. :D

Made me giggle though: "Eastern European" ... I grew up there, so now living in the UK I totally miss all the yeast-based inventiveness

Me too! ;) right next door to you in Poland! The bread there is ridiculously amazing.
I agree though. English bread tastes like cardboard. However there are some exceptions. I work bear harrods and the bread they bake and sell there is out of this world!
Hahaha! Enough of the bread porn though ;)
3 rd weigh in this morning and I appear to have lost 2lbs. Yes. I am disappointed but I'm choosing not to dwell on it and get on with it. Not sure why this is happening. Maybe because I'm adding extra protein powder on my workout days.
Onwards and downwards :)
That would explain my modest loss this week! I've just come on! Again! I've only just come off it last week! That's 4 periods in less than 2 months! Wtf?!
Def need to go to the gp and get it checked. I'm getting worried now. :(
*hugs* I had a similar thing at the begining of the year. But I knew it was because I had just started the mini-pill AND SnS. Deffo get checked, especially considering your history, honey xxxx And let us know what happens.

And yes, the fact that you lost anything at all this week and youve started FABULOUS! Seriously awesome. I gain at least 5lbs usually during my TOTM. :/
Aww, hun :hug99: You should definitely go to the doctor and get your TOTM cycles looked at! :( Can't be nice with that happening and not knowing what's going on!

I don't know how much exercise you're doing - but have a look at Deezer's diary, she's losing fairly slowly; but she's doing some intense crossfit and I noticed something she said:
... I think I'm close to the smallest I've been but 10lb heavier..... Because of the muscle....

So she's heavier than she's been before but smaller in size because she's exercising... goes to show that while exercise slows weight loss on the scales - it still very much has the full on effect in measurements! And THAT is what matters after all!

I would also like to point out that 2lb loss is good (for my own sanity please :( as 2lb is the maximum I ever get!!). :p Don't put down the 2lb's ! You're only allowed to get annoyed with 1lb loss :D :D ...or I'll come and poke you with a stick!
I've reduced my workouts quite drastically since starting SnS but the plan is to go back to intense training as off next week. My body is used to working out so it seems unnatural to stop all of a sudden.
Re the periods. I'll make an appointment with gp next week but from the research I've done online it is quite common after a jab. Lets hope it's just my hormones regulating themselves.
One thing's for sure. Never ever again will I get an injection!
Okay, I am SO sorry it's taken me so long to write here, and I am SO sorry to hear of what happened to you. I do understand, I've been there too and it is just horrible :(

You'll never forget, but (ah I hate to say this but it's so true) time DOES heal.

And you're amongst a fantastic group of ladies who are all here to support each other, through the good times and the bad. We've all been here for each other, even if we've only known each other for a short while, it feels like longer, you know?

I've had a rubbish couple of weeks, been AWOL, missed you guys, but you're always here, never judging, just waiting to pick up where we left off. It's kept me sane and kept me focused, even if I have had a few wobbles, it's never been so bad that I lost focus and gained any weight.

So, I hope I can do the same for you. I'll be here for you on your journey, just like all of these wonderful lovelies here :) I sense you're going to be successful in this. Your very positive and have a good vibe about you. I am willing to bet you're gonna smash this my lovely!

Glad I got to your diary, and thanks for pointing me in the right direction! Now I can stalk you on here too, ha!

Enjoy the rest of your evening lovely, if you're still awake!! xxx
Thank you so much for your kind words.
Last year was challenging for me to say the least but I'm slowly working through it.
The counselling helps but also being on this program and finally taking control of my body is a major factor in my recovery.
I just wish my body would sort itself out now. I can't believe I'm on totm again! I've called my surgery to make an appointment with my gp and they said the earliest one they can give me is on the 23! Really?! Wow!
I sometimes just don't get the nhs...
I've been reading some health forums and it looks like its quite common for periods to be very irregular after coming off the depo jab but one every 10 days is hardcore!
I'm constantly tired! I'm scared I will become anaemic after all this!
If I knew the amount of side effects I'd get with the jab. If I had it explained I would have never ever gone for it!
They should be banned to be honest!

I hope everyone has a great day today :)
I've been having the same problem with TOTM's recently, drives you mad doesn't it? I'm sure it's just hormones and things like the jab and implant can make it worse for some people, you'll be fine :) x
I've been having the same problem with TOTM's recently, drives you mad doesn't it? I'm sure it's just hormones and things like the jab and implant can make it worse for some people, you'll be fine :) x

I am on implant, just finishing a TOTM.. Got it in jan /feb and it only started to grumble once I started this diet? I think it must affect the hormone lev,s as I have seen loads of people with similar issues? I hope it settles down soon!
Thanks guys.

I hope things will settle soon as its making me really miserable!

I'm knackered today. Retaining a lot of water as my clothes feel much tighter than a few days ago :(

I'm going to have a bath and an early night tonight.
:( Sorry to hear you're not feeling too good... I really hope tomorrow will be better!!

The NHS unfortunately are under a lot of strain, not just internally, but also from the many 'health system tourists' that come from the EU... As much as it is everyone's right to receive free health care, it does mean that things take slower and resources are less readily able to go around... :( It's definitely frustrating...
I hope that they can sort you out regardless - even if the appointment does seem ages away.. :(

Thank you so much for your kind words.
Last year was challenging for me to say the least but I'm slowly working through it.
The counselling helps but also being on this program and finally taking control of my body is a major factor in my recovery.
I just wish my body would sort itself out now. I can't believe I'm on totm again! I've called my surgery to make an appointment with my gp and they said the earliest one they can give me is on the 23! Really?! Wow!
I sometimes just don't get the nhs...
I've been reading some health forums and it looks like its quite common for periods to be very irregular after coming off the depo jab but one every 10 days is hardcore!
I'm constantly tired! I'm scared I will become anaemic after all this!
If I knew the amount of side effects I'd get with the jab. If I had it explained I would have never ever gone for it!
They should be banned to be honest!

I hope everyone has a great day today :)

A VLCD can also play havoc with TOTM. In some cases, it can stop it altogether. I'd also mention this to your GP to rule it out. Probably isn't anything to do with this, but worth mentioning, just in case.

Hope you've had a good day lovely xxx
Hey and welcome :)
I had a good day. Super busy which is good.
I've placed my second 28 day order with SnS. They still don't have cheesy pasta in stock but that's ok do I ordered some from snl last week.
Things I haven't ordered again:
Oatmeal (yuck)
Mushroom pasta (not my thing)
Mild curry (boring)
I love love the almond fruit and maple bar so ordered loads of those. I've also ordered a few shakes just to try them but I'm not a big fan of them. Still can't do soups after LL. I think I'm scarred for life lol
Reading your diary lottiebird made me really think today.
On my lunch break I sat there and thought what was it that caused me to overeat when I was a kid.
I grew up as the only child even though I'm not lol
My sister is 13 years older than me and she moved out and then moved to another country when I was in early primary school. My father was a very difficult man. He liked to drink a lot and when he did he turned into a complete monster. I watched my mum being abused by him all my life. It was hell.
The worst thing about it was that when he was sober he was like different man. Kind, loving, caring. A great dad. He would take me on day trips, buy me stuff, take me to restaurants, ice cream parlours etc.
My mum used to try her very best to keep him away from alcohol so in order to do that she cooked.
Lovely yummy home made food that my dad always enjoyed. When there was a nice dinner on the table he'd be much more likely to stay at home rather than go out to the pub with his mates.
I guess this made me associate food with peace and calmness.
Plus I was always rewarded with food. Sweets, chocolate, ice cream etc. when my dad was happy with me I'd be bought treats.
Again. For that reason I have always used food to reward myself for something.
Mix a sense of comfort with a satisfaction for a well done job and you get a perfect over eater!!
I use food to deal with any kind of emotions. Wether it's stress, happiness, sadness, depression, heartbreak. You name it.
It's the only thing I can think of that would guarantee me that feel good sensation like a quick shot of drug in your veins. And even though I know it's wrong and its so bad for me I still go ahead and do it because at least for that short while I'm happy, I'm safe, I'm rewarded...

Big big subject that I need to explore further. Not one to bore you all with on a Friday night though lol

Have a good one kids :) xx
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It's amazing how much there is underlying all these food habits, scary to think how we carry these things with us so long after the event!

My dad was a drug addict throughout my childhood, and while my mother was trying to starve me slim, he would sneak me treats to show me affection. He is clean now and has been for donkey's years :)

I have to confess I try hard not to think about my childhood, as i find it painful. maybe I should try to and get more perspective. Thanks for your post, lots to think about for both of us xxx