My juddd diary......... Believe jane believe!!


Full Member
I am starting judding over the festive period, I have just completed 3 weeks of slim and save vlcd and lost 14lbs.
I am hoping to maintain with juddd until jan when I will probably blast slim and save again until I reach my ultimate goal of 4 stone lost,
Calculator says 2000 for an UD and 410 DD I've had a weekend of excess so starting with a DD
Wish me luck!
Right here's the plan, my weekend of pure excess ( which lead to me not being able to sleep due to bloating blurgh) has lead to a 2lb gain so I'm starting at 15.4lbs
10th dec dd
11th UD
12th dd
13th UD
14th dd
15th UD
16th id ill aim for around 1500 as I will be out drinking on 15th so I know I'll not manage a dd.

Question- should I weigh after my ib day or should I wait until after my dd on Monday 17th?

I would love to lose that 2lbs over the festive period but if I can sets I will be over the moon as my metabolism is wrecked after dieting for almost 16 years!!!

Sorry for the prattling on!!
Best of luck with JUDDD. I am another daily weigher. If I wasn't then I would always weigh after a DD to get the best result possible and to try to ensure that my gut wasn't full of food. I came to JUDDD from a VLCD too and it's so refreshing to not see food as the enemy and to know that you can have what you want without any guilt because there is always a DD just around the corner.
I weigh daily to and use a great little app called true weight that you put in your daily weights ups and downs and it works out your true weight form the average :)

But if seeing swings up and down will stress you just weigh after a dd :)
Well today's dd food has consisted of,

Milk 32cals
Egg white 50 cals
Sf jelly 10 cals
Quorn Cottage pie 219 cals
200g Cabbage 50 cals
150g strawberrys 45 cals

= 404 cals my limit is 410 according to the calculator so not too bad.
I have a 3 course Xmas lunch to look forward to tomorrow but I would have preferred to calorie count it just until u get some idea of what 2000 calories worth of food looks like! I know one thing I'm def gonna enjoy it!!
Hi and welcome to JUDDD :)

If you're a daily weigher then you could just way after the ID. Someone who weighs daily must be able to deal with the fluctuations on the scales, which are all part of this plan... the scales really do bounce from reading others daily weighs. I cannot handle that so weigh in every 8 days and always after a DD
Well I'm finding this UD very odd, keep having to stop myself from trying to reduce my calories, I keep feeling guilty!
However I'm sure I'll get used to it!
Just popping in to sat's my first week too, and I'm transitioning from a VLCD as well, so I completely understand your point about the UDs being weird. I actually walked up and down the aisles in Tesco for about 45 minutes tonight, just staring at the food, but I hardly put anything my trolley because I couldn't help checking the calories and everything seemed way too high!
Good luck with the plan, I'm really hoping it works for us both!
I know it's so weird it's been years since I've not looks at the back of food packaging! Are you at goal now? I've still got 3 stone to lose which I hope to do so by blasting slim and save again 3 times in the new year with juddd inbetween. I see juddd as a brilliant method for maintainence fingers crossed it works for us!
Hi there! This is my first week in JUDDD too :)

Here's to boosting each other along

I'm on a DD tomorrow x
Well second dd in the bag, UD tomorrow but again I won't be able to count the cals as I'm having dinner at my friends and I've no idea what we are having? I'll count the cals until the evening to give me an idea as I really have no idea how much 2000 cal worth of food is?? That's what 15 years of ww points, slimming world free food and food replacement diets do for you!!!!
I'm getting so excited as my weigh in after 2nd dd was very kind I'm actually starting to believe that I might manage this Xmas period not only without putting on 7lbs but sts or losing and that my friends is unheard of!!!!
If this does happen I will be shouting juddd from the roof tops no more vlcd for me with measly 2lb per week loses!
Sounds like its all going very well for you :)

Yesterday was my 2nd DD too but I'm going to wait until after day 8 to do my 1st weigh in. Can't wait :)

Keep up the great work :)
I'll do a little mini weigh in tomorrow as next dd is going to be Tuesday I'm really anxious about ud's sat and sun ill try to keep Sunday low ish but I'm still fighting the thought that it will blow any loss, even though my aim is just to sts over Xmas!! I'm a strange one.
Do many people do full fasts on dd as I feel as if not eating at all will suit me better as I find that eating makes me more hungry? Again odd!

I've started fasting on DDs as I find that no food is easier that a little food! I do have around 100 cals through drinks but that's it..

Good luck for your mini WI!