My Low Carb Journey

Porridge & more than a tiny bit of apple etc would likely kick you out of ketosis, yes. Are you allowed nuts? You can make a great bread substitute or muffins with almond flour in the microwave for under 5g carbs - or a flax seed muffin for even less.

Also consider things you might not think of as classic breakfast food.

Bacon and mushrooms
Smoked salmon strips rolled round a little cream cheese
Asparagus stems wrapped in Parma ham
Chicken and mayo wrapped in a lettuce leaf
Bubble and squeak made with cauli and cabbage
Peanut butter on celery sticks
Portobello mushrooms stuffed with cream cheese
Porridge & more than a tiny bit of apple etc would likely kick you out of ketosis, yes. Are you allowed nuts? You can make a great bread substitute or muffins with almond flour in the microwave for under 5g carbs - or a flax seed muffin for even less.

Also consider things you might not think of as classic breakfast food.

Bacon and mushrooms
Smoked salmon strips rolled round a little cream cheese
Asparagus stems wrapped in Parma ham
Chicken and mayo wrapped in a lettuce leaf
Bubble and squeak made with cauli and cabbage
Peanut butter on celery sticks
Portobello mushrooms stuffed with cream cheese

Hi and thanks for your ideas.........................I'm just a traditionalist..........I like cereal :8855: I'm up at 5.45 and out the door at 6.45 so I really don't want to cook at that time of the day and cold left-overs just don't appeal. I have made mims and I do like them, but they are not allowed on the plan I'm doing, tho am seriously thinking of switching to Atkins :) Nuts are also not allowed...............but am intrigued with the muffin made with almond flour do you have a recipe?

Think I may be investing in a new book.............Atkins or Dr Eades
Google paleo recipes for those low carb muffins and things made with coconut and almond flour. GettingFit has several recipes posted in her diary.
Why don't you have a look at the south beach diet is a bit more forgiving :) in phase 2
I made my recipe up myself. Made almond flour fairy cakes for the first time this morning.

Standard almond bread recipe (mine)

40g almond flour
Tsp baking powder
Pinch salt (optional)
1 egg
Tbsp water (optional)

Mix well, put in microwave safe bowl or square Tupperware fir square slices, microwave on full for 1.5 minutes. Turn over and if damp on bottom microwave for 30secs to a minute.

Slice, serve. To me and others who have tried it it's really similar to white bread. Doesn't taste almondy at all.

Almond flour fairycakes

40g almond flour
Medium egg
Dash of cream
Sweetener of choice (I use canderel tablets dissolved in a tiny bit of water)
Flavouring essence

Into silicone cupcake moulds, micro for 1.5 minute

Let cool a little, remove from moulds, micro upside down for 30 secs.

Makes 4 good size fairycakes





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Looks yum!
I made my recipe up myself. Made almond flour fairy cakes for the first time this morning.

Standard almond bread recipe (mine)

40g almond flour
Tsp baking powder
Pinch salt (optional)
1 egg
Tbsp water (optional)

Mix well, put in microwave safe bowl or square Tupperware fir square slices, microwave on full for 1.5 minutes. Turn over and if damp on bottom microwave for 30secs to a minute.

Slice, serve. To me and others who have tried it it's really similar to white bread. Doesn't taste almondy at all.

Almond flour fairycakes

40g almond flour
Medium egg
Dash of cream
Sweetener of choice (I use canderel tablets dissolved in a tiny bit of water)
Flavouring essence

Into silicone cupcake moulds, micro for 1.5 minute

Let cool a little, remove from moulds, micro upside down for 30 secs.

Makes 4 good size fairycakes

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They look fantastic...........where do you get almond flour from? I have a slight issue with using canderel and wonder how the cakes may taste without sugar, but then suppose they would just be like bread. The plan I'm on advocates nothing processed in any way but my weight has stalled so really need to look at something else and have just been on Amazon looking at paleo, atkins, eades and just don't know which way to go.................surely if I eat natural foods and avoid anything processed it should why then isn't it????

I know I haven't been totally on plan so that doesn't help, but even when I am on plan for a week or so I still don't lose,,,,,,,,,,maybe thats the probelm ...........not sticking to it for long enough :):)
Dawnejoy said:
They look fantastic...........where do you get almond flour from? I have a slight issue with using canderel and wonder how the cakes may taste without sugar, but then suppose they would just be like bread. The plan I'm on advocates nothing processed in any way but my weight has stalled so really need to look at something else and have just been on Amazon looking at paleo, atkins, eades and just don't know which way to go.................surely if I eat natural foods and avoid anything processed it should why then isn't it????

I know I haven't been totally on plan so that doesn't help, but even when I am on plan for a week or so I still don't lose,,,,,,,,,,maybe thats the probelm ...........not sticking to it for long enough :):)

Have you looked at The Skinny Rules?
Dawnejoy said:
Is that an eating plan.................I haven't heard of that one...............will go and look it up :)

It is Bob Harper's from The Biggest Loser's new book. I've just started following them (although, I already was following a lot of them) and I've lost over a pound since Sunday and my tummy is flatter. The not having any calories after 8 s difficult to adjust to - but I've managed. And the protein level of 1/2 your body weight (in pounds) means I'd have to eat 78 grams a day... Not easy when you're trying to watch your calories. But I have managed over the USDA and MyFitnessPal suggested levels.
It is Bob Harper's from The Biggest Loser's new book. I've just started following them (although, I already was following a lot of them) and I've lost over a pound since Sunday and my tummy is flatter. The not having any calories after 8 s difficult to adjust to - but I've managed. And the protein level of 1/2 your body weight (in pounds) means I'd have to eat 78 grams a day... Not easy when you're trying to watch your calories. But I have managed over the USDA and MyFitnessPal suggested levels.

Tbh Mel I'm gonna give that one a miss............I need to focus on low-carb, natural foods and see how I would help if I got back to phase 1 for a little while and try to boost my losses..
Dawnejoy said:
Tbh Mel I'm gonna give that one a miss............I need to focus on low-carb, natural foods and see how I would help if I got back to phase 1 for a little while and try to boost my losses..

That is what Bob Harper's diet The Skinny Rules advocates. Very South Beach/Paleo/low carb. The rules are good:

Drink water after waking, eat breakfast, have protein with every meal, no calories after 8, water before all meals, no carbs after lunch, etc.
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Just got the Kindle version to look at the sample looked good!
To be honest Dawn the best plan is "the know your own body plan" and only you can set the rules for that by trial and error. Know what it likes, what it tolerates and whether you feel satisfied and in control after you've eaten certain combinations of foods. If not tweak the combos until you find what does work. Don't be afraid of changing any plan to suit yourself; if these diets worked for every single one of us there wouldn't be a diet industry out there. What we sometimes forget is that our body is a complicated machine and it needs a good supply of balanced nutrients to run efficiently, if we cut stuff out because some book says so it's little like trying to run an aeroplane on vehicle fuel.
TBH Tranqs I think that's what I'm doing basically as I am a firm believer in that each plan needs tweaking to suit our own individual needs and I'm focusing on the wrong thing ie looking for a new plan that is miraculously going to sort it all out for me rather than do a bit of homework and look more at myself and find out what does and doesn't work for me. I also think I drink too much tea which has milk in it so next week going to drink more water with the occasional cup of coffee with cream and see if my weight starts to move again. I seem to have regained a little bit more focus now and have been very good for ...............ohh all of 36 hours :8855:
36 hours is how it starts. Now do 36 more. You'll soon be motoring along.

Re: tea - if you're ok with adding cream that's ideal as it raises your fat levels. I know your diet doesn't include soy but I find alpro light unsweetened soya lovely in tea and it's so so low carb. Is there a reason it's not included? I mean it's been eaten for centuries in se Asia.
36 hours is how it starts. Now do 36 more. You'll soon be motoring along.

Re: tea - if you're ok with adding cream that's ideal as it raises your fat levels. I know your diet doesn't include soy but I find alpro light unsweetened soya lovely in tea and it's so so low carb. Is there a reason it's not included? I mean it's been eaten for centuries in se Asia.

There is a reason, but I can't remember it at the moment, but will look it up when I get my books back as have leant them out. Not sure I could drink cream in tea as I don't like creamy tea, but love creamy coffee ................ I know I'm strange :D:D:
I try not to eat soy as unless it's fermented it contains a lot of oestrogen like substances which can mess with your hormone balance. It also has been strongly linked to breast cancer. Soya milk is heavily processed and a legume, and that might be why it's not on dawns plan - Zoe harcombe is not a fan of legumes or processed foods (same reasons paleo dieters aren't).

Honestly, I love soya milk and succumb to a soya latte every couple of weeks. But the reasons above are good reasons to avoid.
Thanks Phoenyx knew there was a reason why I wasn't allowed it, but couldn't remember - I don't as a rule eat anything processed and am enjoying hugely the meals I do cook...just that one sticking point!!!! Have almost completed 48 hours of being good apart from milk in my tea, which once I've been shopping creamy coffee is on my list....................along with several litres of water :) A latte once in a while I'm sure is OK :)