My metamorphosis log - final stage

Hi Lorna - Sometimes life takes priority and that's just the way it should be! It sounds like you had a lovely time with your Nan and those moments are priceless! My CDC keeps telling me that eating is like keeping a balance sheet (I barely know what that is ;)) - where if you spend a bit extra in one area you cut back somewhere else. All so that you make ends meet at the end of the day / week / month. It's very true although looking at the state of my finances I clearly don't get this concept very well :sigh::D

Hope you're having a good day today!

Yay for me!! Had a good day, food wise. So having a smug moment. Thanks for your comments guys. I have the same problem getting to grips with financial management too, so its no wonder i struggle to apply it to food! Having said that, i was saving a bit by not buying food previously but thats gone abit out of the window as i discover a whole load of new foods i have never had before, and they tend to be more expensive. On the search for pearled spelt at the moment, discovered it in a grain sachet courtesy of the food doctor range, but can't find it anywhere yet.
Funny how your outlook on food changes a bit, tonight we have had a mince quorn mix, with a few veg, spices and herbs to give a boost and topped with cottage cheese. It was delicious and so satisfying, and certainly something we'd have never have considered pre CD. I sometimes get quite excited by all the new stuff i'm trying, i forget what i used to cook... It seems such a long time ago now.
Had a bar today and 0.25soup sachet as a sauce in the quorn. So still got something to play with for any evening pangs. Scales have shown a litle loss, so hoping to build on that ready for WI.
Myself and OH have been talking about this forthcoming year, and some plans we are making have got me even more focused to shift these pounds and get fit. More about that when i have more time. Off to relax for a bit before bed xx
Sounds exciting... and the meal sounds great, will try that! Have a great day Butterfly.

Mmmmmm! I like quorn. :)
So far, so good. Sort of still making up my 810 plan. Trying to stick to cals but having non-plan stuff too. Making up own meals to about 400cals, all low GI and only with the 1000plan level of carbs, and and then having a couple of cd bars. Treated self to an apple too, i love pink lady's.
Also on a positive note, have just skipped again. Did 100 last night, courtesy of Curlys discussion which prompted me into gear. DD just wanted stuff cleared of sofs so she could 'have a rest' (you'd think she was 90 somedays, the way she talks!) Amongst which was my rope- prompting another 100+. Quite enjoyed it, think i may just continue to squeee them in when ever i have to move the rope- will leave it lying around on purpose!
Now time to get back to what i was doing after that distraction! xx
Ohh, just for interest in case anyone didn't know. You can get dried quorn from the health food shop, which you reconstitute with water or stock. It makes loads and is no different to the frozen mince i reckon. Will save loads of money too! xx
Another day nearly done, screwed up when cleaning out cupboards by nibbling on some nuts/crackers and stuff while i packed it away out of sight....oopps! At least its gone now,no 'goodies' left in reach. I have to go into the freezing conservatory, root through a box and uncellotape stuff to get at it now, a little unlikely i hope! Had to get it away, kept being too tempted.
On the up side, another 100+ skips...need more Tena. This is so not on.....i am only 35 and one child down. God help me after the next one. I did see a programme on Channel4 once that tested 'devices' to help this little problem...may need to review that option if this skipping malarky takes off! xx
Hey butterfly, the skipping sounds good...i remember having a similar problem in an aerobics class once was horrified!! Gave myself some other excercises to do Pelvic floor, i used to have a reminder pop up on my screen every hour when i was at work to do 10 PFE and this really did help, just not alway easy to remember to do with out the pop up!
Your plan sounds interesting, are you doing 810 ish or 1000? How are your family taking to the different food, its taken me nearly a year of occasional brown rice to finally be able to put it on the table without complaints! ha ha! they still won't go for the quorn though but couscous is popular now, along with wholemeal pitta's and even sprouts!
Had a similar nibble experience whilst making banana all bran muffins yesterday (these were a big hit with the kids) but managed to eat a load of the cereal whilst it was soaking...still gotta be better than the xmas nibbles that were around here for awhile!
Have a great day butterfly!

Lelly's right, the pelvic floor excercises definately make a big difference. I had 4 huge babies, 9.5 - 10.7 :eek: all naturally, (well apart for the block and tackle needed to heave them out.) So I did these excercises routinely as soon as I could after DD 1. Did them for years and then let it lapse a bit.......then we bought a trampoline for the garden. Well.......big mistake stopping them it seemed, so I started again and continue to do so (in the car, so I remember) and all is well again......although I just discovered that it's better to go from foot to foot when skipping......but then I did actually need a wee before I started....what a muffin!!

So do the excercises every day, they really help. You probably know this, being a nurse but never, ever do the old ones where you try to stop mid pee. A doctor friend of mine says it causes reflux into the kidney - nasty. xx
eek, my two kids were emergency c-sections, never thought I'd got off lightly... but maybe so!

Hey hon.
Sounds like your doing fab.. yay for the skipping I have been trying to do 100 skips too!!! last night I did 120 lol...... maybe try 140 tonight..
My sister was telling me someone she knows used to skip for 1 hour hmmm i wonder if I will ever be able to do that lol
Have a good day hon x
Sorry been awol. Off plan since last Thur, back on Sun. Had away day with work Fri, could not turn down free food payed for by NHS, its too much of a rarity. Birthday Sat....feeling v.old, now 35! Had day out including meals, puds, evening binges etc. Back on ss from Sunday to shift the excess. I'm not doing too great really. Can't be bothered enough to waffle now. Hearing about Lizz has upset me, and caused a lot of reflection, which does not feel good. Going to throw self into a bit of clearing out, normally feels good when finished. Need to try to skip too. Legs were actually a bit achey the other day which i guess is a good sign. Back later xx
Butterfly, am not doing so good myself... seems so hard this time around. I guess I need to say that today is not an 810 day. I wish I could find that safe zone again... I liked it there.

Just wanted to send big hugs, you sound very down. Wish i could help a bit... take care and don't be sad, hun.

Aw Katy, thanks hun. In a way thats what scares me though, that i cannot move from the safety of cd. Feel torn, i love it, yet want to move away from it, but i want to be smaller than i am now, and its the quickest way to get there. Felt a bit out of control again lately with eating habits, which does not feel good. Got a sneaky feeling i may be due my totm soon, feeling all emotional and weepy. Can't be bothered to do anything today, even though i should. Getting sidtracked reading diaries... but that normally helps me, so maybe its not such a bad thing. xx
Evening Butterfly, you describe how I have been feeling for the last couple of months, making poor choices but being unable to stop - despite warning yourself about what you are doing as you are doing it! I have gone back to SS as I know it works for me, for me it is clear cut - yes you can no you can't, no choice, no struggle etc. I am so not maintaining!

SS isn't the answer to the rest of life, I know that, but I want to be closer to a healthy weight for the rest of my life. So I am SS for a little while.

I know when I did SS before I said, I am never ever doing this again, getting myself to a position where I need to do this again. But that warning to myself didn't last long. Perhaps this self imposed stint will make a bigger difference to my choices in the future?

I know you can get yourself back on track, I remember being very impressed with your journey off SS into maintenance, you were very focussed and strong. That hasn't dissapeared, just slightly hidden for a while!

You are doing fab and have come sooooo far xxx
Thanks Wales....i think in hindsight i may have been ok had i not gone so massively off plan at xmas. I allowed weeks of indulgence, not just a few days. You're right, i did enjoy moving up the plans, mostly stuck to it, and was enjoying the food and the excitement of developing new menus. However, i think it would be better for me to be closer to goal before i move up so quickly. Not that i know what i want that to be. Going to try for 9st7lb i along the way.
SS is the easiest way to get there, that much is true, although i have to move up to 810 really as i am in the cusp of BMI25. Needed to ss first though just to get myself back in control. Feel an idiot for needing to use CD like this, and not having the control within myself to make the right choices. Sure it'll come eventually.... at least if we don't stop trying we're getting there i guess.
Trying really hard to turn my head around and get positive vibes going on. I haven't helped myself by developing some bad eating patterns/ habits recently which i need to absolutely stop. But, i know beating self up about it isn't going to help. I AM IN CONTROL, I CAN DO THIS!
Sorry for all the negativity, just trying to turn things round. On a positive note, i have sole sourced for two whole days!The only cheat, was a taste of OH and DDs tea, and a lick of chocolate pudding off my finger....for me this is quite an acheivement so i guess i could be pleased with self. OH at work tonight so my danger zone is looming, (in house alone after DD in bed...oooer!) but i am determined not to screw it up. Only a few hrs to go xx
Well done on two days SS - whilst simple it isn't easy is it!!

I indulged at Christmas and didn't stop, in fact got worse, some old eating patterns emerged (half a jar of mayonnaise in 2 days!) and I felt out of control. I think part of it was wanting to see what would happen if I went crazy with food. And guess what, put on weight, put on inches, grew out of my clothes, and became miserable.

I think we all go through it, some to a lesser extent - as long as we learn from these episodes and move through and on from them we will get by!

Just debating how early I can go to bed, will probably be in the next half hour!

I now only have 2 full and 1 part days until I see my CDC on Thursday evening. And then wowzer - a whole week done.

You can make a full day of this - you know you can! Big hugs and have a good evening x
Thanks Wales....i think in hindsight i may have been ok had i not gone so massively off plan at xmas. I allowed weeks of indulgence, not just a few days. You're right, i did enjoy moving up the plans, mostly stuck to it, and was enjoying the food and the excitement of developing new menus. However, i think it would be better for me to be closer to goal before i move up so quickly. Not that i know what i want that to be. Going to try for 9st7lb i along the way.
SS is the easiest way to get there, that much is true, although i have to move up to 810 really as i am in the cusp of BMI25. Needed to ss first though just to get myself back in control. Feel an idiot for needing to use CD like this, and not having the control within myself to make the right choices. Sure it'll come eventually.... at least if we don't stop trying we're getting there i guess.
Trying really hard to turn my head around and get positive vibes going on. I haven't helped myself by developing some bad eating patterns/ habits recently which i need to absolutely stop. But, i know beating self up about it isn't going to help. I AM IN CONTROL, I CAN DO THIS!
Sorry for all the negativity, just trying to turn things round. On a positive note, i have sole sourced for two whole days!The only cheat, was a taste of OH and DDs tea, and a lick of chocolate pudding off my finger....for me this is quite an acheivement so i guess i could be pleased with self. OH at work tonight so my danger zone is looming, (in house alone after DD in bed...oooer!) but i am determined not to screw it up. Only a few hrs to go xx

You should be please hun, 2 days is great! just replied to you on my thread and I am having a few 810 days myself to put me back to my routine, don't feel foolish, I know that I don't, I feel pleased with myself for knowing how to see what's happening in front of me and the possibility of what's gone before, i have the tools to fix it and I will use them wisely, for me its a matter of bringing myself back a step or two and then slowly continuing on forward again.

You are in control and yes you can do this!
Thanks Wales and Lelly,
Not doing too bad, but not perfect. I did nibble a 50p size lump of chicken breast. Felt bad, stopped it there and then though. So i will still call this a 'almost' 100% day. Not going to get stupid over a lump of protein. It didn't turn into a binge, which pleases me. Going to stick at ss until WI, mine is on thursday morning. Scales are still unchanged, at 10st6lb, a pound on from last thur when i was 10st5lb. Desperately want to get a loss. Hate the thought of sts or a gain. Should do it by then if i ss and glug water.
Thankyou both so much. I have lived on here today and its made a difference. Feeling more positive at the end of the day than the beginning. You're right, we can do this.....if i remember that CD is a tool, not a solution, and use it wisely. Thanks for the reminder and support, as ever, you are all so lovely and this would be a million times harder without you all xx
Hey Butterfly,

well done for avoiding the possible off-plan!
Wishing you a great day today!
