My Motivation & General Ramblings

:bighug: so relate to that.... I am almost a hermit :giggle: its hard isn't it... you can do this sweetie. Have you ever read 'Feel the fear and do it anyway' its a fab little book and seriously well worth the read.

Have a lovely time tomorrow, you will :D its always the thought thats worse :bighug: take care xxxxxxxxx
Well I did it - I managed to get the train to London by myself! Ended up having a nice evening with my OH work mates. The food was pretty good too. :D
Even with 2 "bad" meals. Even though the meal out wasn't that bad. I managed to lose 1lb this week. Not too shabby!

I would really love to lose 2lb this week as this would make me the lowest weight of my adult life, well if I'm being 100% honest since I was about 15. I've been a chunky monkey since about age 12 and it just got worse the older I got. But onwards and downwards!
Almost finished the bag I promised my friend a while ago. I'll post a pic when it's finished. Been really good food wise so far this week and going to keep on plan until Christmas then I've decided to have a week off plan til new year. Then I can deal with whatever the gain maybe and work my way to target - hopefully I'll hit target around July time. It still seems like a load to go but am breaking it down into tiny targets in my head so it's never more than 3-4 pound at a time, seems to be working.
Phew! Bag finished, I hope she likes it!

Currently working on a hello kitty bumblebee, it's so cute! Here's hoping it comes out just right! Will post a pic when finished!

Food wise I've been 100% this week so am really hoping for a good loss on Monday!
Just finished making this square to use as part of my mums christmas pressie, I'm just not sure about it.


It's cream but looks an odd colour due to light in living room.
Hi Jackie

I hope that you're feeling ok now after your fall!

The hello kitty is hello kitty in a bumblebee costume - she's got antennae, wings and a stripy body. I need to get eyes and a nose so I can finish it. It's very cute. Charlie must have very good taste - I love hello kitty too! I really enjoy crocheting it has helped me through some very dark times. I'll post a picture of the finished hello kitty when I'm done.

My friend loved her bag. She said she was going to wrap it up and send it to herself from the kids - in her words - at least I know I'm getting something I want. She does make me chuckle!

At the moment I'm crocheting an Aran style blanket for my mum. Second attempt is looking pretty good.

Pix :D
that is so cute Pix :D love it.. I taught myself to crochet but only used to make baby blankets not done it for years and unfortunately would be unable to follow a pattern :(

Hows you hun?

I am not too bad. Arm abit sore still and I keep getting sciatica in one leg but was lucky thats for sure xxxxx
Hi Jackie

Yeah I'm ok, taking everyday as it comes. I'm sure you would be able to follow a pattern -they're really easy once you get the basics down.

Punk_Pixie said:
Well am very happy to report a 2lb loss this week so am at my lowest weight I can remember! :D:bliss:

I'm hoping to be able to say the same soon!!! Xx
Woohoo! Finished my Christmas shopping! Just got to finish making a few things, which I'll enjoy doing.

Have been really good food wise this week and am really hoping for 1lb as this would get me my 3 and a half stone shiny in time for Xmas! I know that Xmas week I will gain - I accept this as it's only once a year Im having a week off plan. My nephew is coming A couple of days after Xmas - I love my little rascal! I can't wait to see him and my brother - I don't get to see them very often as they live in north Lincolnshire and I live in Essex.
