My story warts n all....I've started

Just a quickie to let you know my weigh-in results; have stayed the same this week, but then I did go off my mum's scales last week, so I am not worried at all. Plus (this may be too much info for some people, but I am always very honest) I have not been to the toilet for almost 9 days now, so think I need a bit of dynamite and am sure I will weigh less then. I can definately tell in all my clothes and feel good, so sod what the scales didn't show me this week. I know I've been 100% so it has to come off next week.
We've been to pick the dog up and she went scatty, cays and chickens are well and cats are definately glad to see us.
Man coming this afternoon to fix Sky, hopefully, but now got a load of Ikea stuff to build, so catch you all later xxx
Well done on 100% TS FF, whilst on holiday too!!! I am impressed, willpower of steel :0)

J xx

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We have not yet got back into our normal routine, so no lake walk this morning. We were up and out to do the shopping this morning and buy some nice bits for our bedroom and new coasters to put on our new ikea tables; so pleasant shopping really. This afternoon we did an autumn clean and I have been sorting all my make-up and perfume into some pretty baskets we bought to go on a set of shelves in the bedroom.

Please don't think the dog has been neglected by not having a walk today, but she really isn't up to it. She had 2 big epileptic fits yesterday and has been left really out of sorts and very tired. She can't even be bothered to play with a ball in the garden, and thats not her; she will normally play fetch till the cows come home. We are due back at the vets in 2 weeks for another review of her meds and fits, so will see what the vet has to say then.
Milly our pretty cat who used to tolerate us, is now the most loving affectionate cat going and cried when I put her out of our bedroom last night; so much so that we ended up opening the door and she snuggled up between us. I think she must have really missed us and realised that we are good to her. Billy her brother is just his usual soft and silly self and he joined her on our bed this morning. Good job I'm losing weight lol.
I am going out tomorrow morning with a friend who has not seen me since I started the diet, so hopefully she will notice how much I've lost as even I can tell now.
Up and about early this morning and horrible weather, was cold and rainy (but we will have the sun back by weekend) I was debating whether to cancel my market trip when the rain stopped and I saw a bit of blue sky, so I decided to carry on (I wanted to see my friends reaction to my weight loss).
My friend did notice and also commented on me growing my hair. She asked how much weight I'd lost and what size I was wearing. I told her I was back in size 16's again which she said was great; BUT then went on and on about her recent trip to UK and how she bought tons of size 14 clothes. It kinda took the shine off my sucess so far. Was i being too sensitive or does anyone else think it was a bit mean. Or maybe she was letting me know I'm not slim like she is?
Our dog Elsa is giving us cause for concern at the moment as she is still not her usual self. I think we will be at the vets monday for an early review of her to see how things are going. We are dreading the time when we have to make the decision to do a one way visit to vets with her, but to be honest I dont think it will be a long time away if she continues to deteriorate at the rate she has been doing lately.
I will need to order myself another 2 months Exante next week to see me through to mid december, when my dieting journey should be complete.
I think I am going to spend the afternoon sorting out my wardrobe and put the size 20's away and get the smaller clothes out and have a big trying on sesh.
Up and about early this morning and horrible weather, was cold and rainy (but we will have the sun back by weekend) I was debating whether to cancel my market trip when the rain stopped and I saw a bit of blue sky, so I decided to carry on (I wanted to see my friends reaction to my weight loss).
My friend did notice and also commented on me growing my hair. She asked how much weight I'd lost and what size I was wearing. I told her I was back in size 16's again which she said was great; BUT then went on and on about her recent trip to UK and how she bought tons of size 14 clothes. It kinda took the shine off my sucess so far. Was i being too sensitive or does anyone else think it was a bit mean. Or maybe she was letting me know I'm not slim like she is?
Our dog Elsa is giving us cause for concern at the moment as she is still not her usual self. I think we will be at the vets monday for an early review of her to see how things are going. We are dreading the time when we have to make the decision to do a one way visit to vets with her, but to be honest I dont think it will be a long time away if she continues to deteriorate at the rate she has been doing lately.
I will need to order myself another 2 months Exante next week to see me through to mid december, when my dieting journey should be complete.
I think I am going to spend the afternoon sorting out my wardrobe and put the size 20's away and get the smaller clothes out and have a big trying on sesh.

I'm sure your friend didn't deliberately mean to take the shine off your weight loss, but i can see and understand how she did! She's obviously excited about her own weight loss and wanted to share with you just as you did with her, but probably didn't think about how it would make you feel. No need to go on and on about it though. Either that or she's just terribly smug and selfish, but i doubt it's that ;) I definitely don't think you were being over sensitive about it, i know exactly how you feel, but unless she's generally a spiteful person i'm sure she didn't deliberately set out to belittle your weight loss.

As for sorting out your clothes, dont put the big ones away, chuck (or donate!) them - you won't be needing them again i'm sure xx
I think some people feel threatened when other people lose weight or maybe your friend just didnt realise how it would come across. I wouldnt worry about it - you will be a size 14 or better before you know it. Hope your dog is ok, i know how hard it is doing a one way journey to the vets....sending hugs x
thanks guys for your support; btw my friend has not lost any weight, just been shopping in uk for clothes. anyway moan time over.

I didn't do my clothes sorting this afternoon as a huge pile of ironing appeared from somewhere, obviously the ironing fairy has been on strike lol. So instead I ironed all afternoon as we have made arrangements to go to our friends sheep farm tomorrow to help out, so ironing wouldn't get done then.
This evening I felt knackered and kept falling asleep ( maybe body playing catchup after charging round for weeks) anyway i decided to have an extra pack as I know we have a busy few days (who am I trying to kid, my life is always busy) and I was beginning to feel worn out. So energy renewed and topped up, so will now see if I can manage to stay awake for Kirsty's handmade britain and grand designs, will have to watch TOWIE tomorrow; don't forget we are an hour ahead over here.
OH and did I tell you all I am wearing size 16 jeans today and looking good; even my hubby told me so, I do love him so much xxx
we have been up to our friends farm this morning as we had 2 wagon loads of chestnut delivered there in 2 metre lengths and needed to cut it up on the table saw there. We got stuck in and it took us 4 hours to sort it into 3 piles, one of 2 metre boards we can utilise to make things with, one pile of narrow stuff to be chopped up into kindling and the 3rd to be cut into short logs for the fire. We cut all the logs for the fire and now just need to load our friends van to bring it to our house. It will take a few trips so that is planned tomorrow. I should have taken some water and crisps with me as I ended up going a bit dizzy and sickly feeling as we were finishing off. Pity it didn't happen half way thru as I might have got out of some of the work lol. No chance of that happening. Anyway when we got home I had a drink of coke zero and tomato soup crisps and now feel fine. Just need a nice hot shower and settle down in front of the woodburner as I've done enough for today.

forgot to add that our farmer friend commented on how much weight I'd lost and I was looking great; and that was in my dirty baggy work gear.
I have spent most of the day reading this diary at any chance I got. I have a 2 year old daughter so those times aren't very often but it has kept me really entertained! This is my first day on Exante and I would just like to thank you as you are an inspiration. Well done on your losses so far! x x x
xSherrie I am so glad you are finding my ramblings inspirational and I hope that you do well on this diet. It really does change your life dramatically and even more importantly quickly; so Good Luck xxx

We were woke at 6 am this morning with our stupid dog. She had got her head stuck in the cat flap in the kitchen and was crying as she couldn't get out. I got her out easily and sent her back to bed and went back to bed myself. next we had world war 3 on our bed between the cats. All this on who could get into the warmest spot; don't you just love your animals lol. I wouldn't actually be without them but I don't like 6am wake up calls....are you listening animals????
So we are now all fed and watered and ready to go back up to the farm as we have to load all the chestnut to bring back to our place and guess what; we then have to stack it. It's a wonder I don't have nightmares about firewood.
Anyway hubby is stood tapping his feet at the front door so I better move; catch you later xxx
frenchfancy said:
xSherrie I am so glad you are finding my ramblings inspirational and I hope that you do well on this diet. It really does change your life dramatically and even more importantly quickly; so Good Luck xxx

We were woke at 6 am this morning with our stupid dog. She had got her head stuck in the cat flap in the kitchen and was crying as she couldn't get out. I got her out easily and sent her back to bed and went back to bed myself. next we had world war 3 on our bed between the cats. All this on who could get into the warmest spot; don't you just love your animals lol. I wouldn't actually be without them but I don't like 6am wake up calls....are you listening animals????
So we are now all fed and watered and ready to go back up to the farm as we have to load all the chestnut to bring back to our place and guess what; we then have to stack it. It's a wonder I don't have nightmares about firewood.
Anyway hubby is stood tapping his feet at the front door so I better move; catch you later xxx

Oh bless them
Lol really amused by the image of cats fighting for the hot spot and poor dog :)
another gruelling day moving and stacking firewood and I am knackered. we then went to deliver some wood kindling for some elderly friends and returned in time to watch the celebrity master chef final. LOL and I fell asleep. Hubby had lit the woodburner and I was cosy and warm and ended up playing nodding dog and keep jumping awake each time my chin touched my chest lol. what a sight. I blame it on our animals waking me so early; I note that all 3 of them are asleep too.

I am debating going to the shop to buy a bottle of brandy, NO it's not to drink! I need to get my dried fruit for christmas cake and christmas pudding soaking in the next few days so I can make them early next week. But to be honest I am so cosy I think it can wait until tomorrow.
Hi French Fancy, have just read most of your journey, am about to start my journey next week and both excited and apprehensive but reading these diaries really helps.....and imagining a time when I can retire, travel, have a lovely walk every morning with my doggies...and have lost all that excess weight. Well done you, your an inspiration.
Clare x
xSherrie I am so glad you are finding my ramblings inspirational and I hope that you do well on this diet. It really does change your life dramatically and even more importantly quickly; so Good Luck xxx

Thankyou :) I'm sat here extremely hungry with shake in hand but I will not succumb to my weaknesses! Lol. I will keep having a peek at how you're getting on x x x
Hi peace dove, keep posting and good luck with your journey.
xsherrie the best advice I can give you in the early days is to drink, drink and then drink some more; yes your bladder will behave like an untrained toddlers, but it will fill you up and keep you busy running to the loo. Secondly keep busy, both hands and head that way you are not tempted to eat.

Now that the nights have turned cold I can definately tell I am in ketosis as I am bloody freezing. I'm sat on top of the woodburner with layers and layers of clothes on and my hot water bottle at the ready for in bed.
I think it will be soon time for me to get my winter knitting out; I started a chunky poncho last winter, but only did about 30 rows so got lots to do on it.