My trousers pinch I burst a button on my favourite coat........

I recorded some on the skybix from the fitness channel, one is called yogalosophy and I was doing it with my friend (who is a Ballett dancer and super fit) and it turned out to be a really tough strength workout and not so much yoga :-(

I really like the Bikram because you're in a really hot room, but its just too dear :-(
It really is good, but same here's, it's just way too expensive, EUR15 per 90min. class :-( I feel like it would be cheaper turning on the heater in my bathroom really high and doing the poses there LOL :)

You feel really relaxed and fresh afterwards tho and have loadsa energy the following day.I used to go Friday evenings and would fall outta bed at 8.30 on the saturday
I've always wanted to try pilates! But worried I can't get into positions with my fat stomach!
Well the one I did DVD called Pilates for dummies was very good I could manage all of the positions and I'm queen of unfit and lazy lol
Ooh might try that! Am really unhappy with that yogalosophy program, It's pure torture, even my ballerina friend was sore...

So totally pigged out this weekend :/ but it was my bessie's birthday, so had to be done.....lotsa cocktails last nite and big fry up today..... I promise I'll be extra good this week!

Went to IKEA and got fish roe and crab paste, gonna have that with some hard boiled eggs and oatcakes later for dinner, lotsa protein, little carbs and good ones at that ( really starting to prefer oatcakes to crackers, way tastier). Just on the way home now with a massive haul :) yay!!!
Gonna try and throw in some extra protein this week, in saying that making pasta tonight (wholewheat though).....

Still hafta sit down and make a proper plan