Nails Diary - Hello! Can I come back?!

I definately will! No more takeaways, I've even planned what I'm eating tonight (spag bol), I got the mince out last night to defrost so I'm better prepared today :)
Let's hope I do get away with it :innocent0001: although after that little lot I doubt it somehow :rolleyes:
Forget about the kebab and pizza and dont beat yourself up - what good will it do, it will only make you feel worse and you will want to eat more....thats what im like. You have been a star with all that walking and it will really help on Tuesday - id hate to think where id be without my gym work! Im having a quiet night in tonight too. Instead of my fish and chips today im gonna have a coffee and an Alpen bar and then make a healthy version of Chicken and chips tonight. Im not expecting a big loss on Tuesday but a 1lb or so would be fab. Its totm for me too and I feel rotten - a cold has been doing the rounds in our house and it looks like its my turn.
Have a great weekend - just you and MPW, Ant and Dec, Sporticus.......etc!

Hi all
I've been a naughty, naughty girl! Yesterday I think I ate everything that came in my line of vision :eek:, honestly it was awful! Absolutely dreading wi tomorrow, only hoping all the walking I'm doing will have limited the damage. I'm back on track now though and have been really good today.
I can't believe I'm not going to see MPW on tv anymore :( I'll just have to console myself with the fact that Lazy Town is on tv all day Sunday ;)
Anyway hope you've all had a good day and I look forward to hearing the results of your wi's.
Oh no need to answer that one .... just read back on your thread!

At least you will have sportacus entertaining you for the day then!!!

Marco Pierre White from Hell's Kitchen :giggle:
Just a bit in awe of him and strangely attracted :eek:
good luck Nails xxxx
Awww thanks for the good luck wishes, I certainly needed them today lol! Well I sts which I'm thrilled about after all the food that I shovelled down over the past week!
I'm totally back on track although have got friends coming over so will be having wine but that's ok, I've got loads of points to make up today :D and I plan to drink the lot of em :giggle:
Hope you're all ok and have had a good day.
Well doine Nails. I havent been for WI tonight, too knackered, but on my scales I have STS too, no reason for it really, just my body pi$$ing about! Have a great night hun xx
Well doine Nails. I havent been for WI tonight, too knackered, but on my scales I have STS too, no reason for it really, just my body pi$$ing about! Have a great night hun xx

Sorry to hear that love, how are you?

Well Done On Sts Does That Mean We Might Av Some Rambling Lolxx

Cheers, well you never know ;)
Well done on sts this week. I sent you a pm saying congrats on the loss - for some reason I thought you had lost 2lbs - yip, just me and my daft posts again! Im having another blonde moment! Thats brilliant to maintain your loss. Im sticking with ww because its working and im enjoying it so although im all over the place im gonna try to maintain my big loss this week.
