NannyDoreen & Upndown's daily diaries

Glad you enjoyed your chicken & rice - we need tasty meals to help us keep on track - I enjoyed my sausage casserole too - felt like a treat - I put lots of veg in too.

Yes cake is a danger zone for me too! But the flapjacks are an HEB plus 1 syn - so not bad for a treat.

The carrot cake tray bake's lower at 13.5 syns for the whole thing too but it needs Scan Bran & of course that's not available at the mo - I was wondering if I could use All Bran - it's an HE for 50g or 7.5 syns - do you think All Bran would work?

I'll have to work it out and compare the syns - if it's not too high - I'll make a topping with quark mixed with sweetener and lemon juice and keep the topping in the fridge & put it on when I eat a piece in case it make the cake soggy. What a faff - I'm obsessed with cake at the mo!

You must've had better weather than us today - lovely blue skies but cold and windy! xx
Sitting here inside it looks like a lovely day but having been for a walk I know better - it's like yesterday - flipping cold and windy :( so don't fancy working in the garden in that - anyway the seeds I want a plant would just blow away!

I feel hungry today - so will make a soup!

B: I was hungry so - 2 rashers of bacon, 1 egg omelette, mushrooms, ketchup 2 syns and an apple and satsuma
L: leek, onion & potato soup, fruit salad
D: lamb, lots of veg, free yog or skyr,
Snacks: last of the flapjacks 7.5 syns Phil & Poppy have eaten most of them honest!
Drinks: fruit teas, water
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It was cold this morning. I had 3 t-shirts on, a cardigan and a coat when I went into town at 8 pm.Then when it was time to go to work it was warm and sunny.:rolleyes:
Are you watching The Truth about Obesity on BBC 1?

No I wasn't - I'm struggling with my sinuses this week so had an early night - - any tips to help me?

It was cold this morning. I had 3 t-shirts on, a cardigan and a coat when I went into town at 8 pm.Then when it was time to go to work it was warm and sunny.:rolleyes:

Wow that must have been a big change in temp!
Still feeling rough but bravely plodding on :classic_err_what:

Very unusually for me - I've not eaten anything yet - but will have some leek & potato soup for lunch not sure what I fancy for the rest of the day.
I use a facial steamer with menthol - I like to try to sort it out before going to the Doc - it's effective but my sinus area aches and I feel washed out - my nose is dry not runny sorry if that's tmi! I'll take painkillers if the pain lingers too long.
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Today's food:

Brunch: small portion of leek & potato soup, half a portion of SF strawberry jelly 1/4 syn, skyr, crushed meringue 2.5 syns:
D: lean lamb, a big pile of leeks, carrots and cauli, the other half portion of jelly 1/4 syn, quark with 1 tsp low cal drink choc 1 syn
Snack: banana
Drinks: fruit teas, water, diet drink

SYNS: 4 syns - low but I need to make up for my 2 over-synned days :classic_roll_eyes:
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I find a hot flannel resting just below the eyes help with the pain. My nose is semi blocked and some days I have to keep wiping it. it's strange as usually it's my right nostril then that one can clear and my left nostril is blocked. :(

I wonder how Nanny Doreen got on with weigh in today.
Sinus problems do seem to be a bit weird - I get a pain under my left eye - I find it exhausting after a day or two - I agree that a warm flannel in that area helps too!

I'm sure Doreen will let us know how she got on soon!
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Oh no hun, I hope you feel better soon! I hate sinus problems, it goes all into your head as well :classic_frown: xx
Thanks - it is a nuisance.
Hope Doreen's enjoying herself :classic_smile:

Well sun's shining out there and the birds are singing - so sorted my seedlings - spent a couple of hours in the garden - the runner beans, salad and herbs are really coming on now

Brunch: bacon, omelette 1 syn sauce and a speed fruit salad
D: lamb and lots of veg, fruit salad with skyr or free yogurt
Snacks: melon, carrot sticks if I need the them - hopefully nothing else
Drinks: fruit teas, low cal drinking choc 2 syns, water, diet drinks
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Hi how are you both doing weather is bloody awefull here nothing new my end just enjoying a very milky coffee debating on going out or not x

Weather brightened up here today even the sun came out - it was lovely and warm in sheltered places - long may in continue!
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So sorry to hear of your sinus problems upndown. It's horrible when they're playing up. I always use olbas oil when mine are causing pain. We call it sniffy make nice 😂
Thanks- olbas oil usually does the trick but the sinus is hanging around for too long this time!
Well another lovely day out there - I will do a bit in the garden - just plant a few seeds in trays or something easy later but still feeling rough.

Hope Doreen's enjoying herself :classic_smile:

Brunch: bacon, cheese HEA, omelette, mushrooms and melon
D: chilli con carne made with lots of veg - onions, peppers, carrots tin toms, jelly and free skyr or yogurt
Drinks: fruit teas, water, 1 coffee 1 syn, maybe a low hot choc 2 syns