NannyDoreen & Upndown's daily diaries

I could not get back to sleep - tried but got up again after an hour. Head was working overtime. I had had 5 hrs sleep which seems ok but then get very tired whatever time I get up. Will walk down the cafe later, that will wake me up and I can choose flooring at same time.
I could not get back to sleep - tried but got up again after an hour. Head was working overtime. I had had 5 hrs sleep which seems ok but then get very tired whatever time I get up. Will walk down the cafe later, that will wake me up and I can choose flooring at same time.
Sorry you had a poor night's sleep - hope you can have a quiet day and perhaps a nap later or will that cause probs for tonight! Take care Doreen xx
I love a good storm too. Not had one here for ages. Just the rain.
I love a cuddle. :) Could do with one now. It is 6am and I have been up since 2.30. Even done the washing and dried some in the dryer. I am gonna be tired later. I am hungry but have had 2 coffee and a pineapple that I had cut and left in the fridge last night. Really want some bacon but am not having that at the mo. Too early. About 9am will do. May try and get some sleep now.
Must try not to influence folk with my bacon.
I like to get passed 3 days too, but not gonna make any difference this week. Or did I already so that. I am getting old!
We're all getting older Doreen - but the trick is never to feel old eh? I think you sound like your doing very well and full of fun and dashing about here and there helping others - hope you get a good kip tonight!!
Hope you sleep well tonight, Doreen. There's nothing worse, is there, when you're just lying there, with thoughts whizzing round your head? Fingers crossed for tonight though. Take care.

Kathy xx
Thanks all. Have not had a kip this pm as neighbour asked me to go for coffee. Dinner all prepared just have to cook it.

Gonna do today`s food as I expect I will sleep early. Don`t want to eat too late as have weigh in tomorrow morning.


B: bacon eggs beans toast. Pineapple
L: 2 sausages (2 syns) in toast (5 syns) and beans with triangle cheese (1 syn)
Strawberries & yogurt.
D: Mince, onion & carrot, boiled spuds, runners and broccoli. Oxo cubes tom puree
Maybe frozen fruit & Yogurt

8 syns total
Well I manage Day 4 of the challenge - I was lucky to manage a walk on the beach after dropping Poppy of at school - the storm must have cleared away the rain and clouds- cos the sky was pretty clear apart from a few white fluffy clouds and the sea was still as a mill pond. BUT it didn't last - we had some rain later - then the sun came out for a bit again!

Hope all your days went well - here's mine:

Green Day :

B: fat free yog, berries and a few oats (challenge requires us to keep the carbs v low!)
L: SW tomato and basil soup and fruit salad
T: jacket potatoes, HEA worth of cheese, chopped onion and baked beans, side salad & muller yog
8 syns - choc
40 mins ish walk
Thanks all. Have not had a kip this pm as neighbour asked me to go for coffee. Dinner all prepared just have to cook it.

Gonna do today`s food as I expect I will sleep early. Don`t want to eat too late as have weigh in tomorrow morning.


B: bacon eggs beans toast. Pineapple
L: 2 sausages (2 syns) in toast (5 syns) and beans with triangle cheese (1 syn)
Strawberries & yogurt.
D: Mince, onion & carrot, boiled spuds, runners and broccoli. Oxo cubes tom puree
Maybe frozen fruit & Yogurt

8 syns total
Another good day - u may well do better than u think at WI!
I could not get back to sleep - tried but got up again after an hour. Head was working overtime. I had had 5 hrs sleep which seems ok but then get very tired whatever time I get up. Will walk down the cafe later, that will wake me up and I can choose flooring at same time.

Oh dear, this non sleepiness is not good, is it? I have about two *good* nights a week and two reasonably good (for me) with the other three nights (checks on fingers that I've made seven for the week hehe) awake more than I'm asleep. I know what you mean about getting very tired later!
Hope you got your walk to the cafe and also found some nice flooring, at a reasonable price. :)
Thanks all. Have not had a kip this pm as neighbour asked me to go for coffee. Dinner all prepared just have to cook it.

Gonna do today`s food as I expect I will sleep early. Don`t want to eat too late as have weigh in tomorrow morning.


B: bacon eggs beans toast. Pineapple
L: 2 sausages (2 syns) in toast (5 syns) and beans with triangle cheese (1 syn)
Strawberries & yogurt.
D: Mince, onion & carrot, boiled spuds, runners and broccoli. Oxo cubes tom puree
Maybe frozen fruit & Yogurt

8 syns total

Good food again Doreen, very low on syns too. Good Luck for weigh in tomorrow, I've got mine too. :)
Well I manage Day 4 of the challenge - I was lucky to manage a walk on the beach after dropping Poppy of at school - the storm must have cleared away the rain and clouds- cos the sky was pretty clear apart from a few white fluffy clouds and the sea was still as a mill pond. BUT it didn't last - we had some rain later - then the sun came out for a bit again!

Hope all your days went well - here's mine:

Green Day :

B: fat free yog, berries and a few oats (challenge requires us to keep the carbs v low!)
L: SW tomato and basil soup and fruit salad
T: jacket potatoes, HEA worth of cheese, chopped onion and baked beans, side salad & muller yog
8 syns - choc
40 mins ish walk

Haha, you sent it to me this time, we've had thunder rumbling around all evening but I don't think its actually rained much lately, it tipped down this morning though.
Snap for dinner, although you did better than me with the salad on the side, all I managed was a couple of tomatoes.
Weigh in tomorrow and not sure what to expect, think I'll be lucky to stay the same, it doesn't feel like I've lost but with the scales in the cupboard till the morning, I don't really know.
Had a good day in some ways today but feel rather bloated. We shall see!
Seems like you've done well for the Challenge today though and now you're passed the half way mark for the week. I've had soup most days but do find it hard to stick completely to the challenge rules, with family around and plans change regularly on what we're going to be doing. :sigh:
Really good food day there. I would really miss the potatoes though.

I'd miss choc, in fact most things containing sugar - but not potatoes! That said had a jacket potato for tea today cos it was- green day on the challenge and it's a challenge for me to find a tea with low carbs on a green day (if u know what I mean!) xx
Haha, you sent it to me this time, we've had thunder rumbling around all evening but I don't think its actually rained much lately, it tipped down this morning though.
Snap for dinner, although you did better than me with the salad on the side, all I managed was a couple of tomatoes.
Weigh in tomorrow and not sure what to expect, think I'll be lucky to stay the same, it doesn't feel like I've lost but with the scales in the cupboard till the morning, I don't really know.
Had a good day in some ways today but feel rather bloated. We shall see!
Seems like you've done well for the Challenge today though and now you're passed the half way mark for the week. I've had soup most days but do find it hard to stick completely to the challenge rules, with family around and plans change regularly on what we're going to be doing. :sigh:

Know what u mean about the challenge rules but glad I did Get Fit this time - don't think I'd have managed the Turbo this week. Hope u have lost - u only had a minor blip! I'll pop in to check in the morning! X
You appear to have settled into the soup well. Lol, that conjours up an image of you reclining in a big bowl of sloppy soup!
I go between wishing I were surrounded by people all the time so I can just cook for them, when I find it easier to resist picking at it myself and wishing I lived on my own so I could ONLY have on plan meals and food in the house!
Your hubby sounds very supportive though. Mine goes along with it but is hopeless if I go off plan at reminding me I shouldn't! :(

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You appear to have settled into the soup well. Lol, that conjours up an image of you reclining in a big bowl of sloppy soup!
I go between wishing I were surrounded by people all the time so I can just cook for them, when I find it easier to resist picking at it myself and wishing I lived on my own so I could ONLY have on plan meals and food in the house!
Your hubby sounds very supportive though. Mine goes along with it but is hopeless if I go off plan at reminding me I shouldn't! :(

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yes I'm happily swimming is the soup the week! Yes hubby is v supportive but don't think he'd like to point out when I'm going off plan tho' - he knows only too well that I can get touchy enough when I'm off plan!!
Hi ladies hope your all keeping well.
Ive been awol but feel like the real me today. Hope i can stay like this.
Ive got some catching up to do. :cool:
Well I manage Day 4 of the challenge - I was lucky to manage a walk on the beach after dropping Poppy of at school - the storm must have cleared away the rain and clouds- cos the sky was pretty clear apart from a few white fluffy clouds and the sea was still as a mill pond. BUT it didn't last - we had some rain later - then the sun came out for a bit again!

Hope all your days went well - here's mine:

Green Day :

B: fat free yog, berries and a few oats (challenge requires us to keep the carbs v low!)
L: SW tomato and basil soup and fruit salad
T: jacket potatoes, HEA worth of cheese, chopped onion and baked beans, side salad & muller yog
8 syns - choc
40 mins ish walk

Another good day - u may well do better than u think at WI!

I do love a walk by the sea. Very refreshing. We had a lot of rain to down here. Just put brolly up:)

I did do a little better than I thought at WI but still put on 3.1/2lbs.

I was still very tired but knewI had to go. A lovely lady and I had a good chat about stresses & strains of life. She has had some not nice things to cope with and we understood each other so well. It was lovely to talk to somebody who really understood my feelings and I hers without getting emotional.
She did me good.
After Zumba me and another friend spent 3 hrs at the cafe chatting about lots of things. What a very pleasant day.

Well done for getting to 4th day of challenge.
Friday 10th October. Ooh if I was still married this would have been my 50th anniversary........

Hexa milk hexb 2 toast

B: after class. 2 eggs, few baked beans & 2 toast. 1 apple

S: to cafe & had a latte made with skimmed milk. some from allowance but 150ml to syn (3 syns)

D: 2 chicken thighs, little boiled spud, runners, broc cauli gravy granules. (3syns)
Fresh pineapple later

Total 6.

Early night as am still very tired.

Friday 10th October. Ooh if I was still married this would have been my 50th anniversary........

Hexa milk hexb 2 toast

B: after class. 2 eggs, few baked beans & 2 toast. 1 apple

S: to cafe & had a latte made with skimmed milk. some from allowance but 150ml to syn (3 syns)

D: 2 chicken thighs, little boiled spud, runners, broc cauli gravy granules. (3syns)
Fresh pineapple later

Total 6.

Early night as am still very tired.

Well I shall say Happy Anniversary then. I hope you aren't sad about it.

I've got some lovely fresh pineapple to have later too. Had better go and make my omelette. The others are having pizza and garlic bread!

Sleep well hun, hope you can catch up on it tonight xx

Edit: my omelette turned into a stir fry, pic on diary :)

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Hope everyone's smiling about their successful day? Mo's quiet - hope she's well. Here's my grub:

B: ff yog and banana
L: leek and spinach soup, ff yog and apple
T: quorn casserole with lots of veg
snack: soup again and a banana - cos I was hungry!
part hea - ss milk in coffee
syns: 9 - pecan pie Nakd bar (weird name, spelt correctly!) Someone on here raves about them - from Holland and Barrat - made from dates, almonds and pecan nuts - ok but no surprise - I'd rather have choc - apparently the peanut one is the best - but they were out of stock!