NannyDoreen & Upndown's daily diaries

I'm smiling :)
Even more so because you've had good foodage too :)

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I do love a walk by the sea. Very refreshing. We had a lot of rain to down here. Just put brolly up:)

I did do a little better than I thought at WI but still put on 3.1/2lbs.

I was still very tired but knewI had to go. A lovely lady and I had a good chat about stresses & strains of life. She has had some not nice things to cope with and we understood each other so well. It was lovely to talk to somebody who really understood my feelings and I hers without getting emotional.
She did me good.
After Zumba me and another friend spent 3 hrs at the cafe chatting about lots of things. What a very pleasant day.

Well done for getting to 4th day of challenge.

Well done for going to class! Glad ur gain was not as bad as u thought - u'll soon get that off by doing days like today! Food looks tasty too! It was good to read about ur lovely day too!

Thx for the praise - can't really believe I've now had 5 on plan days this eek - as Cloudy says once u've done 3 - u don't want to spoil it!! Hope u get a good night's sleep and feel more refreshed 2moro xx
Friday 10th October. Ooh if I was still married this would have been my 50th anniversary........

Hexa milk hexb 2 toast

B: after class. 2 eggs, few baked beans & 2 toast. 1 apple

S: to cafe & had a latte made with skimmed milk. some from allowance but 150ml to syn (3 syns)

D: 2 chicken thighs, little boiled spud, runners, broc cauli gravy granules. (3syns)
Fresh pineapple later

Total 6.

Early night as am still very tired.

Oh Doreen - like Cloudy I'll wish u a Happy Anniversary and hope u had some happy memories xx
Hi ladies hope your all keeping well.
Ive been awol but feel like the real me today. Hope i can stay like this.
Ive got some catching up to do. :cool:

woo-hoo - lots of us will be feeling good cos ur back to ur old self - yes long may it last!!
Sorry Doreen, somehow I missed your post about gain. Off plan food often means a rapid gain but it can come off again as quickly, especially with great food days like today.
I also loved the description of your day - sounds like just what you needed :)

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Thanks Cloudy. You are so right it was a good day. Today panning good too. It was so good to be able to speak to somebody that really knows where I am am coming from.

Also I was not sad about anniversary - or would have been anniversary. It was just that I had typed the date and it reminded me. I see it as his loss sadly.

I am just going to have lunch. Good food day so far.
Thanks Cloudy. You are so right it was a good day. Today panning good too. It was so good to be able to speak to somebody that really knows where I am am coming from.

Also I was not sad about anniversary - or would have been anniversary. It was just that I had typed the date and it reminded me. I see it as his loss sadly.

I am just going to have lunch. Good food day so far.

Glad u weren't upset about the anniversary - as u say it's his loss - ur a lovely lady! Xx
:) That is so lovely Upndown. Thank you.

Food for today.#

Saturday 11th Oct

Hexa Milk Hexb bread

B: 2 eggs bacon mushroom toast coffee banana

L: Ham boiled eggs tomatoes small amount of mash. 2 bananas

S: Jelly (1.1/2 syns) mixed frozen berries yogurt

D: chicken stew with carrot swede pearl barley onion oxo cubes spuds and runners.
Rest of Jelly and berries.

Supper Jelly (1.1/2) with banana in it

The yogurt I had needed to be synned (2syns)

5 syns total.

Pleased with that.
Hope ur all well and had a good on plan day? Hubby's working on the car (one of his hobbies!) so I've been pottering, cooking, washing, gardening etc - my middle son (Poppy's dad) called in - he's a right case so had a good chat and laugh - he also brought some good coffee so we had a nice cuppa! Here's my food - a green day:

B: ff yog and banana
L: leek & spinach soup (from from yest) and an apple
snack: banana
T: quorn chilli & rice, tiny portion of Apple crumble & ice cream 10 syns ish?
body magic: 30 mins + gardening
part HEA ss milk in coffee
HEB fruit and nuts - no Cloudy not the cadbury's version - although that wd have even nice!

oh forgot to say hubby's decided to build his core strength by planking! That's lying the floor supported by your forearms whilst on your tippy toes! I said it looks easy So he asked me to try it!

Flipping heck I cd only hold the position for about 20 seconds!! I then looked on the search engines and found a 30 day planking challenge starting with holding the position for 20 seconds building up to 300 seconds over 30 days. So we're going to try to do it but think it'll take me a lot longer than 30 days!! I think Bubbles might have done something like that?
Thanks Cloudy. You are so right it was a good day. Today panning good too. It was so good to be able to speak to somebody that really knows where I am am coming from.

Also I was not sad about anniversary - or would have been anniversary. It was just that I had typed the date and it reminded me. I see it as his loss sadly.

I am just going to have lunch. Good food day so far.

Will you see that lady again? Is she a regular at the group?
I can understand what you mean about having someone to talk to, I really miss my friends that lived locally where we used to live. I've not really met anyone here, the neighbours are busy with their own lives, we say hello and the occasional chat outside but they're not really our kind of people. I did have coffee a couple of times with a lady over the road that started talking to me at the bus stop one day but we didn't really have that much in common. It might sound a bit nasty if I say she wanted to be friends more than I did, that makes me sound unkind and judgemental but she had some funny attitudes about things, very gossipy about people in the road and I didn't want to get into that. So, apart from family and friends that drive over now and then, I don't see anyone much and not working now, I do miss company. Atm our youngest daughter is living here with the baby, which is lovely but she's often out with her friends and I'm glad about that but when hubby is working endless days, I get a bit fed up.
Oh dear, woe is me lol, I sound a right saddo, sorry, I've rather ranted there. :rolleyes:

Anyway, glad your day is going well foodwise. I'll post my days eating on diary shortly (keep saying that but watching x factor at the same time as catching up on diaries, so slow posting). xx
Planking - my daughter used to do that, not sure she's tried it since having the baby lol but don't think I could manage it, even with steel toe capped boots on lol. Good luck with the challenge :eek:

Thx - I look a state doing it - my whole body shakes and wobbles after 10 seconds!! I've done a bit of yoga over the years so hope to improve bit by bit!
Will you see that lady again? Is she a regular at the group?
I can understand what you mean about having someone to talk to, I really miss my friends that lived locally where we used to live. I've not really met anyone here, the neighbours are busy with their own lives, we say hello and the occasional chat outside but they're not really our kind of people. I did have coffee a couple of times with a lady over the road that started talking to me at the bus stop one day but we didn't really have that much in common. It might sound a bit nasty if I say she wanted to be friends more than I did, that makes me sound unkind and judgemental but she had some funny attitudes about things, very gossipy about people in the road and I didn't want to get into that. So, apart from family and friends that drive over now and then, I don't see anyone much and not working now, I do miss company. Atm our youngest daughter is living here with the baby, which is lovely but she's often out with her friends and I'm glad about that but when hubby is working endless days, I get a bit fed up.
Oh dear, woe is me lol, I sound a right saddo, sorry, I've rather ranted there. :rolleyes:

Anyway, glad your day is going well foodwise. I'll post my days eating on diary shortly (keep saying that but watching x factor at the same time as catching up on diaries, so slow posting). xx

Well just keep posting here - we're always here for u!
:) That is so lovely Upndown. Thank you.

Food for today.#

Saturday 11th Oct

Hexa Milk Hexb bread

B: 2 eggs bacon mushroom toast coffee banana

L: Ham boiled eggs tomatoes small amount of mash. 2 bananas

S: Jelly (1.1/2 syns) mixed frozen berries yogurt

D: chicken stew with carrot swede pearl barley onion oxo cubes spuds and runners.
Rest of Jelly and berries.

Supper Jelly (1.1/2) with banana in it

The yogurt I had needed to be synned (2syns)

5 syns total.

Pleased with that.

Ur very welcome - just telling it as it is!

I should say u are pleased with that day - anyone would be. Also it's great that u got back on plan straight after ur little blip - it's so easy to carry on for a few days (or weeks!) I love jelly but don't often think of making it - was the one u had sugar free? Either way well worth the Syns! Here's to a good day tomorrow.
Thx - I look a state doing it - my whole body shakes and wobbles after 10 seconds!! I've done a bit of yoga over the years so hope to improve bit by bit!

I know that I couldn`t do it either. The reason I know is that I have just tried. :giveup:

Will try again in the morning when more awake.
Ur very welcome - just telling it as it is!

I should say u are pleased with that day - anyone would be. Also it's great that u got back on plan straight after ur little blip - it's so easy to carry on for a few days (or weeks!) I love jelly but don't often think of making it - was the one u had sugar free? Either way well worth the Syns! Here's to a good day tomorrow.

Yea, it was sugar free jelly. I put red frozen fruit in a blackcurrant one and banana in an orange one. I was surpriesed the banana was ok in the orange. I had bought a tin of broken mandarin segments in Tesco but when I loked at the tine today I noticed it was in light syrup and the small tin would have cost me 9 syns. Will pass on to a neighbour tomorrow. SO glad I checked.
Will you see that lady again? Is she a regular at the group?
I can understand what you mean about having someone to talk to, I really miss my friends that lived locally where we used to live. I've not really met anyone here, the neighbours are busy with their own lives, we say hello and the occasional chat outside but they're not really our kind of people. I did have coffee a couple of times with a lady over the road that started talking to me at the bus stop one day but we didn't really have that much in common. It might sound a bit nasty if I say she wanted to be friends more than I did, that makes me sound unkind and judgemental but she had some funny attitudes about things, very gossipy about people in the road and I didn't want to get into that. So, apart from family and friends that drive over now and then, I don't see anyone much and not working now, I do miss company. Atm our youngest daughter is living here with the baby, which is lovely but she's often out with her friends and I'm glad about that but when hubby is working endless days, I get a bit fed up.
Oh dear, woe is me lol, I sound a right saddo, sorry, I've rather ranted there. :rolleyes:

Anyway, glad your day is going well foodwise. I'll post my days eating on diary shortly (keep saying that but watching x factor at the same time as catching up on diaries, so slow posting). xx

I know exactly what you mean Cloudy. It is often like that unfortunately.

The lady in the club (Debbie) is a regular so I know if I needed to I could turn to her. I wouldn`t want to push it too much. It is just knowing that she described exactly how I felt. Nobody ever has before. Generally people think they know but really don`t. Well I am sure some would of course but have not found another like Debbir. That is not meant to be a criticism just a fact. Of course it is nice to spend time just having a chat with whoever, even at the bus stop. . I am not always feeling like I was. I have found that when I am stressing like that I usually find I start clenching my teeth.

Anyway have had a good day today. Just having a last coffee then off to bed.
Yea, it was sugar free jelly. I put red frozen fruit in a blackcurrant one and banana in an orange one. I was surpriesed the banana was ok in the orange. I had bought a tin of broken mandarin segments in Tesco but when I loked at the tine today I noticed it was in light syrup and the small tin would have cost me 9 syns. Will pass on to a neighbour tomorrow. SO glad I checked.
Wow 9 Syns for fruit - as u say just as well u checked! Never tried banana in an orange jelly but bet it was nice - bananas are a nice bit of syn free stodge I think! Hope u had a good sleep and have a good day! xx