Natnat2's ramblings


This is going to be a short and sweet post as I've got to get ready for work.
Day 1
I had:
half a vanilla shake with a bit more water for breakie,
Lots of coffee,
half an orange choc bar for lunch,
more coffee,
a cup of bouillon when I finished work,
Mushroom soup with tons of pepper for dinner (I found this quite nice to begin with then halfway through it started tasting like baby formula),
The other half of my vanilla shake made quite thick like a mousse for dessert
Then as a late night snack the other half of the bar.
And I had 2 litres of water as well
No exercise for today :(

Now for day 2
I weighed myself this morning (naughty I know) but I needed an extra oomph and I've lost 3 pounds already! If that isn't motivation to stick with it today then I don't know what is.
Today I'm thinking of having
Banana shake
Toffee nut bar
Tomato and basil soup
Oh and I'm gonna take my tiny thermos with bouillon inside
And it's my turn to walk the dog so that will be my exercise for today

Have a great day everybody!
(looking back that wasn't as short as I thought it was gonna be)
what was the vanilla shake like as a mousse?

well done on 3lb already thats brill
Ok so today wasn't so good here's how it went:
Coffee about 10ish
Half of a tesco meal replacement bar for lunch
Coffee at 2ish
Bouillon at 5ish
Walked the dog
Banana shake and rest of bar at 6
At 7 i tried the tomato soup and it is absolutely vile! I chucked it away and had a small steamed chicken breast instead.
So the plan is: I'll put a line under today, and sell the tomato and mushroom soups to some poor sucker who likes them.
Bring on tomorrow!
natnat2 said:
Actually had a better idea, just man up and eat them until they're gone.

The tomato soup was the only one I could stomach.. here's what I done... Made it very thin, had it in a mug so it was like a cupasoup and added some chilli flakes to it. It was okay but by this time I had an issue with the soups and they made me gag. So I sold all my soups to some mug that liked them.... Lol