Need some serious Inspiration


Silver Member
I'm not site what's wrong with ne but I'm in some serious need of inspiration - what annoys me is I know how important weight loss is and how much it would make me happy but I get into this defeatist attitude where I doubt myself and I doubt I will ever lose 5 stone ..... It's like right now the crappy side of my brain is so much stronger then the happy determined side

Need some tips advice something anything lol

These moments ate becoming so frequent it's really winding me up
Watch tv shows like the biggest loser, fat fighters, for some reason, they make me feel better about being me

Also i was feeling abit post xmas blues, so today i wrote down, a few questions then tried to answer them, the questions were.

Why do i want to lose weight, what will happen if i do nothing etc etc

This helped me, so maybe it could help you
Laura, you could try thinking about the weight you have lost already and how much better it makes you feel. I had a gym induction recently and said I needed to lose a couple of stone but wasn't sure how much I would feel the difference. The trainer there suggested I try doing some exercises (squats, lunges and shuttle runs) and then doing the same carrying weights, I did them with a 5kg weight in each hand (which is less weight than I need to lose) and it was SO MUCH harder. So maybe think about how much easier it will be to workout and even do every day things without the excess weight?
Thanks Tom -- I've emailed you back babe xx

Thank you Faxman - your right I need to think about what I've lost and it makes me feel massively better, I need tl stop looking at it as 5 stone to lose and just take each half stone at a time .... Thank you guys xxx
feelinggood said:
I'm the same laura its like the evil side of ur brain takes over,x

Driving me mad because as much as I know it's wrong and I don't want to listen to it I cannot seem to shut it up lol
I get this as well. I have just stuck a photo of me in my underwear on the door of the fridge, and hoping this will act as an incentive when I feel my willpower weakening.
Hi Laura,

I understand how you feel, I've felt the same way when I began my diet, but I assure you, as soon as you see results you'll start to get more and more motivated to continue. Here are a few tips, hope you'll find them useful:

1. Make a Vision Board - Make a picture board full of pictures that inspire you and will motivate you throughout your weight loss journey. Cut out pictures from magazine, write out quotes that inspire you, and other images that will motivate you. Take all of these items and place them on a piece of tag board or cardboard. Then glue or tape all of your things to your board.

2. Chart your weight loss progress. If seeing the numbers are motivational to you create an excel chart that maps out the progress that you are making. You can set up your excel sheet to track what is important to you. A few examples of things that you could chart in excel would be your weight loss, body measurements, calories eaten each day, amount of time working out each day, etc.

3. Avoid weighing yourself too often, or if you feel that you have to, use a Quantum scale, it registers your weight but does not display it, so you don't have to worry about developing any "scale anxiety". Remember, your scale is supposed to be a tool to help you manage your weight, not an evil device deciding your mood for the day.

4. Take a picture of yourself before you get started or in the first few weeks of your weight loss mission. Keep the picture with you and look at it whenever you are wanting to make a poor decision. When you look at it remind yourself that you do not want to look like that and remind yourself of the goals that you are working towards.

Good luck and keep us updated on your progress! :D