Need tasty snacks! Help!

Hi! I'm Claire. Was searching for something to use quark in and found my phone had gone to the app download for this site!

As the title says I really need some more ideas. :)

Don't know whether to put my weight down here or not, I'll have a look around first.

Claire x
Hello and a huge welcome,
I think you are better off looking on the recipe part of the forum.
How much weight do you wanna loose?
keep in touch :D
Thanks for replying :)
I just want to lose about a stone. I was about 13 or 14 stone or more after I had first three children. Not sure what size or weight I was. I wore baggy tops and elasticated skirts all the time. My fourth kiddy is nearly two and I can't seem to find the motivation to diet. I really need to exercise too, as no matter how much weight I lose I always have my post baby flab! But it's finding the energy and time to do it.