Nellylou -2 stone to go! I can do it with SW

mummywillbe said:
Hey nellylou sorry to hear you've been feeling down been one of those this end to but glad your feeling more positive x

Hey, thanks. Much better today. Just let everything get on top of me x
Monday is kind of a good day too sometimes - start of a new week, fresh start and all that. Glad you're feeling more positive, it's tough work sometimes but worth it I reckon. Trying really hard at the moment to keep positive myself and the theory is that if I think about it for long enough positive might just become my default way of thinking! Anyway, after that long ramble just good to hear that you're feeling a bit better x
Thanks all for your support, it means a lot.
I finally got my bum in to gear and contacted specialist to say am ready for treatment (like he asked me to) Ive been putting it off because to be completely honest I am terrified of the treatment (IVF) failing...I know thats a negative way to look but at the moment I still have very small hope that it will happen naturally. Anyway spoke to his secretary who was really helpful and was feeling all positive and she got me the number for his NHS secretary and she told me that my tests are all out of date and i need to be re refered through my GP and have all the initial tests done again - I am so so upset about this :cry:and feel so annoyed with myself that I have left it this long. Sorry for rant but need to get it off my chest.
Red day:

(B) Blueberry wheats (heb) strawberries and muller greek style yog (0.5) milk (hea)
(L) Ham, egg and chicken salad 2 ryvita (3)with light Philly (hea2)
(D) Spicy chicken breasts with broccali and cauliflower
(S) After swim 4 asda salmon and prawn skewers and a special k bar (heb2)
4 choc brazil nuts 12!!!! 2 sq dairy milk (3)

18.5 syns!!!
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Hey Hun

Just read your earlier post, dont be sorry for ranting rant away sometimes to get it off your chest to others then your OH or family.

easier said then done but try and stay positive I got a telling off from the doctor regarding stress as it was effecting my results -so try and think and believe it will happen either naturally or IVF stress does funny things to us.

Will your doctor not push your tests through quickly seeing as he will know they are repeat tests really hope this all happens quickly for you and you feel better about things soon x
mummywillbe said:
Hey Hun

Just read your earlier post, dont be sorry for ranting rant away sometimes to get it off your chest to others then your OH or family.

easier said then done but try and stay positive I got a telling off from the doctor regarding stress as it was effecting my results -so try and think and believe it will happen either naturally or IVF stress does funny things to us.

Will your doctor not push your tests through quickly seeing as he will know they are repeat tests really hope this all happens quickly for you and you feel better about things soon x

Thank you, means a lot that I can come and rant. Hope your ok will catch up on diaries tommorow x
Its weigh day tmrw, really hope I can see a loss on the scales. Went for a swim last night and am all achey today as think i pushed myself quite hard.

Red day:
(B) Fruit and fibre (heb) and (hea) banana
(L) Tinned sardines on ryvitas (heb2) soft cheese (hea) strawberries and muller light greek yog (0.5)
(D) Quorn bbq fillets, mashed carrot and swede and broccali
(S) special k bar (4.5) then made a kind of cheesecake type thing with a microwaved special k bar (4.5) and added quark mixed with white choc options (2)

11.5 syns
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Rant all you like, it's what we're here for x It's a hard journey but there is progress, even though it's slow. And it's so hard not to stress, especially when everyone is telling you not to lol! Hopefully they can speed you though the tests a bit knowing that you've had then already. Keep ranting if you need too, get the stress out on here so that it's not in your head x
missy1978 said:
Rant all you like, it's what we're here for x It's a hard journey but there is progress, even though it's slow. And it's so hard not to stress, especially when everyone is telling you not to lol! Hopefully they can speed you though the tests a bit knowing that you've had then already. Keep ranting if you need too, get the stress out on here so that it's not in your head x

Thank you :) am waiting for specialist to let me know what I need to do next, if he says I have to go back to GP then so be it and I will and will get it fast tracked. X
Oh dear, just back from weigh in 2.5lbs on! I deserved a gain as was naughty at the weekend was just hoping it wouldnt be so big. Positive note im going to aim for 4lbs off next week to keep me on track for what I want to loose each week.

Not sure what day im don ing today but its going to be on plan for sure!

(B) 2 muller greek style yogs (1) hi fi lemon bar (heb)
***decided on a green day**
(L) Jacket pot (1) beans and sausages (4) lurpack (2)
apple, 3 pieces of dark chocolate (5)
(D) Pasta in low fat cheese spread (hea) red onion sausages and sweetcorn with cheese on top (hea2)
*****40 min swim*****
(S) Quorn sticky fillet: hmmmm need another heb but not hungry... May tweak the plan and have an extra one tmrw :)

13 syns
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Nellylou said:
Oh dear, just back from weigh in 2.5lbs on! I deserved a gain as was naughty at the weekend was just hoping it wouldnt be so big. Positive note im going to aim for 4lbs off next week to keep me on track for what I want to loose each week.

Not sure what day im don ing today but its going to be on plan for sure!

(B) 2 muller greek style yogs (1) hi fi lemon bar (heb)
***decided on a green day**
(L) Jacket pot (1) beans and sausages (4) lurpack (2)
apple, 3 pieces of dark chocolate (5)
(D) Pasta in low fat cheese spread (hea) onions and sweetcorn with cheese on top (hea2)

13 syns

Oh no! Good that you've got a goal for next week though - I'm aiming for 2lb next week so let's go to it! x
missy1978 said:
Oh no! Good that you've got a goal for next week though - I'm aiming for 2lb next week so let's go to it! x

We can keep each other on track! :) x
Okay so I'm going to Boyfs home town this weekend I really really want a good loss this week si need a plan. Will be staying with his friend from tommorow night and spending the day with his mum on sat and travelling home Sunday afternoon - my danger zones are likely to be the 4 hour car journey (each way) so need to be prepared:

(this could all change but helps me to have a plan)

Working till 2 tmrw do will have breakfast and lunch at work:

Green day
(B) activia snack pot (1) lemon hi fi bar (heb) cherries, milk (hea)
(L) sushi (4)
(journey snacks) hi fi (heb2) apple and banana
(D) jacket pot and beans, cheese (hea2)salad
Special k bar (4.5)

Sat (flexi syn)

(B) scram eggs on toast (heb) tom sauce (1) milk for tea (hea)
(L) grab something healthy, salad, sushi, jacket pot etc
(D) takeaway: if Chinese something chickeny with boiled rice. If Indian will be able to make sensible choice
Will prob have couple of glasses of wine (8) mixed with diet lemonade

Sunday: red day

(B) scram egg on toast (heb) Tom sauce (1) milk for tea (hea)
(L) carvary (lots of meat and vegetables
***travel home***
(S) fruit
(D) salad of some sort

Then from Monday - Thursday I'm going to attempt fish at every meal (so no other meat for the 4 days
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Ok so being picked up from work in 10 minutes. I am sticking to plan this weekend, I want to lose this week! taking my swimming costume and new sw mag with me so I can still exercise and feel motivated.

Green day
(B) cherries, hi fi light (heb) milk for tea/coffee (hea)
(L) Jacket pot (1) spread (2) spaghetti hoops
(S) hi fi (heb2) diet coke, banana
(D) uncle benns chicken and mushroom risoto (4)
Homemade cheesecake (7.5)

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Yes, big losses all round!! :) (hopefully)

Ok so today has started like this, woke up and bacon and sausages being cooked: didn't even consider that they were being fried!!!! Was offered white bread and hash browns (declined)

Today is a flexi syn / extra easy day (I know not enough superfree) and I'm planning on 50 syns or less today and then Sunday - Thursday 5 syns per day

(B) beans, bacon, 2 sausages (4) (6 syns for oil)
(L) Quorn BBQ fillets, cherry toms, lettuce, cucumber
Activia snack pot (1) Turned down a kit Kat chunky!!!! :)
(S) fibre plus (heb)
(D) pork chop, peas, potato dauphine noure (5)
(S) 2 bournville biscuits (8) foxs chunky cookies (14)
Cheesecake (10)

48 syns
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(B) fibre plus

The above didn't go to plan, swimming pool was closed!
went to the beach and had a wander around, had some lunch, resisted naughty treats

(B) no breakfast!
(L) roast pork salad, cucumber, lettuce, tomato, beetroot and boiled egg with boiled pots
(S) fibre plus (heb) milk for tea/ coffee ( hea) activia (1)
(D) chicken and veg sushi (2.5) couscous chicken salad, apple, fridge raiders (2.5)
(S) fibre plus milk choc (5.5)

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Nellylou said:

(B) fibre plus

Ooh where are you getting your fibre plus bars from? My local Home Bargains has run out!

Hope you're having a good weekend :) x