Nellylou -2 stone to go! I can do it with SW

aww what was the doc about?? i watched that nashville on more 4 it was amazing :)
could you not go to bed earlier tonight so u can still have a long sleep :) x

It was called 'dreams of a life' and was a true story about a woman who died in 2003 in her flat and wasnt found for 3 years and nobody noticed :confused: she was 38 years old. It was just really shocking and has made me think alot about people being lonely.

whats Nashville? havent heard of it. Yep will have an earlier night tonight xx
oh yeah my mum watched that a few weeks ago ill have to watch it on 4od.
Its about two country singers one young one old who might have to tour together because the old one might get dropped from her label. Theres a lot more deeper stuff going on in it aswell looks good :D xx
oh yeah my mum watched that a few weeks ago ill have to watch it on 4od.
Its about two country singers one young one old who might have to tour together because the old one might get dropped from her label. Theres a lot more deeper stuff going on in it aswell looks good :D xx

Was pretty harrowing :(

Maybe ill give that one a go, I'm always looking for new things to watch xx
Decided on another green day!

(B) breakfast biscuits (heb) milk in tea (hea)

(L) sushi (2.5) apple and 2 baby bel lights (4)

(D) mushroom, onion and cheese (hea2) omelette with beans

(S) hi fi (heb2) 2 mini malteaser bunnies (6)

Syns 12.5
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Aww sorry to hear that documentary upset you hun. I was crying during the Mary Berry one the other night - I'm such a softie - my OH thinks I'm mad sometimes!

What breakfast biscuits are HEXB now? Quite like the idea of a change from my Alpen Lights sometimes!! xx
Aww sorry to hear that documentary upset you hun. I was crying during the Mary Berry one the other night - I'm such a softie - my OH thinks I'm mad sometimes!

What breakfast biscuits are HEXB now? Quite like the idea of a change from my Alpen Lights sometimes!! xx

I do like a good cry every now and then but this was just disturbing!

It's the nutri grain breakfast biscuits you get 2 for a heb choice, but I usually end up eating all 4 and having to syn them xx
The fact that you only get two really puts me off cos I know I'd eat all four and there's no way I'm using two HEXs on biscuits lol ;)
The fact that you only get two really puts me off cos I know I'd eat all four and there's no way I'm using two HEXs on biscuits lol ;)

Yep me too, I bought loads when they were on offer. Won't get them again x
See you have a couple of my fav little bunnies on the menu today ;)
But it's your dinner I want really. I freaking live a cheesy omelette. Enjoy!
Is it tonight you're off out for drinks? If so, have one for me! Xx
See you have a couple of my fav little bunnies on the menu today ;)
But it's your dinner I want really. I freaking live a cheesy omelette. Enjoy!
Is it tonight you're off out for drinks? If so, have one for me! Xx

Yep, going to settle down with them and my hi fi and my new mag and do some planning :)

I was fancying a drink but really wanted a 100% on plan day, think I will have a few tmrw so will have one for you then.

Omelette was lovely, I also add dry oregano and it is delish!!! Xx
Ok, where to start. College 9-3 yesterday (really good session) missed calls from my sister phoned back and unfortunately she has an eptopic pregnancy :( very sad but we knew something wasn't right with the pregnancy and luckily they have caught it when they did (only because she pushed for another scan!) so she was having to have her tube taken out and I needed to look after my 3 year old niece.

So looked after Milly, didn't make the best choices food wise (ate too much chocolate) and had pizza and chips for tea.. Didn't end up going for drinks with Boyf as went to see my sister when her partner got back (she is fine) so no hangover today which means I'm able to stay on plan.

Today: forgot my nans birthday in all the commotion yesterday, feel really guilty and going to go get her a gift now and then pop and see her . after that we are doing a test drive as we have an appointment at the fertility hospital on Wednesday (scared!) and it's somewhere out of Cambridge that neither of us have been to before so want to check out the route! (Cautious aren't we)
Then going to see my sis and make sure she's ok then I'm having my hair cut at 5.30! Phew!

Will catch up on diaries tonight while I'm having my hair coloured.
Food plan!

(B) muller greek lemon (0.5)

(L) cheese and Tom quiche (hea)
Bit of cake (10)

(D) LM sausages, roast pots, veg, gravy (2)
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Wow, what an eventful couple of days! How awful for your sister, I hope she's doing ok. What a horrible thing to happen. :(

Am excited for your for Wednesday, do you know what they're going to be doing at the appt?

Hope the rest of your day goes well xxx
Hope your sister is feeling better today honey, how sad for you all :( rest and your support will help xx

Have a good day - although you seem super bus - and enjoy getting your hair done, bit of pampering never hurt anyone xx
Hope your sister is feeling better today honey, how sad for you all :( rest and your support will help xx

Have a good day - although you seem super bus - and enjoy getting your hair done, bit of pampering never hurt anyone xx

Thank you, been to see her at home and she's ok, little sad but mainly relieved its over.

I'm relaxing now with foil in my hair! :) xx
Wow, what an eventful couple of days! How awful for your sister, I hope she's doing ok. What a horrible thing to happen. :(

Am excited for your for Wednesday, do you know what they're going to be doing at the appt?

Hope the rest of your day goes well xxx

I know, really sad :( she's ok though, she's strong my sister and she will be ok x

It is exciting isn't it, to be honest only just allowing myself to get excited now. We are attending a seminar on Wednesday which you have to attend before your first appointment (19th march) where they explain about Bourne hall (clinic) and what they do. Will let you know more after I've been. In my letter it does say to expect treatment as soon as possible! xx
I know, really sad :( she's ok though, she's strong my sister and she will be ok x

It is exciting isn't it, to be honest only just allowing myself to get excited now. We are attending a seminar on Wednesday which you have to attend before your first appointment (19th march) where they explain about Bourne hall (clinic) and what they do. Will let you know more after I've been. In my letter it does say to expect treatment as soon as possible! xx

Hope the seminar goes well!