Nettee's no excuses Autumn

An on plan day with just 10 syns and a shred :)

I am feeling much more positive for this week. Scales firmly away again....
Thanks, It does actually yes. Firstly as something good I can do even if sw is not going so well and secondly it makes me feel good afterwards - probably due to endorphins or something.
A honk for today :)

Also discovered celeriac and potato mash - good because it is half superfree and had a good texture without any milk or butter. And it tasted good too!

Celariac chips next.....
Cut up potatoes and celeriac. Put potatoes in boiling water for 10 minutes. Add celeriac. Give it another 10 minutes or so until mash able. Mash with salt and pepper. Done!
Just tried the chips - a bit like parsnip- not bad but not as good as the mash.

Not a terrible day today but over on my syns due to some home baking (always gets me that one - can't be bad for you if it's home made) and some margarine and mayo in my son's left over dinner. Probably about 15 over or so. no syns at today's birthday party :)

One more shred to do tomorrow.
woo hoo! Shred complete and into my size 10s!
A good day today but not quite sure of the 100% as I had a lamb chop fried in oil.

2 more days till the final weigh in of my long pre Christmas stint. I think I will go for a red day on Tuesday and a spot on ee day tomorrow.
I was nearly spot on yesterday but went to a carol service and had one mini mince pie (to take me about 2 syns over) and then another one that my daughter didn't want to finish - So no honk but not a bad day either.

Off to a good start on my red day with 1/2 hex b for breakfast - having a shopping delivery this morning with lots of free food so should be viable to stick to plan today - Think I will aim for only 10 syns but will have to see how the day goes!
Just 7 syns including some rice with my dinner - red day complete! Not as hard as I feared. I haven't done a red day with just two hexb's as I was allowed extra when I was feeding the baby more. Split the bs into halves through the day and haven't really struggled with it :). Just hope my efforts will pay off tomorrow.
Wow - 3.5 lbs off! Makes my 15 week count down total 15 1/2 lbs which I am thrilled with. 2 1/2 stone award today and just 2.5 lbs from target.

So what have I learned from my no excuses autumn?
15 weeks is a long time to maintain focus
a lot can be achieved at a pound a week
if I stick to plan I can lose weight!
i can't get away with so much any morel
putting away the scales really helps with motivation

lovely - time for a new thread for the christmas holidays....