NEW: Easter Challenge

Hi all,
Im Cat and am an Aussie living in Ireland. Im 36 and know its time to shift some of the excess that has packed on since being happily married the last 2 years!

My reasons for losing the weight...
1) Trying to conceive our first baby!
2) Am a bridesmaid at end of February
3) Know I am not at my healthiest!

And two weight loss tips...
1) Dont deny yourself or you simply end up binge eating and then feeling super guilty - a little is ok!
2) Just get OUT of the house every day! - even if just for a 10 minute walk around the block and back.

Hi Cat

I'm from South Africa but have been living in the UK for 11 years now. I also work in kilos but convert to lb cos 1lb per week sounds so much better that 500g (or whatever it is) :).

Will be posting in kg and lb :).
Think that is everyone :D

Cat - I will try to keep on top of the kg/lb conversion for you :D - I love your tips and your reasons :D Have u got the frock for being a bridesmaid? And yay to trying for a baby :D plenty of practice will burn the lbs! lol

Michbright - ditto with the wardrobe full of skinny clothes :D

Emmaholl - well done u little superstar!! Fabulous start to our challenge... come on TEAM EASTER!!!

Keep sharing guys... Good Luck Tues weighers xxx

Monday WI (13 left)

Emmaholl: 20lbs (2lbs lost, 18lbs to go) [need 1.39lbs a week]

Tuesday WI (14 left)
Rosie_Lee: 17.5lbs (0lbs lost, 17.5lbs to go) [need 1.25lbs a week]
Starkissedx: 19lbs (0lbs, 19lbs to go) [need 1.36lbs a week]
Goose1: 14lbs (0lbs lost, 14lbs to go) [need 1lbs a week]
Minxymoo: 20lbs (1.5lbs lost, 18.5lbs to go) [need 1.33lbs a week]
Swellybelly17: 14lbs (0lbs lost, 14lbs to go) [need 1lbs a week]
xmrsrx: 18lbs (0lbs lost, 18lbs to go) [need 1.29lbs a week]

Wednesday WI (14 left)
Blonde_sue: 26lbs (0lbs lost, 26lbs to go) [need 1.86lbs a week]
Dublinrose: 21lbs (0lbs lost, 21lbs to go) [need 1.5lbs a week]

Thursday WI (14 left)
Gemelli: 14lbs (0lbs lost, 14lbs to go) [need 1lbs a week]
Anj_i_am: 12lbs (0lbs lost, 12lbs to go) [need 0.86lbs a week]
Baby-belle: 10lbs (0lbs lost, 10lbs to go) [need 0.72lbs a week]
LouQ: 28lbs (0lbs lost, 28lbs to go) [need 2lbs a week]
Michellethegooner: 18.5lbs (0lbs lost, 18.5lbs to go) [need 1.33lbs a week]
EllieT: 21lbs (0lbs lost, 21lbs to go) [need 1.5lbs a week]
Batman: 30.87lbs [14kg] (0lbs [0kgs] lost, 30.87lbs [14kgs] to go) [need 2.21lbs [1kg] a week]

Friday WI (14 left)
CarlyLanky140: 28lbs (0lbs lost, 28lbs to go) [need 2lbs a week]
Siandys1: 10lbs (0lbs lost, 10lbs to go) [need 0.72lbs a week]
Nicola87: 30lbs (0lbs lost, 30lbs to go) [need 2.15lbs a week]
Galaxy-girl: 28lbs (0lbs lost, 28lbs to go) [need 2lbs a week]
FatNoMore: 14lbs (0lbs lost, 14lbs to go) [need 1lbs a week]
Susie25: 14lbs (0lbs lost, 14lbs to go) [need 1lbs a week]
Whoopsadolly: 21lbs (0lbs lost, 21lbs to go) [need 1.5lbs a week]
Kernow Jo: 19lbs (0lbs, 19lbs to go) [need 1.36lbs a week]
Lydia150970: 20lbs (0lbs lost, 20lbs to go) [need 1.43lbs a week]

Saturday WI (14 left)
*Sparkles*: 14lbs (0lbs lost, 14lbs to go) [need 1lbs a week]
Lizbag: 13lbs (0lbs, 13lbs to go) [need 0.93lbs a week]

Sunday WI (14 left)
MrFirth: 21lbs (0lbs lost, 21lbs to go) [need 1.5lbs a week]
Michbright: 14lbs (0lbs lost, 14lbs to go) [need 1lbs a week]
Hi ..

As some of you know.... I am Carly, aged 26 from Carlisle in Cumbria... currently a criminal solicitor but hoping to train to be a primary school teacher this year... I am bridesmaid for my best friend on 4th August and want to look fabulous :D I have lost 2 stone 7 so far and hope to lose around 5 stone more by the wedding....

My reasons for losing the weight...
1) To look fabulous as a Bridesmaid (next to my size 8 friend and her size 8 cousin! lol)
2) To be happy (and healthy) in my own skin
3) To be able to buy anything I want! (I love shopping/ fashion but just buy bags/ shoes/ jewellery at moment as you can't get too fat for them lol!)

And two weight loss tips...
1) Enjoy meals/nights out within ur weeklies so you don't miss out
2) Track everything and be honest with yourself (and us!)

Hello Everyone :)

I'm just plodding along doing my own thing :)

20lbs by Easter Please on Monday Weigh Ins!

Yeast Elimination Diet Here I Come :(

Hi all,I'm new to the site and love the idea of the challenge to help keep me on track!!I've previously lost 2stone on WW (although have put about half a stone back on :/ ) and really need to get back on track as I'm getting married in August :) Would someone be able to add me to the list for Thursday WI and goal of 20 pounds please? (still working out how to use site and my new phone lol) Thanks!!Mel xox
Will add u both when I'm home! Welcome bk Ruth! Welcome Mel x
CarlyLanky140 said:
Hi ..

As some of you know.... I am Carly, aged 26 from Carlisle in Cumbria... currently a criminal solicitor but hoping to train to be a primary school teacher this year... I am bridesmaid for my best friend on 4th August and want to look fabulous :D I have lost 2 stone 7 so far and hope to lose around 5 stone more by the wedding....

My reasons for losing the weight...
1) To look fabulous as a Bridesmaid (next to my size 8 friend and her size 8 cousin! lol)
2) To be happy (and healthy) in my own skin
3) To be able to buy anything I want! (I love shopping/ fashion but just buy bags/ shoes/ jewellery at moment as you can't get too fat for them lol!)

And two weight loss tips...
1) Enjoy meals/nights out within ur weeklies so you don't miss out
2) Track everything and be honest with yourself (and us!)


Sorry Carly but I have to use your exact reasons for losing weight! I'm going to be a bridesmaid on the 21st July and want to feel good for a change. Also fed up of going shopping and not fitting into anything!

Looks like there are a lot of us bridesmaids to be on here! Yes Carly I have the dress, my sister gave it to me when in Oz last, but its a size too big so I need to get it altered anyway, but am putting that off till Ive dropped a little bit of weight! The wedding is in Oz too so will need to try to get rid of the old bingo wings so they look good with a tan!
"Tell me ur resolutions/top 3 reasons to lose weight and two top weight loss tips... And introduce urself... Cx "

Hi all

my name is lydia and I am 41 years of age, Ive always been overweight but have on occasions managed to slim down. I work as a PA, I have a cat and dog who are my babies, I enjoy going to the gym, making cards, reading and cross stitch.

My three reasons for wanting to lose weight:

1. I'm sick of being fat
2. I don't want another summer of copious amounts of medicated talc to stop the inside of my legs rubbing themselves sore
3. I want to look hot in skinny jeans!

Thats about it!
Aww think it's a little bridesmaid thread lol ;) keep the reasons coming xx
Monday WI (13 left)
Emmaholl: 20lbs (2lbs lost, 18lbs to go) [need 1.39lbs a week]
Trefoil: 20lbs (0lbs lost, 20lbs to go) [need 1.54lbs a week]

Tuesday WI (14 left)
Rosie_Lee: 17.5lbs (0lbs lost, 17.5lbs to go) [need 1.25lbs a week]
Starkissedx: 19lbs (0lbs, 19lbs to go) [need 1.36lbs a week]
Goose1: 14lbs (0lbs lost, 14lbs to go) [need 1lbs a week]
Minxymoo: 20lbs (1.5lbs lost, 18.5lbs to go) [need 1.33lbs a week]
Swellybelly17: 14lbs (0lbs lost, 14lbs to go) [need 1lbs a week]
xmrsrx: 18lbs (0lbs lost, 18lbs to go) [need 1.29lbs a week]

Wednesday WI (14 left)
Blonde_sue: 26lbs (0lbs lost, 26lbs to go) [need 1.86lbs a week]
Dublinrose: 21lbs (0lbs lost, 21lbs to go) [need 1.5lbs a week]

Thursday WI (14 left)
Gemelli: 14lbs (0lbs lost, 14lbs to go) [need 1lbs a week]
Anj_i_am: 12lbs (0lbs lost, 12lbs to go) [need 0.86lbs a week]
Baby-belle: 10lbs (0lbs lost, 10lbs to go) [need 0.72lbs a week]
LouQ: 28lbs (0lbs lost, 28lbs to go) [need 2lbs a week]
Michellethegooner: 18.5lbs (0lbs lost, 18.5lbs to go) [need 1.33lbs a week]
EllieT: 21lbs (0lbs lost, 21lbs to go) [need 1.5lbs a week]
Batman: 30.87lbs [14kg] (0lbs [0kgs] lost, 30.87lbs [14kgs] to go) [need 2.21lbs [1kg] a week]
Uglybetty1987: 20lbs (0lbs lost, 20lbs to go) [need 1.43lbs a week]

Friday WI (14 left)

CarlyLanky140: 28lbs (0lbs lost, 28lbs to go) [need 2lbs a week]
Siandys1: 10lbs (0lbs lost, 10lbs to go) [need 0.72lbs a week]
Nicola87: 30lbs (0lbs lost, 30lbs to go) [need 2.15lbs a week]
Galaxy-girl: 28lbs (0lbs lost, 28lbs to go) [need 2lbs a week]
FatNoMore: 14lbs (0lbs lost, 14lbs to go) [need 1lbs a week]
Susie25: 14lbs (0lbs lost, 14lbs to go) [need 1lbs a week]
Whoopsadolly: 21lbs (0lbs lost, 21lbs to go) [need 1.5lbs a week]
Kernow Jo: 19lbs (0lbs, 19lbs to go) [need 1.36lbs a week]
Lydia150970: 20lbs (0lbs lost, 20lbs to go) [need 1.43lbs a week]

Saturday WI (14 left)
*Sparkles*: 14lbs (0lbs lost, 14lbs to go) [need 1lbs a week]
Lizbag: 13lbs (0lbs, 13lbs to go) [need 0.93lbs a week]

Sunday WI (14 left)
MrFirth: 21lbs (0lbs lost, 21lbs to go) [need 1.5lbs a week]
Michbright: 14lbs (0lbs lost, 14lbs to go) [need 1lbs a week]
My Name is Ruth and I'm 21 from North Yorkshire :)

My 3 Reasons...
1. To feel and look better in myself
2. First Hol abroad with OH this year
3. To reduce the amount of medication I take.

1. To take better care of myself
2. To stick to my goals
3. To become more assertive in challenging situations.

:) good stuff Ruth! Where are u and oh going on hol? X
I missed this bit earlier...

HI all - I am Emms, I'm 38 - married with no kids. Got a cat called Sparkle who is my baby! I love cooking and baking (not so much at the moment) and making jewellery and making cards, and most recently - dancing! Bought myself Just dance 3 and can't stop dancing!

My 3 Reasons...

1. To be healthier and happier.
2. To be able to buy lingerie from Ann Summers and look super sexy for my gorgeous hubby.
3. To stick the proverbial two fingers up at all those who said I couldn't do it.


1. To track and point everything.
2. To start exercising like I mean it.
3. To go to WW class no matter what.

1. Have a tub of treats - pointed - that you can dip into on an evening. I have ww choc bars and mini maltesers at 2pps or 3pps a pack.
2. Always have zero point soup ready. There is always that time be it in the middle of the day or at midnight when you get home after being out and all you want is something hot and savoury - say no to the chips/kebab and have some zero soup instead!

Emms x

3. To stick the proverbial two fingers up at all those who said I couldn't do it.

I LOVE this bit :) I v much agree with you on this one. Just gives you more determination doesnt it :)
I'm going to Murcia in Spain near the Costa Blanca :)

I forgot my tips!

1. Planning! Tupperware tubs with melon, carrots, pickled onions, beetroot, cold pasta etc
2. If you have a bad night, overdo it etc just draw a line under it and carry on! Don't keep ruining it it's probably not as bad as you think!

Hi all, I'm Gail and I'm 38 years old, married wiv 2 boys. I am a serial yo yo dieter and have lost the same 4 stone more times than I care to remember.

Reasons for losing weight:
1. To give me confidence
2. To be able to njoy myself on a night out and not feel like the fattest one there
3. To feel gud in a bikini on hols

1. Take it one day and one pound at a time.
2. Eat with children's cutlery - takes ages giving u time to recognize ur full

I am losing weight for the LAST time! Xxx
Hello. Im Emma and im 41 and from London. Im married to tony and have 3 boys, zack 15, bayley 8 and cooper 2. I started ww in May and so far have lost 45 1/2 lb. I was 15.8 and my goal is 10.7 so over half way there. I would really like to get my 50lb by end of Jan. I have no issues with self confidence......I've done burlesque and pole dancing in the past! I love amateur dramatics, singing, and generally being a minx.
Reasons for losing
to get better roles. Not just the funny fat girl.
(Was principal boy in panto)
To be able to walk into ANY shop and actually fit into a normal size
For my health, i was on the cusp of gestational diabetes when i had cooper and i don't want to go down that path!!

Track track and triple track. You'll see the patterns of snacking. And what causes it and only you can change it.
Use minimums!! We are here to cheer when you lose, kick your butt when you need it. And help each other every step of the way.
Don't think of it as a race or a competition its more important than that
Good luck everyone x
Awwww yay :D I love reading all about you all! xx