new girl on the block

ha ha,irish eyes :rotflmao: i've been sucking on low cal jellies myself!!
i so know where you're coming from with the writting down of a start weight,regularily.i do it in my diary and then i just scribble it out a few weeks later!!
but the last time i did it it was 20 st,the one before that is 20 st,but the one before that says 21 and it's disguised as part of a phone number,lol!!
well,honesty from here on in.
i think thats gonna be one of the helpful things about making friends on this site that understand that sometimes we can slip,but instead of judgement in times of low confidence,it's encouragement we need!!
love your take on the last five weeks of big bro:)
it is absolutely up to us,10ish lbs up or down.i know which way i'm going!:D
have a good day.xx
hi there irish eyes:)
just to let you know i tried to send you a personal message,but couldnt cos you need a few more posts to be able to get into your own profile,better get posting!!
you need 50.
glad to be your friend:D
Ha ha Yay Miss Bee glad to have you as my new friend too , Still trying to figure out what place Im sopposed to put my threads?ww forum or chat or where as every time I try finding myself to see if I have replies I seem to be in a different place each time? and how do you get the little icons in your answers?Ha Ha at least while my fingers are typing my hands arent dipping into cookie jars... I went out to my freezer a min ago to plan a healthy family tea and squeeled with delight when i came across a crunchie ice cream that must have dropped into the drawer! I ate it behind the freezer door convincing myself that as no one knew it existed ....IT HAD NO POINTS!!!!! I KNOW well I will try harder as tomorrow is my first weigh in and I know that Crunchie will come back to bite my ample ass! Maria x
hi irish eyes:)
i started with everything i wrote being in introductions,so started a new thread in members diaries,called 'christmas crackers' lynda(plonks),stormwind and i are often in there catching up so do pop in and join us:)
ww part of forum is probably a good place to post for you,esp if it's ww related.
other than that tbh,i'm still feeling my way around:confused:
for these great little icons,if when you type a reply you click on 'post reply' instead of 'quick reply' you will find them on the right hand side of your text box,and at the bottom click 'more',and a whole new window will open with some excellent,really funny ones like:17729:thats you eating your zero points crunchie!
and like:asskick: thats what you'll get if you do it too often!!:D