New Guy

i dont have that power yet and have been a mum for 7years, can you tell me when that power kciks in please.

You're probably a late developer with your mummy superpowers:D Don't worry they'll come soon.

It can be a burden sometimes though, especially being the mother to a teenage boy!;)
No its not!!

I cant help it lol
heeeeeeeee heeeeeeeee

now'll really have to start to behave or I'll get Mrs Depp on you.....her cane is very hard and will skelp your little bot bot....

be glad it's not your mother.....she'd be using a cattle prod.....and that would involve insertion...:eek:
heeeeeeeee heeeeeeeee

now'll really have to start to behave or I'll get Mrs Depp on you.....her cane is very hard and will skelp your little bot bot....

be glad it's not your mother.....she'd be using a cattle prod.....and that would involve insertion...:eek:

Cant wait :p lol
well....coming from Primary school teacher parents didn't get to use the cane....but they did have to use the belt.

Dad sold his recently for over £100 quid!! sold it to this guy who lived in Glasgow, but wanted it sent to Ayr.....very suspictious. Wondering if he's a collecter or something else??:confused::confused::confused: more belt in our house.

wish I had a cane....:( I do have a tea towel though...and I'm quite lethal. My brother is 6 years older than me and taught me when I was 10. I am now the tea towel master.:D
im still here lol
Oh coincidence! My brother is 4 years older than me and taught me his tea towel technique too! He also taught me never to trust him 'cos he used to fart in mine and my sisters' faces!:eek: :jelous:

Well, off to bed now, tired out from all this naughty talk!

Marcus, be on time tomorrow and I may think twice about reducing the amount of spankage I have in mind for you - YOUNG MAN!!:eek:

Nite nite everybodypeeps!