new mums & mums to be !!! Who`s baby is due next ???

awww Sonkie.... she's lovely!!!!

Bet it's weird after two boys having a princess!!!!

Love Nas x
OMG Sonkie, she is uttely stunning. Those eyes!!

Congratulations hun, you produced a good 'un there! Go rest (but keep with the pictures xx)


Hannah was born at 5.40 this evening, weighing 7lb 0.5oz!

I dont have any more details yet, I do have a photo and she's gorgeous but waiting for sonya to say I can post it!

HALLELUJAH !!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
OMG how beautiful is she, what a little cracker
well done sonks she is smashing [and mark too obviously]
oooh im all emotional now, just remembering sitting in your front room and us chatting to mark on msn, and now look, a gorgeous lil baba, wow life moves in mysterious ways huh
nat xxx
Hannah is gorgeous. Congratulations to you all :)
Congratulations Sonkie, she is lovely she looks so alert already.:party0011::party0011:
Has Bea had her baby yet?
Congratulations Sonia, she is beautiful.... hope she's settling in well and that you're all enjoying getting to know each other... How are you feeling after the labour?
Hiya.......well we went to the antenatal appoinment at hospital and dr said he would do stretch and sweep, and hopefully within 24hrs labour would start.
Wow did that hurt or what......anyway he said you are 4-5 cms and will be admitted to the ward, so that was that, the contractions started and were 5 mins apart......had to wait for bed on labour ward, then down we went.
Things were going well then her heartbeat kept dipping, was put on fluids drip to increase blood flow to her, and was examined, found Hannah was back to back.....which is why it was taking so long.
So dr came back to take sample from her head, they wanted me on my side, that was sooner was I on my side leg in the air for access than Hannah changed position, my waters were gushing out and my body went into autopilot and pushed her out in 4-5 pushes.....poor midwife didnt have time to put on her gloves. Both drs taking sample were stunned when they went for the sample as her head just came down so quick........not sure if they got what they
Had a slight tear but didnt need stitching.

Oh I forgot the part where they were filling in paperwork for a c-section as they were that worried about her heartbeat.......too many and too long decelerations......thankfully all went well in the end.

A funny moment for me was the midwife was gently tugging on the cord to deliver the placenta, when it just popped.........the cord had snapped and left placenta behind, so had to get on floor and squat......and push it out.

Well there you go my labour..........was more painful than Callums and still did it with gas and air, though dr wanted me to have
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Awww Sonya. She is absolutely beautiful. What my Mum would have called a 'liddle occles' :)
Congratulations to you both, shes gorgeous xx
Aww Sonia, she's beautiful! :D And she was born on my birthday too! Another Gemini! :D

Hope you can get some much needed rest now you're both home, I know, I know, it's not easy with 2 older boys, but I'm sure you could rest if you force yourself! :D:D

Lots of hugs to you all hun. :D
Oh Sonia, she is so beautiful, at long last she is here, congratulations hunny.. enjoy every moment with your princess....

Sonia she is so beautiful - glad to see you're both home --- congratulations xx
congratulations sonya! she's beautifully precious!

great labor story! did u get a chance to drink that cinnamon tea mixture i posted??? 4-5 pushes was brillant!

enjoy ur first few days with a newborn -- and rest as you can!

btw, keep up with the breastfeeding (it takes a lot of patience but baby will do well -- u wont suffocate her lol!