new mums & mums to be !!! Who`s baby is due next ???

Bea - sounds good!

Nina - I'm itching to be able to start but am waiting for the 6 weeks to go post section.. That's only a week away now (can't believe she's 5 weeks old tomorrow already!) so not much longer to wait! Going for walks and stuff but looking forward to doing a bit more!
I "couldnt" express the last time I breast fed....just couldnt get let down with the pump....but will try again this does give you some freedom and nice for dad to feed now and again....
Hi guys, we are still The last few nights Hannah has only been sleeping for up to 3 hrs a night so I have been absolutely shattered. Must say last night was a great night, she went down at 10pm, as did I, then she didnt wake until 5am, so we both got some decent sleep.
Hannah went down to 6lb 8oz on tues, so midwife was round yesterday and she has put on 3oz, so midwife wants her back to birthweight on tuesday, so then we can be discharged.
Our health visitor will be round on tuesday.

We are getting the hang of feeding now, though Hannah still has the occassional session where she gets agitated and wont latch on.......!

Pleased everyone is doing well, wow Sarah you are over half way quick is that !
I must admit to being unsure as to whether I would be able to breast feed as I have huge breasts and what I thought were small nipples !!!!
Anyway I was determined to try b/f and am so pleased I stuck with it as I know now that my body is capable of it. If you really want to b/f do stick with it, the first few days are definately the hardest and as we are both still learning we are finding positions and holds that work for us.

I must admit to sending Mark to asda in the middle of the night in the first few days for some ready made cartons of milk, and even went as far as sterilizing a couple of bottles and giving her one, though she only had an ounce.

Anyway since that night there has been no looking back.
No matter how useless you feel there is nothing better than the feeling of knowing you are providing the best for your baby.
No matter how useless you feel there is nothing better than the feeling of knowing you are providing the best for your baby.

sonya -- i definately feel what you have felt! i think its just our natural inclination of feeling quilty and unsure about our capabilities....

i never thought i would cry becuz my baby wouldnt latch on those first few days...i kept saying 'whats wrong with boobs arent working' --> this attitude got me in a frumpy mood...

but then...the clouds parted...and the sun came out, on the best day that she latched on and there has been no looking back -->


<<SARAH>> you wanted to know how i got on with the cloth nappies...well 6 weeks into the 'challenge', i can honestly say, its not difficult at all -- just make sure you have plenty of stock and try to make a schedule of when you will wash them (ie I was them when i am down to my last 4 - so i know those should last me till all the rest are washed and dried)
Hello All

glad everyone seems to be doing ok. I can't believe some of these babies are 5 >6 + weeks old already.... Just where has the time gone !

I've had a hectic last few weeks really. But that's NORMAL for me - without hectic I wouldn't be me ! We're moving premises with work tomorrow. Not going far - only across the road into bigger premises. The stores are already moved which is the big big - but the show room and office has to be moved tomorrow. THere will be hefty disruption tomorrow as BT are coming in to change over the line, my brother is down to re do all the computer systems, the electrician is coming in too and has to finish wiring before any of them can crack on. The office still isnt finsihed being built, so we'll be doing that at the same time.

Showroom can't move yet as the floors aren't painted and the windows aren't in.... so any calling customers will need to read a sign on the door telling them to come across the road to get someone to let them in should they need assistance.

See a trend yet ? I don't think we're quite finished... :rollseyes:

On the plus side, my new employee no 2 seems to be settling in ok ... so I think there is a thumbs up there. No 1 lasted not quite 2 days before I fired him.... no 2 has almost done 2 weeks so it's looking more promising thankfully.

I ended up working alomst all day yesterday too, so had a bit of a lie in this morning. I then spent a few hours down the field strimming long grass and weeds and weeding my vegie patch etc. I did keep swapping between tasks as I do find the petrol strimmer hard going atm.

More than half way starts to get scarey - though I'm not actually expanding much atm which I'm rather pleased about !

I have bought a pile of bamboo reusable nappies and some microfleece ones from I've also bought some swaddlebees all in ones. I should have plenty... about a three day supply. I as intending one lot in the wash, one lot in the tumble dryer and a day's supply for use.

I'm intending breastfeeding if possible. Am currently a FF and dread to imagine what size I'm going to end up !
Hi guys.....had a bad evening last night, poor Hannah screamed for 2 hrs......little legs going mad so poor mite had colic.....sent Mark to chemist for infacol.
Well she had me in tears too, you feel so damned helpless and wish you could take the pain away.
I did realise it happened after she had trouble latching on therefore getting stressed and was gulping in air as she tried latching on. This is frustrating too as she had a mouthful of breast but just wouldnt calm enough to realise it. Thankfully this doesnt happen too much.

Thanx Helen for your advice.....xx
Oh well done Sonkie....the first week is the worst for b/fing. I must admit to having bottles,readymade formula etc ready in the cupboard...but havent given it yet....the health nurse commenting on his weight really shook my confidence (still feeling a bit emotionally**dy hormones).....and was so tempted to give formula to get his weight up for next weight in tomorrow am......

Wish me luck....hope he has gained - he should as he's feeding every 3/4 hours.....
Bea - he's about to go through his growth spurt at 2 weeks and will want to feed all day (literally!) but keep going, it's his way of upping the milk to the amount he needs.. By topping up his tummy will be full so he wont ever need to ask your boobs to make more milk! Keep going!! :D

Just to let you know the feeding all day thing has he was latched on most of the day.....he's snoozed out now...hopefully I get a few hours tonight! Weigh in tomorrow....feeling nervous as I dont want pressure to use formula....will post when I get back.
Just back from clinic he gained 6.5ozs!!!!! So relieved.....
What a result!
Hannah is 1 oz away from her birth weight so when midwife comes on friday she should be fine.
We had our busy day yesterday, she seemed to be latched on all blooming day. She is also not sleeping too well, so I am absolutely shattered.
Wow great news Bea.......these people dont realise that what they say to new mums is taken to heart.
Fabulous Bea, that's a super gain! Now you know you can take comfort that your boobs are doing exactly what they need to and keep going! The growth spurt only lasts 2-4 days and then his feeds will settle down again! I know its hard but find that confidence to believe in yourself and the feeding, at least if you appreciate and understand why he's feeding all day (and that it's NORMAL!) then you're more likely to carry on with the feeding!

My friends baby was like jocelyn - feeding all day until 8-10 weeks, now she's much more settled!
sonkie - how's hannah now? hope the infacol helped.. We got some today because jocelyn has got worse over the last couple of days and was really really crying last night - you could hear air gurgling round her gut poor love.. Her latch is fine so Im just keeping a food diary to see whether its diet related and the warmer baths definitely help her..
Hannah is 1 oz away from her birth weight so when midwife comes on friday she should be fine.
We had our busy day yesterday, she seemed to be latched on all blooming day. She is also not sleeping too well, so I am absolutely shattered.

Well done Hannah! I am having days of total b/fing too..they are tough Sonkie!
Fabulous Bea, that's a super gain! Now you know you can take comfort that your boobs are doing exactly what they need to and keep going! The growth spurt only lasts 2-4 days and then his feeds will settle down again! I know its hard but find that confidence to believe in yourself and the feeding, at least if you appreciate and understand why he's feeding all day (and that it's NORMAL!) then you're more likely to carry on with the feeding!

My friends baby was like jocelyn - feeding all day until 8-10 weeks, now she's much more settled!

Tks for the encouragement!
Hiya, not getting much time for myself at the moment, poor Mark hands Hannah back when she starts crying, would be nice to grab a bath !!!!!
Managed to quickly wash my hair last night before she started yelling for food. This breastfeeding lark is hard work........but is worth it knowing your baby is getting the best. Hannah still has the odd moment, mainly in the evening when you are exhausted when the colic seems worse.

Thankfully she enjoys her

Hope everyone else is ok.....!
I breastfed both of mine. I always found, especially with Katie, that she seemed to cry none stop at night until she fell asleep - generally from about 18:00 to 21:00. I discussed this with the health vistor/midwife who said it was because the beast milk is not as filling at this time as it has been watered down throught the day. Katie did settle down and I breastfed her until she was twelve weeks old.

Good luck everyone.