new mums & mums to be !!! Who`s baby is due next ???

Hi Bea

Actually I have been great this pregnancy - so far!!

My first I had horrendous morning sickness morning noon and night! and I actually lost 2 stones during my pregnancy.

Second was better but I had awful SPD and I am hoping it dosen't come back this time. Yesterday I tripped and hurt my back and I am hoping its not a trigger for the SPD to start. When I see the midwife next week I am going to ask for an immediate referral to Obstetric Physiotherapy.

No sickness yet <<crosses fingers>> touch of nausea at times but its bearable and I am staving it off with sugar free mints.

I am eating loads! :eek: I don't feel hungry though. I am into fruit this time, the other day I ate 5 peaches through the day,:eek: how I didn't end up spending the night on the loo I don't know!!!

Heres hoping for a good remaining (about) 7 months!! I figure I am almost 8 weeks now, due around 20th March, but Midwife will hopefully confirm it for me.

Anyhoo I have waffled enough!! :D

Good to hear you are having a good pregnnacy....this thread was a great when I was pregnant having the gals to chat with and come notes!

Looking forward to hear our the next few months go for you!
Well after being given these new drops Hannah had a pretty good evening, even fed solidly for an hour at 10.30pm, slept until 6.30 this morning.

Wow thats a great - really hope that continues. Almost a full night's sleep....well done Hannah - now keep that up for Mum!
Though she has not long had a screaming session so massaged her tummy in a clockwise direction which eventually shifted a lot of wind... I am feeling pretty rough as Mark is still not helping.....I told him this morning that im not happy, that i dont get 5 mins to myself and that i feel im gonna crack up soon if he dont change.

Sorry to hear that you are feeling rough....I had same "issue" with my hubby when we had our first.....I dont think he realised (despite how ragged I looked) how hard it was......I went back to work after 6 months and I dont think he had changed more than 2 nappies - boy oh boy!! did he get a shock the first full day he minded him:rolleyes::rolleyes:.
So we will see...

Hugs hun!
Well just back from our 6 week check....he's now 11lbs 5ozs so the the doctor is really pleased with his weight gain...
wow that is a great weight......Hannah should be 9lbs sure she has gained her half an ounce.
Imust admit to being surprised by how dainty she is.....and shedoesnt look like a 9lber. Though she is gaining weight appropriately for her birth weight so alls well.

After our good day, Hannah started crying from morning to night, so after 2 full days on the new drops I decided to stop them to see if things improve, so far she is not as bad so I think those drops were too strong for her.
Oh dear....poor step forward one back...hope she has a better day tomorrow....
Oh dear....poor step forward one back...hope she has a better day tomorrow....

She is much better since going back to the lactase in the other drops must not agree with her, it break down the lactose in the milk.
Dont get me wrong she still has her bad moments but they are not all day now.
Rang gp surgery as still not heard bout 6 wk check apparently letters are being sent out.......oooo just had a thought its coming up for everyone having there baby done, my boys were done and so will Hannah be.
Hiya guys! Hubby and I have just been away for a week to a hol;iday cottage in cornwall near his parents, it's been heaven just to be away and be able to spend a whole week together without him working! He's, bless him though, gone back down to cornwall tonight to work a nightshift.. It rained loads until yesterday but we managed to get out and do stuff, we've got some lovely photos and a great video of her smiling - real proper gummy smiles! Was also a useful dry-run for going to cyprus, we completely overpacked!! We didn't use half the clothes we took for her! :D So we wont take as many next time! There is a washing machine in the villa so it wont matter if we need to wash clothes while we're there.. She ended up sleeping in with us as the bed was two 3foot beds pushed together so there was loads of room, the first night she woke every hour for a 5-15min feed but by last night she was back to sleeping from 9ish until 4.30 and then slept again until 8ish! I am sooooooooo looking forwartd to the magic 12 week mark a week tomorrow when, hopefully, the colic magically disappears!! I walked round and round and round the lake I dont know how many times in the grounds of where we were staying! Walking really does seem to settle her, I guess it's the rythmical swaying of the sling as I walk maybe? Sonkie - thats interesting about the colief, I was going to get some this week if it didn't settle as some friends we met yesterday used it with her 3.. It's not cheap though is it?! (Not that you care, I'd pay regardlesss if it helps her!) We're also going to look at cranial osteopathy next week if it's not settled too..

You were asking about IMS too, yes - we're getting Jocelyn vaccinated against everything, including MMR.. My own personal take on it is the trial that linked the MMR to autism was DREADFULLY flawed - in fact from what I understand from my HV, it was only carried out on 12 children.. There is no way that 12 children is an adequate sample size and, if such sweeping recommendations are going to be made, then the sample size should have been 1200, even 12000, not just 12... There are now 3 million young children in this country who are not vaccinated which means that herd immunity is now not possible (ie if one child contracts measles, the chance of him or her meeting another child who isn't vaccinated is so small the disease doesn't spread) and for some children (ie those having chemo) vaccination just isn't an option and they rely on other children maintaining that herd immunity.. Measles can do huge amounts of damage to a child, we would vaccinate without question..

Bea - how are you going with the expressing? I stopped after a couple of weeks but found that it really did increase my milk supply.. I found, like you, I would be expressing all day to get the needed 260mls and in the end found it a huge source of pressure that I really didn't need to add to myself! I stopped expressing a couple of days before we went away and it's been such a relief to go back to sole breastfeeding!!

Nina - I'm planning on the 6 month mark for weaning and then going with babyled weaning, offering finger foods as well as mush! The thoughts on leaving it the full 6 months are they're realising now that you produce an enzyme in your breast milk at 6 months - this facilitates the absorbtoin (sp? tried combination of letters including a "p" and they all looked wrong!) of food.. At this time also, the cells in the gut (which have, until now been quite wide apart thus giving a leaky gut so that the milk can be absorbed quickly) close up also.. Theyre starting to link early food with food allergies/intolerances later in childhood as theyve been eaten while the gut was still "leaky".. So, for us, we will try and get to the 6 month mark.. I know there is a huge growth spurt around the 4 to 4.5 month mark where babies wake really frequently in the night again, I can see why a lot of mums wean at this stage as the babies are genuinely hungry - but if you keep feeding you will up your milk in the same way you've done for every growth spurt until then!

Sarah - wooo - you're 3rd trimerster now! On the home run! How is everything coming together? Are you starting to get your nursery/bags/etc together now? It's such an exciting time!

Spooky - congratulations! Hope you have a lovely pregnancy! I also hope the spd passes you by, I had it (was bedbound on morphine, had a hideous time with it) so understand how awful it is.. I probably know no more about it than you but if you want to moan (if it comes back) I am more than happy to listen and if I can suggest any new tips you may or may not have heard then I'll try! I would be interested to know how you go this time though!
Helen I brought another bottle of colief so if you want to give it a go its unopened still wrapped in plastic let me me ur address and can send it tomo
Sonkie - we could always meet for a coffee?!
Sonkie - we could always meet for a coffee?!

If you have use of a car you are welcome to come round........or if you want to meet up elsewhere a sunday or monday are best for me as will have use of the Mark is off work.

Hannah is much more settled.....I now give her infacol about 15-20 minutes before a feed, she still has bouts of pain which tend to come in waves but they are not lasting as long. Must admit to being a bit worried as this is the 3rd day with no dirty nappy, I usually get quite a few in a day, but since starting her on the colief (for 1 day lol) not a single poop......Iknow breastfed babies can go a few days but with her having regular infacol I was expecting regular movements...which the hv said would be normal.
Sunflower - 28 weeks tomorrow - 12 weeks to go.... eeek ! Time is certainley moving along. I've got a midwife appointment on Monday.

I feel a bit of a fraud really :embarrassed: I wasn't exactly skinny to start with (far from it) - but even around the middle I'm still less than I was back in January, and 6 inches less across the hips - and part of that is whilst measuring low end of bump too.

I'm sort of almost starting to show - but apart from undressed, no one would really have a clue. I am geting tired again a bit quicker. By the end of my working day which is rarely less than 12 hours - I'm trashed. I am taking it a bit easier now and realising my stamina isnt what it was. I ache round the middle by bed time most days

My little cub is certainley doing plenty of wriggling around. We were out last weekend with my mum at a stately hall and there was a re-enactment group there doing their stuff. The muskets going off were a loud enough bang- but I was practically behind the cannon when they let that off. Practically jumped out my skin an baby certainley woke up with the noise. Complete hysterical laughter followed !!
Oooh sarah, bump pic then please! Take lots now, I only took them every 4-5 weeks and thought that would be enough, I wish I'd taken more now! Also I only took one "naked" bump pic (as in top pulled up, not me being naked!!) at 28 weeks, I wish I'd taken another at term too! Mind you, I'm not sure I'd have relished looking at the even more stretched stretch marks by that stage!! :D
Weighed myself this morning - I am a pound lighter than when I went on holiday! So that's 12lbs now! I'm really pleased with that, we still had a couple of ice-creams while we were down there and I had fish and chips one day too but we were really sensible the rest of the week!

Couple of pics for you!



Sorry, the pics always seem to come out huge and I dont seem to be able to resize them on here....

Bea - haven't seen any pics for a while, are you able to post some more? I bet he's changed loads! :)
Thank you! :)
Thank you! :)
Had my first trip to the gym!

:eek:Well...I went back to the gym....did 40 minutes cardio and light weights....phew :eek:it was such a struggle to put my gym stuff on and leave the house. Glad I did and feel great.....of course I missed junior sooo much and he was a well behaved little boy for his dad.:rolleyes:....trying to go every second day now.....

Good to hear from you Sunflower - sounds like you have a lovely holiday. I really admire you going abroad with baby....we are planning a short trip down the country to a nice hotel at the end of August....just for 3 or 4 days before school starts.
Hope everyone is well

Blimey - Jocelyn is growing some ! I can't believe how big they get how quick...

No bump pics - sorry. I'm even more paranoid now I'm getting bigger (though I know with good reason). Fat and pregnant - nah - photos need banned :embarrassed:

I had midwife 28 week appointment today. Had to ask for them to double check my GTT results which they didn't have. Turns out they've come back a bit high and I've to be referred to the hospital. However, the results were just sat there .... no one told me and they haven't been passed to the hospital yet either.

I've been told to call Medicom on Friday if I haven't heard anything by then. Seemingly my results aren't really high - but they are above average and I'll need monitoring. I've not been weeing or drinking excessively and not suffering much with tiredness - other than when I push things that bit too far.

My little cub is measuring 27 weeks seemingly - so a week behind which I'm told is pretty much spot on.

Well done on the weight loss Sunflower, and Bea on getting back to the gym ! Takes a fair amount of will power. I'm still looking forward to getting back on track diet wise... I SO want to finally do it this time - but realise I do need to wait