new start, we have let things slip

think ive been good today. not made it back to the gym but know i will do. hope youre all well x
Dont get me wrong I do like the odd mini egg! or 5!!

FSO, dont worry about the gym, go for a walk if the weather permits tomorrow?

I've just been for one now 30mins. Going to try for a jog or the gym tonight. Love being on holidays as now I can aim for once if not twice in the day. Also the weather is not restricting at the moment over here.

Any plans for Sunday?
well have walk to and from work every day this week, even in the rain so 13.8 miles so far.
That's great then, except for the rain part...........

i enjoyed the rain bit as there was not many people about to get in my way, i hate slow walkers.
went to the gym :)
well done on getting back to the gym fso. well have walked 23 miles and what do i lose 1 lousy pound. am doing the same next week so i hope the scales are kinder to me next week
well done fb!!! 11stone 7lbs. I think the gyms open today too (Easter Sunday). Actually think I might go. I have had a sneak peek (as always) and ive either put on a pound or stayed the same. Not fair! Official weigh in tomorrow so let's see. I know I've not been too good with food all week, just on and off. Hoping to get more focused now. I seem to want something sweet in the evening so have bought some desserts that u whip up as that way i can have something sweet but I really need to control portion sizes.
good luck for today JuBean and hope you're doing well Bren x
thanks fso. i bought the biggest loser for the wii yesturday so have been doing that this morning.
ooh that sounds good. what does it involve. Ive seen the programme on the tv - hows it work on the wii?
I went to the gym again today :)
you become one of the contestants, the trainers do exercise programmes with your upper body, lower body, core etc plus there are challenges against the other contestants like cycling which you have to do running on the spot to make the bike move on sceen, you keep going round after round until you are elimated.hard work.
sounds good. keep it up x
girls no weigh ins to report?
its bad! its really bad!!! +2lbs so now 12stone 3lbs!!
omg, that is bad, when are you going to London?
Hi girls,

I am too scared about jumping on the scales. Hate to reveal it but after all my hard work over the past 3 weeks.... I have overeaten in the past 2/3 days and have drunk wine nearly every one of those days too!

So today going to not drink wine, cut out the crap sugar (chocolate, i succumbed) and keep up the gym, which is the only part I have kept up. Oh and must up the water again, pronto.

Just about to head out for a walk and hopefully the gym this evening with hubby. Okay water here we go.

As for the scales, what should I do? Maybe wait until Sat morning and then thinking that 3 days should be enough to get back into things and reverse some of the damage.

bren if you do not think the scales will be kind to you, then i would leave it until saturday, other wise a bad result may put you in a tail spin.
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Yep i agree!

I have had a great day food and exercise wise. Jogged/walked this morning and then 45 mins in the gym this afternoon. I have eaten my 20pts on WW and also done only 1005 cals. Feeling very positive and working towards a Sat morning WI. Although my best friends party on Friday night and will be having a couple of drinks??? Perhaps a lot of working out prior with compensate for 2/3 wines?.....

fb, i go next Tuesday and know it will be 3 days of pure indulgence. I stepped on the scales this morning and appear to be back to 12 st 1 but still not great. I think i am going to not weigh in now till I return from london. I have stopped buying food other than fruit as onc Ive finished the contents of the cupboards I am moving onto shakes and a very very small meal. I have been going to the gym but stupidly decided to run on the treadmill which has affected my back badly so back on the codeine. I could manage the running but the pain after is not worth it. Silly me. I must stick to the 30 mins of different cardio machines which should not involve running on the treadmill!! silly me - shows how just in a few weeks u can see the health improvement fitness wise but running is something my body shud not be put through. will get back on track after london now. I am not stressing at the minute.
bren thats a good idea a good workout on friday pre party may just do your weight in an saturday some good.

fso, you know i am with you no matter what you decide you want to can only do this if your head and heart are in to it and you are not at the know what you need to do and will put things in to motion when you are ready to.