new start, we have let things slip

Hey FT dats really good .. Wel done to u!! Ur diary has been good to read n very motivating ?

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i would love a week in the sun as we did not go away this year.
thanks for the motivation all re dealing with health issues first. I went to see the doc this week and see the consultant next week. I look 6 months pregnant cos my tummy is so bloated most of the day but hopefully this will settle.
Ok a size 8 FB!!!! I dont know if youre allowed on this thread ;-P well done its really good news. Shini I struggled to understand how much youre actually hoping to lose as from reading your post you want to go down to 9.8lbs which I think is a typo. You clearly do write in text speak and realised you are using minimins from your phone- this will take some adjusting to but welcome and all the best on your journey. post some of your stats on your profile - what is your goal weight? I am pleased you find our posts motivating and hope we can just keep motivating each other to continue. Hope everyones well xoxo
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Sending you get well vibes FSO, do certain foods make the bloating worse ??? I am chomping at the bit to get back into walking, but it's the catch22 situation....start now and then stop again in a week or two, due to my lined up treatments. No walking for a couple of weeks and then another restart.....I'd rather restrict the cals more and wait until it is ALL over and done with.....

Going shopping this morning, for just a few bits and bobs, as I really can't reward myself with anything nice yet( clothes wise ) until I lose the regain.....

Have a good weekend everybody, I'm weighing in on Monday, so I have got to be good over the weekend!!!

Diva x
Hi Diva. it is a difficult situation but i feel you should try and do a little walking if youre up to it even if your procedure will require complete rest. the calorie counting sounds sensible to keep things under control. Hope everything goes ok. I have been going to the gym even whilst ill but only been managing between 12mins and 17mins!!!! Not great but Im worried that if I dont do even a little bit they my joints and wonky back will decide to flare up. But its better than nothing but im doing it more for overall health rather than weight loss. I hope your procedure goes ok. In relation to foods and tummy expanding - at the moment most foods are making me bloat but some foods are worse than others. Im seeing the consultant at the hospital on tuesday so lets see what he has to say.
FB - hope youre enjoying birthday cake in scotland!!!
There is a 6 week weightloss challenge at my gym for 6 wks that costs a tenner to sign up. I am signing up to it even though I probably wont manage much for another 10 days. It might give me little boost as all i seem to do is see saw - make it to 12stone then go up closer to 12and a half, then manage to lose the half stone , then put it back on. I am considering setting myself a challenge at the start of october when I am hoping my health should be stronger until Chrsitmas. FB, Diva - are you up for it - a Christmas challenge? I am thinking a pound a week as usual but it means we might keep it off. Any exta lost is a bonus. Let me know what youre thinking and hope you all enjoy the rest of the weekend xoxo
had my personal trainer come home to do very gentle core exercise and he stretched things out which really helped. he weighed me too and I was 12st and a quarter!! Not 12st - not 12.5st BUT 12.25!!! Not funny. Only managed a cereal bar and a square of chocolate so far but going to go down and make some food shortly. Hope your weigh ins are going ok xoxo
Hi FSO.... Doesn't Monday come round fast !! Dropped 2 lbs this week, and trying to remember all these little pounds add up to those big bad stones slapped on my belly !! Apart fom a few medical hiccups coming my way soon, I usually have a very social late Oct early Nov.....lots of birthdays, a few trips away, etc, so I may be joining a challenge probably mid Nov if I do.....mind you every week sees me "challenged " anyway !! Haha !! I know it makes sense to join one now, but my results will yoyo like crazy, and as I have just restarted I'm going to just plod along for now.....hehe....

Well done on that 1.75 loss ....those are some exact scales !!!

Diva x
Hiya. Diva I can understand where youre coming from re social occasions and also with your pending procedure the weight loss may be the least of your worries. In relation to the social side - perhaps try and stick to the healthier options if there are any!! easier said than done and wish i could follow my own advice. You are right - each week is a challenge in itself. Stuffed myself this evening - really struggled to keep up the efforts and just ate!! hopefully back on track from tomorrow - again!! FB hope youve had a good weekend x
Hiya. Diva I can understand where youre coming from re social occasions and also with your pending procedure the weight loss may be the least of your worries. In relation to the social side - perhaps try and stick to the healthier options if there are any!! easier said than done and wish i could follow my own advice. You are right - each week is a challenge in itself. Stuffed myself this evening - really struggled to keep up the efforts and just ate!! hopefully back on track from tomorrow - again!! FB hope youve had a good weekend x
Yes, I will just keep on plodding along, but enjoy those social times when they come my way!! We are such foodies, sometimes I wonder if Mr D was like an athletic, Gym Bunny, I would feel more ' guilt' about my diet !!
It's just with a challenge you have to lose each week and I have that pattern of lose, lose, sts, sts, lose,sts......grrrrr !! And that's usually without all the dinners and night outs !! Hehe !!

Felt very proud packing up the extra cupcakes I baked (48 of em !!) and sending them off with Mr D to the office this morning, hehehe, let THEM eat cake !!!!!!

Diva x
WOW!!! Let them eat cake indeed!! well done - thats willpower. I would have kept them all at home! Yes I know where you are coming from with a challenge and with the festive season approaching its going to be hard. I am sat in bed with laptop and box of chocolates!! I have no excuse!! What will be will be...I guess xoxo
ok i have signed up to the 6 week weight loss challenge in the gym. You have to lose an average of 2lbs a week over the 6 weeks for the duration as part of the rules - hope it motivates me to lose at least a pound a week and have to attend gym twice and do 2 classes each week. Seems daunting but ive signed up anyway. Felt a little better today so hope im now on the mend but they wont know until they retest me in 6 weeks. Hopefully back to work on monday too and to be honest Im ready to go back to work. Hope youre all doing ok xoxo
Good luck FSO, keep us updated !! I'm just having my low fat brekkie of crunchy cereal, before I start a cleaning a free morning, so have decided to spend it doing 3 hours of cleaning ( over 3 floors!!) so that'll be my workout for the day !!! Hehe !!! Mr D is away for some of next week so we'll be vegging out this weekend !!!!

Hope everybody has a good weekend, WI is looming it's big fat ugly head again.....erghhhh !!!

Diva x
hey Diva - well done on the low fat brekkie and please can you come and do my floors next? :p
I am going to try and get in to the gym on Monday so they can weigh me as that way I can stick to the Monday weigh ins. I have also found a salsa/ latin dance class on Monday nights and really going to try and push myself to go as should be a laugh if nothing else. Hoping a friend or two will join me but lets see. I will still brave it if they dont come. I am going on a cupcake course tomorrow at some fancy place so no doubt will be a dangerous day calorie wise but will try and limit myself to only eating one of what I make - will try and be good - try being the operative word here. Once the 6 week challenge begins I have to be extra good daily apart from the days where I know i have events planned but even then cant go too crazy. Enjoy your weekend and FB hows everything going? Hope youre well xoxo
yes fso i did have a good weekend too good, so did not go to class on monday and am cutting back to try to get to the weight i was before i went away 10st 6lbs
its good you had a good weekend and guessing this means you put a little on. I am still off from work this week so the dance class didnt happen but the intentions were good. Its girly time so been eating things I shouldnt be eating and know I have put on but has to be expected I guess. I weighed in at the gym yesterday (i only went to get weighed) and I was 12 st exactly but that was yesterday and a lot has happened since yesterdays weigh in. Hope youre all well x
weigh in on monday says i have put on 1 pound but will work hard to get it back off and a little more too.
hello girlies, hope everyone is winning the weight fight, please to post 4lbs off tonight, to say i am a happybunny is an under statement.
well done - 4lbs is fab! I lost 3 this past week at the gym weigh in. It means my weigh in day has changed but I can live with that for a while. Hope youre all keeping well x