New to calorie counting!


Full Member
Hi all

Today I decided to give calorie counting a go. I was going to join slimming world as I have done it before, but having been inspired by the hairy bikers and not feeling inspired by sw this time round, I thought I'd give the common sense approach of eat less and move more.

I want to lose 28lbs and get back to my pre wedding weight, as well as just be generally healthier!
Hi Lauryloo
Im the same as you. Would like to loose 2 stone as well and have decided to give cc a go. I was following sw as well, but just felt restricted and ended up stalling completely!

Maybe we could help motivate each other.. ;-)
Sounds like a plan sleepymum

I'm using my fitness pal to track my calories :) I think portion control is a big thing for me, I weighed out portion sizes for dinner today and ended up with a lot less on my plate, but still had enough to fill me up :)
Im also using my fitness pal. Its great for tracking everything!

Im ok with portion size, my problem is emotional eating and every now and again because of stress have a complete blowout!!!

If I had the money I would do something like lighterlife or have my meals/snacks delivered so the choice/options were gone! Think that would help to break my emotional attachment to food.... Oh very

Any have tomorrow planned, back in work so a lot easier to control.
And hope to get an aqua class in tomorrow evening!
How are you getting on sleepymum?

In really thinking about what I eat now, I lifted a pie out of the freezer to have for lunch tmw and put it back when I saw it was 532 calories!