new to this forum and the dukan diet!, I am not sure if I screwed up my attack phas!


New Member
hello im about 19 years old and have been overweight most of my life, My mom bought me the book and I thought it completely made sense and so started on it as soon as I finished the attack phase chapter.
I have been on attack phase for about 4 days and everything is going on amazingl so im doing the attack phase for 6 days.
anyway today I was making pizza for my niece, a really small pizza, and she started screaming saying it was hot/spicey or something(I thought I mixed up the pizza boxes), it worried me so much because she is 4 years old and cries like theres no tomorrow so I thought she might have burned her tongue . so i took a slice, its about the size of my thumb and tasted it.
I feel horrible ! i feel like i ruined my hard work!:( so after a few hours i felt so horrible i thought of quiting the diet and ate anotherthumb sized slice out of despair (i know! a big nono.)
I dont know if the situation is that horrible or not, and i am not sure if i should continue for 6 days, or maybe add one more attack day.
or just quit the diet for a few days and go back on attack again?!! help!
anyway i tried weighing myself but i just got my period AND my mom bought a new scale (the old one showed i was actually thinner than i was:( ) so i have no idea how much i have lost since being on attack!
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just continue as you were
Ditto above - don't let this one teeny weeny little slip spoil 4 days of great work. Most of us have an all or nothing personality and you sound a bit like that too - it's nice to recognise your tendency to go full blast at things cos it also means that we quit easily too - with that in the back of your mind you can be aware of it and fight it............ I KNOW that one bad day will not undo my work in the long run but giving up for a couple of days will lead to a couple of weeks and so on so on!!!! Well done on a great start, forget the pizza and move on and up (or down with regard to the scales!)...Good luck
Thanks for replying! I think I probably over reacted but dr.dukans words are stuck in my head "it's an all or nothing method" so I just felt like I blew it.
:D well then, wish me luck :p
Just carry on like the girls have said, this is the start of your journey.... keep your chin up x and keep posting x
Agree with the others, just carry on as if it never happened. The exact same thing happened to me on day 3 of attack, my daughter was refusing to taste a pizza bread that I had made, I always tell them I won't give them something they won't like, so to prove my point, without thinking I took a bite! I ate it saying 'now, if it wasn't nice would I be eating it'. Didn't even cop what I had done till after I swallowed and went for my second bite which I obviously didn't take.:eek:

Anyway, I put it behind me and carried on as normal.

Good luck with it:D
