New to VLCDs and forums - but here goes...

Hello and Happy New Year!
I'm taking the plunge and need to lose 3st 6lbs to reach my optimum BMI, so I've ordered my first months supply and will start on Monday. I've got a big party in April with lots of old school friends attending and ill be damned if anyone of them says anything like "oh there's that girl who used to be skinny, look what's happened to her after 2 kids and too much wine"...
My eating and drinking habits are godawful, I'm between a 16 and an 18 although I'd usually never admit it ;) and its time for a change having just hit 40.
Any support out there will be gratefully received, I'm doing this on the quiet. I don't want my friends and family to know I'm dieting at all, as I've always abhorred the idea but my self image is now shot to bits and my confidence is following suit.

Ok my first step is going to be to start cutting down on carbs this week, although my mind is telling me to Hoover up all I can find as of Monday ill be carb free...
Any other helpful tips?
Here goes nothing! Thanks for listening!
PS what are track backs and tags?
Ola. There are lots of new starters and restarted (like me lol). Well done you for making the decision to start and committing by buying a full months supply. I look forward to watching your progress. As I've said on a few threads. I'm in for the long haul so can't wait to start seeing you all succeed and sharing in your achievements to spur me on

Good luck

Hello! Welcome. I get where you're coming from keeping it quiet, my partner and one friend knew what I was doing until I lost about 25lb then people started asking what I was doing so I came clean :) The results are very dramatic very quickly - take a full length pic of yourself now, and do your measurements, you'll be amazed what you lose.
Good Luck! I start on Monday EEEK!
hows it going today ??
Good luck on your weight loss journey!
Thanks all - I got my packs yesterday so I'm starting tomorrow - I'm so excited and a little nervous! However, once I set my mind to something I can be pretty stubborn! I think I'll get the Beck book too - anything to keep me on track.
So I'm going to weigh myself tomorrow morning, and start a weekly loss chart - I like the idea of a written record so I can keep patting myself on the back!
Hello! Welcome. I get where you're coming from keeping it quiet, my partner and one friend knew what I was doing until I lost about 25lb then people started asking what I was doing so I came clean :) The results are very dramatic very quickly - take a full length pic of yourself now, and do your measurements, you'll be amazed what you lose.

Hi Noodles,
I hope people notice when I've lost 25lbs! There's a me lurking inside somewhere!! Ill take that photo in the morning, print it and put it next to my weight loss chart bloody good idea thank you! Xx