New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

I'd quite like piano lessons too so I can improve on that but there aren't enough hours in the day!

You must be losing fat but keep topping up your glycogen stores I would think. Whatever it is, it's working in some way.

It's been nearly a year since I broke my wrist and stopped piano. I think I need to go back to my lessons soon.

@Trish -- What Caz said makes sense.
Like the sound of the sponsored walk Caz !! Great thing to build up to, you'll be pounding those miles soon !! Are you back in the zone with your S and S ? How long does it take for the hunger to go for you ? I know it differs a lot for different people, does it make a difference to what foods you were actually eating before your restart ?

Diva x
Morning all.

WI day, come around fast and the verdict is... 225lb/16st 1lb... 7lbs off this week!! Now I had a 4lb gain last week because of the 3 days off plan but still, very very happy with that. SO close to the 15s now I can almost taste it! Will be there by next Weds, refuse to have anything off plan this week to make sure that I'm there! Considering I had that chinese on Saturday think it's an extra good result, forgot about that! Proves that I can be sensible with choices like that though. Took a photo yesterday as I was feeling a bit less fat. amazing to compare to my start pictures really...


Wow has it really been a year Mel? Gone so quickly! Are you going to restart them?

Hi Diva :) Yeah feel back in the zone with it, yesterday was surrounded by cakes and biscuits and wasn't even slightly bothered. I've done so well and got so much lower than I ever have before so reaching goal is something that actually feels achievable now so I feel like I don't want to do anything to jeopardise that, you know? I didn't really feel too bad this time round, normally have a day or so of hunger but up to about 3 if it's a rough ride into ketosis but no issues this time at all. I think if you have lots of high carb food it makes it harder, got further to crash down into ketosis. I had lots of carbs though and still was fine, doesn't seem to be any set pattern to how I deal with it strangely.

Thanks trisha, it was parents evening so I was at school by 8am and didn't leave until 7.25pm. So it was 8.45pm by the time I got home, got straight into bed, watched one episode of the Big Bang Theory and went to sleep! Still so tired this morning and have woken up with an awful headache... ready to do it all again! :sigh:
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Morning all.

WI day, come around fast and the verdict is... 225lb/16st 1lb... 7lbs off this week!! Now I had a 4lb gain last week because of the 3 days off plan but still, very very happy with that. SO close to the 15s now I can almost taste it! Will be there by next Weds, refuse to have anything off plan this week to make sure that I'm there! Considering I had that chinese on Saturday think it's an extra good result, forgot about that! Proves that I can be sensible with choices like that though. Took a photo yesterday as I was feeling a bit less fat. amazing to compare to my start pictures really...

Wow has it really been a year Mel? Gone so quickly! Are you going to restart them?

Hi Diva :) Yeah feel back in the zone with it, yesterday was surrounded by cakes and biscuits and wasn't even slightly bothered. I've done so well and got so much lower than I ever have before so reaching goal is something that actually feels achievable now so I feel like I don't want to do anything to jeopardise that, you know? I didn't really feel too bad this time round, normally have a day or so of hunger but up to about 3 if it's a rough ride into ketosis but no issues this time at all. I think if you have lots of high carb food it makes it harder, got further to crash down into ketosis. I had lots of carbs though and still was fine, doesn't seem to be any set pattern to how I deal with it strangely.

Thanks trisha, it was parents evening so I was at school by 8am and didn't leave until 7.25pm. So it was 8.45pm by the time I got home, got straight into bed, watched one episode of the Big Bang Theory and went to sleep! Still so tired this morning and have woken up with an awful headache... ready to do it all again! :sigh:

Morning Caz!

Whoop! Soon a new stone zone!

I hope your headaches passes quickly and you're not to tired today.

I broke it April 13th. I need to start playing again on my own and I think I'll restart lessons in the autumn. Just make it a part of my daily routine.
Been having a little look at my stats on MFP...

Oct '11 Now
Weight 279lb 225lb (-54lb)
Waist 116cm 98cm (-18cm/7.2in)
Hips 146cm 118cm (-28cm/11.2in)
Bust 118cm 109cm (-9cm/4in)
Size 24/26 16/18

Though I've dropped quite a lot of weight, I don't seem to have lost so much in measurements really. Surprising considering I feel a lot smaller and have dropped sizes. Ah well, still please with my progress!
Been having a little look at my stats on MFP...

Oct '11 Now
Weight 279lb 225lb (-54lb)
Waist 116cm 98cm (-18cm/7.2in)
Hips 146cm 118cm (-28cm/11.2in)
Bust 118cm 109cm (-9cm/4in)
Size 24/26 16/18

Though I've dropped quite a lot of weight, I don't seem to have lost so much in measurements really. Surprising considering I feel a lot smaller and have dropped sizes. Ah well, still please with my progress!

You have lost a lot of inches -- but keep in mind those 54 pounds were spread over long bones -- so, you lost those inches over a greater distance.

Does make sense? I'm only 5'4" (if I fluff my hair) and I have a short torso, too. So, when I was 6 months pregnant and walked into the hospital, they came running over with a wheelchair: they were certain I was in labor and full-term. Whereas, my 6 foot friend never needed maternity clothes!

So, short people lose more inches pound per pound, because you only measure at certain points. You've lost a layer of underlying fat that covered your 5'9" frame, not to mention the reduction of visceral fat (in between your organs within your long torso).
Yeah that's very true, never thought of it like that actually. Still happy with it, wearing smaller clothes so must be working!
Wow wow wow wow wow!!!! Amazing Caz, you have blown me away. The before and after pic is fabulous. Well done honey. :) xxx
Hi there. I'm new on here and just been catching up on everyone's diaries. Your story is so inspiring! I am so happy I found this site. I'm going to find it a lot easier to stick to the plan with everyone's support. Please keep posting and inspiring :D
Thanks ladies. Only really now start to feel the difference. It's looking back at photos like that that make me realise how far I have actually come, it's easy to forget sometimes.

Hi slim and happy. Nice to see you here :) Are you setting up your own diary?
Fantastic weight loss this week Caz, well done! You have given me a wee nudge in the right direction..I looked at your photos and thought I must get back on track!!..that day is getting closer! ;)

Enjoy your day, my shrinking friend :)
Thanks again ladies. Looking forward to seeing the 15s next week, never seen that number on the scales before!

Parents evening again tonight so got another late night. Was so tired driving home last night it was ridiculous! Got a very early night last night though so should be alright tonight.
Safe driving!