New year new US!

My days been crap thanks for asking though X
I'm out of ketosis and it's hard getting back in..I've got tonsillitis and I'm starving but I'm sticking with it I'm not getting weighed for a few weeks the scales aren't moving at all

Hope you feel better soon spanner. It's horrible on this type of diet when you're ill.
I'm not sure what to do I'm happy carrying on but if I weigh the same on Friday that will mean I have stayed the same for 3 Friday's running almost...I'm def not pregnant can't understand why I've completely stalled it's so confusing...last time I did this the weight dropped off me??!?
I feel like I'm wasting my time and hunger
Hope you are better now. How are things going?
Been off work all week suspected glandular fever tests were negative have acute pharyngitis needless to say I've been off plan...hoping to be back at work Monday and back on the wagon

Get well soon.