newbie facing many challenges

I think the idea is that whatever your size it's the shape that's sexy. I'm too scared to do mine. Yay, Waffle's sexy!! Lol.

Caz x
I think the idea is that whatever your size it's the shape that's sexy. I'm too scared to do mine. Yay, Waffle's sexy!! Lol. Caz x

Haha I really am not :)
Lol, mine's 0.88 :rolleyes:

Caz x
0.89! :8855::8855: I'm easily amused ;)

My waist is a lot smaller than my hips (not quite as bad as it used to be before I started losing weight). Makes trousers a right bugger tbh!
lol! I used to be the same but now it's a case of 'belly's gonna get you!' it got me quite a while back lol.

Caz x
SNAP! Honestly psp you so often write what I am thinking it's getting a bit weird lmao.

I was trying to think how I could explain that I was an hourglass, then a pear and now an apple BUT with pear lower half and upper half, but apple in the middle, but with broad shoulders and back........I give up!

I'm meeeee shaped lol

Caz x
God that is hilarious, I actually looked up at the window :8855:reflex action I think!

I'm actually having a really crappy day but my word this thread has cheered me up today. HUGE cyber hugs!

Caz x
lol! Yeah I'm feeling brighter today thanks. Really nervous though cos I'm staying away from the scales so have no idea how this week is going! I really don't like it, control freak that I am lol.

Also I caved yesterday and had the same junk meal as last week arghhh! I felt crap again after eating it so why do I do it???! It's not actually that big a meal, pie, mash and gravy, but I feel so stuffed afterwards cos I have got used to smaller meals and it's such a stodgy choice. That's what I crave though, stodge. I just can't seem to say no once it pops into my head though. It's so worth it though, I make room lol. I might try just having the pie tbh. It's so annoying when you decide to have a fairly reasonable treat and can't fit it in!

Bet I could still manage an entire packet of biscuits though - redirect thoughts now caz!!! Ugh everything's tempting me right now. I'm sooo hungry. Probably cos I stretched my tummy yesterday come to think of it.

I'm in danger territory cos I'm fantasising about junk food. :eek: Must focus on my wish for this week. I have everything crossed for 1 1/2 lbs loss to take me to 15st9. Focus on the prize, focus on the prize.............

How are you?

Caz x
Haha Caz, I feel your pain!

Step away from the biscuits and pick up the apples! Lol!

Seriously hun, you can resist- I know you can do it! As you said just focus on the prize! Keep yourself busy, thats the best thing I find helps me forget about the food that I really shouldn't be eating.
Thanks hun:wave_cry: ,

....I stopped at 3:banghead: it's a new day tomorrow at least. At least they were gingernuts so only 45 cals each. Better than most biscuits.

I've really struggled this week. I'm sure it's cos I'm trying not to weigh in. I think I need it to stay motivated. I'm going back to daily weighing tomorrow :rolleyes:

Caz x
Hi all,

Looks like it's back to the Dr's. These health problems are getting out of hand. I know no one can actually advise cos it's clearly a medical problem, I just want to have a moan.

Sorry to get a bit tmi again but despite a few days of normality after finishing the orlistat and have been severely constipated again. Only going once a week, bloated and in pain. I've been drinking gallons, taking a fibre supplement - nothing works except laxatives, and they are hit and miss. This is horrible, sorry, but I'm going nuts here. Most of the time there just doesn't seem to be anything to come out! Where is my food going? I feel stuffed right up to my chest but nothing much is happening.

Even worse than that I have the worst case of water retention in my life. At least I hope that's all it is. I feel like I am wrapped in a body sized blood pressure cuff. Squeezed into a tight water suit. The horrible thing is my legs. My socks are leaving a dent on my ankles a good cm deep, I can fit my little finger in the hollow and it's flush with the rest of my leg! Also, if I press my leg of lean against something it leave a deep indentation that takes ages to go away. It feels like the green oasis stuff you stick flowers in, or play dough. It's quite upsetting. It doesn't feel like my flesh anymore, it's very disturbing.

On top of that I've felt like totm is coming ever since I started this diet, it was meant to come nearly two weeks ago but it never showed up even though I'm on the pill. I've had non stop cramps all month. I don't think I'm pregnant. Very unlikely indeed cos we had fertility problems and I'm not even sure we've had sex recently there's been so much going on.

Worst of all, I weighed myself and my weight is rapidly climbing every day. I was 15 101/2 last week, I'm already 15 11 1/2 and am expecting that to be even higher tomorrow for my actual weekly weigh in. I feel huge. I have cheated a bit this week but I don't think it's enough to warrant this gain. A treat meal at the weekend, pie and mash - and I have been so miserable I've eaten maybe 6 biscuits this week. That doesn't add up to a pound or more gain, when I've been otherwise good, I'm sure.

I just feel thoroughly rubbish. I swear I was healthier when I was eating rubbish and binging every night. Obviously my system doesn't like the changes I've made. I am working so hard to stick at it despite the health issues but it makes it all the harder.

I think I will write today off, have a day to wallow in poor me and start a new week tomorrow - hopefully with some dr's advice and some medication. If I can just get the energy I will start exercising then too as I 'm sure that will help. I'm just so achey I can't even contemplate it yet. My hands and wrists are throbbing typing this so I'm going to go for now.

Keep your finger's crossed please, I need to get this sorted.

Caz x
Could it be to do with the meteformin? X
Hi Waffle,

Thanks for the suggestion. I asked and she said it's not that.

I'm really quite scared. I've just seen her and she seemed concerned. I've not had such a thorough work over for a while, I was in there for ages. I have to take in a urine sample and go for a fasting blood test first thing in the morning.

She was checking my legs for at least ten minutes. I've only been up a couple of hours so the swelling is quite mild - or so I thought. She really didn't like the indent where my socks were, especially cos I'd only had them on half an hour. She was making pits in my legs all the way up to my knees. She was at it for ages. Then she checked my heart, my bp and told me she was going to do a full blood workup on me.

She said it could be my heart, she doesn't like how easily I get breathless or how weak I'm feeling. It could be something to do with protein and my kidneys, I was getting lost by this point. It could be diabetes, it could be my thyroid - but apparently you don't get 'pitting odema' 9that's what it is apparently) with thyroid usually. Best case scenario it's just a severe case of water retention but she can't give me water pills in case it's one of the other problems cos it could make me really ill.

She thinks the constipation is likely just cos I'm eating so little and not to be quite so strict at the moment. I'm just to take an otc laxative as I feel the need, especially with my shortened bowel, it's not a problem.

She's not concerned about my periods, she thinks it's the PCOS despite my being on the pill. I have a bad case of it.

I'm not even thinking about calories and exercise now, I feel too rough. I'm just going to stay away from binging but relax my diet a bit. I'm probably being too strict too soon anyway, going from massive binges to low fat low cal overnight. Hubby wants me to take it easy til we get to the bottom of this. Even brushing my hair or teeth is an effort yesterday and today.

I'm sure it's nothing but it's scary when your body suddenly decides not to work anymore.

Hubby said if I was an animal they'd shoot me lol. Tbh he's pretty concerned too.

I'm sure it's just constipation and a nasty case of water retention, I am prone to it.

Sorry to be all doom and gloom and being weak regarding my diet. I'm just too miserable to be good.

Caz x
I suffer massively with water renention and find mixing basic cranberry based tablets you can buy in any chemist plus drinking half cranberry juice and half water over a few hours really gets things moving or even water balance from the chemist they will be able to advise c
Bless you and thanks for the tip! Unfortunately she made it very clear I can't take anything til my tests are done cos it could do more harm than good but I don't see any reason I can't drink cranberry juice, she just said no water pills. I'll give it a go.

Caz x
Sounds lovely, thanks, will pick some up tonight x