Newbie needing direction

Hello I'm Daisy-Chains, I found this message board by accident whilst looking for information on the Weight Watchers plan. I'm not currently with any diet club at the moment, I have been with SW, but to be honest, I din't lose anymore than a stone and half before grinding to a standstill, it's all about portion control with me, I'm a greedy girl given the chance, so I think I may be returning to the WW plan. I did get to goal with them many moons ago. It is the only plan that has seemed to click with me. Any advice would be welcome to help me get started. I have 4 stone to get off, so a combination of diet and exercise needs to be thought out.
General things about me, I'm mum to 2 teenage daughters, person to 2 cats and married to an awesome dude with a long beard!
lol good intro, I'm owned by quiet a few pets. I don't know a lot about WW, people on that part of the forum will know way more than me.
Though diet and exercise though it will happen.
As long as your going the right direction, don't worry too much about the numbers. With doing exercise as well, you might fine you don't feel like your loosing loads of weight, but since lean muscle weighs more per inch than fat you might be loosing side.
My tip would be to make sure you are drinking enough. It is quite interesting how often drinking water will help with hunger, most people don't get there 5 glasses a day. The water also helps get rid of waste products so can aid weight loss :) and its cheep :D :D
I think the diet and exercise has got to be easer than two teen girls? lol I was a nightmare as a teen.